Roan, bred and owned by DANIEL W. BARTLETT, East Windsor, Conn.: calved April, 1862; got by 2d Hiawatha, 1667, Dam Windsor La.s.s, by Powhatan, 829,--

2d dam Red Romp, by Agate 2, 3d--Romp, by Enchanter, (3729) 4th--Rachel, by Washington, (1566) 5th--Pansy, by Blaize, (76) 6th--Primrose, by Charles, (127) 7th-- ---- by Blythe Comet, (85) 8th-- ---- by Prince, (521) 9th-- ----by Patriot, (486).

=Fairy Belle,=

Red and white, bred and owned by E. M. HOLMAN, Gra.s.s Hill, Millbury, Ma.s.s.: calved April 11th, 1862; got by Highflyer, _{*}37, 578, Dam Tube Rose 7th, by Tornado, 1040,--

2d dam Tube Rose 3d, by 3d Duke of Cambridge, (5941) &c., as in Tube Rose 6th.


Red, bred by S. E. BOLDEN, Lancaster, England, imported by R. A.

ALEXANDER, Ky.; property of WILLIAM HURST, Albany, N. Y.: calved June 30th, 1852; got by Grand Duke, (10284) Dam Fay, by Foig-a-Ballagh, (8082),--

2d dam Fame, by Raspberry, (4875) 3d--Farewell, by Young Matchem, (4422) 4th--Flora, by Isaac, (1129) 5th-- ---- by Young Pilot, (497) 6th-- ---- by Pilot, (496) 7th-- ---- by Julius Caesar, (1143).


Roan, bred and owned by WILLIAM HURST, Albany, N. Y.: calved January 24th, 1862; got by imported Neptune, _{*}50, 3192, Dam Florence, by imported Sirius, (13737)--

2d dam imported Finella, by Grand Duke, (10284) 3d--Fay, by Foig-a-Ballagh, (8082) 4th--Fame, by Raspberry, (4875) 5th--Farewell, by Young Matchem, (4422) 6th--Flora, by Isaac, (1129) 7th-- ---- by Young Pilot, (497) 8th-- ----by Pilot, (496) 9th-- ---- by Julius Caesar, (1143).


Red and white, bred and owned by WILLIAM HURST, Albany, N. Y.: calved December 16th, 1858; got by imported Sirius, (13737) Dam imported Finella, by Grand Duke, (10284),--

2d dam Fay, by Foig-a-Ballagh, (8082) 3d--Fame, by Raspberry, (4875) 4th--Farewell, by Young Matchem, (4422) 5th--Flora, by Isaac, (1129) 6th-- ---- by Young Pilot, (497) 7th-- ---- by Pilot, (496) 8th-- ---- by Julius Caesar, (1143).

=Fair Star,=

Red, bred by GEORGE F. HUBBARD, Glastenbury, Conn.; property of SAMUEL W. BARTLETT & SON, East Windsor, Conn.: calved January 17th, 1858; got by King Philip, 1740, Dam Phoebe, (bred by S. W. BARTLETT), by Berlin Hero, 257,--

2d dam Lily, (bred by Norman Porter, Berlin), by Logan, 95, 3d--Lilac 8th, (bred by J. B. Chapman, East Windsor, Conn.,) by Superior, (5360), 4th--Lilac 4th (bred by J. Pasco, East Windsor), by North Star, (4592) 5th--Lilac, (bred by Stephen Williams, Northboro" Ma.s.s.,) by Whisker, (5639) 6th--Lilac, (bred by Mr. Williams), by Frederick, (2038) 7th--Lilac, (bred by Mr. Williams), by Young Denton, (963) 8th--imported Arabella, (bred by Mr. Wetherel), by North Star, (460) 9th--Aurora, (bred by Mr. Wetherel), by Comet, (155).


Red and white, bred by NORMAN PORTER, Berlin, Conn.; property of WILBUR WILSON, Agawam, Ma.s.s.: calved March 15th, 1855; got by Berlin Hero, 257, Dam Letty, by Fabius 2d, 478,--

2d dam Lilac 8th, by Superior, (5360) 3d--Lilac 4th, by North Star, (4592) 4th--Lilac, by Whisker, (5639) 5th--Lilac, by Frederic, (2038) 6th--Lilac, by Young Denton, (963) 7th--imported Arabella, by North Star, (460) 8th--Aurora, by Comet, (155) 9th-- ---- by Henry, (301) 10th-- ---- by Danby, (190).


Red and white, bred by and property of B. H. STEDMAN, Chicopee, Ma.s.s.: calved April, 1860; got by Hampden, 2949, Dam Virgilia, by Prince Royal, 880,--

2d dam Stella 2d, by Rollo, 152, 3d--Stella, by North American, 116, 4th--Stately, by North Star, (4592) 5th--Princess, by Splendid, (5297) 6th--Flora, by Patriot, (2412) 7th--Nonpariel, by Young Denton, (963) 8th--imported Arabella, by North Star, (460) 9th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).


Red and white, bred by and property of A. C. & J. G. WOOD, Gra.s.s Hill, Millbury, Ma.s.s.: calved June 19th, 1860; got by Highflyer, _{*}37, 578, Dam Ann Gwynne, by Prince Albert, 853,--

2d dam Daisy 2d, by Dandy, 50, 3d--Daisy, by King Charles 2d, 84, 4th--Daffodil, by Sampson, (5081) 5th--Young Daisy, by Danby, (1900), &c.

[Ill.u.s.tration: GRACE, 4 Years Old, Vol. 4, A. H. B.



Red, bred and owned by DANIEL W. BARTLETT, East Windsor, Conn.: calved March 12th, 1861; got by 2d Hiawatha, 1667, Dam Windsor La.s.s, by Powhatan, 829,--

2d dam Red Romp, by Agate 2, 3d--Romp, by Enchanter, (3729) 4th--Rachel, by Washington, (1566) 5th--imported Pansy, by Blaize, (76) 6th--Primrose, by Charles, (127) 7th-- ---- by Blythe Comet, (85) 8th-- ---- by Prince, (521) 9th-- ---- by Patriot, (486).


Red, bred by N. J. BECAR, Smithtown, L. I.; property of NEWTON CARTER, Hartford, Conn: calved November 24th, 1854; got by Marquis of Carrabas, 3122, Dam Garland 2d, by Pestalozzi, (10603),--

2d dam Garland, by Hector, (4000) 3d--Moss Rose, by Emperor, (1974) 4th--Rose Bud, by Margrave, (2243) 5th-- ---- by Leopold, (2199) 6th-- ---- by Hector, (2103) 7th-- ---- by Traveller, (655) 8th-- ---- by Surly, (2715) 9th-- ----by Colonel, (152).

=Hartford Lady,=

Red and white, bred and owned by TIMOTHY MATHER, Hartford, Conn.: calved June 21st, 1859; got by Red Rover, 2109, Dam Holiday, by Valiant, 2332,--

2d dam Helen, by Prince of Orange, 872, 3d--Moss Rose, by imported Wolviston, 1109, 4th--Marigold, by Major, 678, 5th--Marchioness, by Yorkshireman, 189, 6th--Narcissus, by Bertram 2d, 21, 7th--Nonpareil, by Young Denton, (963) 8th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 9th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).

=Hartford Lady 2d,=

Roan, bred and owned by TIMOTHY MATHER, Hartford, Conn.: calved May 13th, 1861; got by Young Marmion, _{*}70, 3602, Dam Hartford Lady, by Red Rover, 2109,--

2d dam Holiday, by Valiant, 2332, 3d--Helen, by Prince of Orange, 827, 4th--Moss Rose, by imported Wolviston, 1109, 5th--Marigold, by Major, 678, 6th--Marchioness, by imported Yorkshireman, 189, 7th--Narcissus, by Bertram 2d, 21, 8th--Nonpareil, by Young Denton, (963) 9th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 10th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).

=Hartford Belle,=

Roan, bred and owned by TIMOTHY MATHER, Hartford, Conn.: calved June 22d, 1860; got by Young Marmion, _{*}70, 3602, Dam Holiday, by Valiant, 2332,--

2d dam Helen, by Prince of Orange, 878, 3d--Moss Rose, by imported Wolviston, 1109, 4th--Marigold, by Major, 678, 5th--Marchioness, by Yorkshireman, 189, 6th--Narcissus, by Bertram 2d, 21, 7th--Nonpareil, by Young Denton, (963) 8th--Arabella, by North Star, (460) 9th--Aurora, by Comet, (155).

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