22. "a common adversary": Ibid.

23. "either a real": Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, The First Global Revolution (Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 1993), p. 85.

24. "In searching for": Ibid.

25. "For more than": David Rockefeller, Memoirs (New York: Random House, 2002), p. 405.

26. "Sacrilegious though this": Club of Rome, clubofrome.org, "deliberate disparagement of": F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007), p. 155.

28. "our concepts of": Howard Green," "BNN Canada Interviews Maurice Strong," Maurice strong.net, "[A] tax of $25": Mich.e.l.le Nichols, "UN urges countries to impose global taxes to boos aid," Reuters, July 5, 2012, "The prevailing unilateralism": Jeffery Sachs, "Common Wealth," theglobalist.com, July 14, 2008, "Globalization, despite some": Vatican Today, news.va, October 24, 2011, "citizen of the world": Barack Obama, Speech, Berlin, Germany, huffingontpost.com, July 24, 2008, "I speak as": Ibid.

34. "vaporous global-governance notion": David Brooks, "Loudly, With a Big Stick," nytimes.com, April 14, 2005, "We"ll never": Ibid.

36. Email from Frank Gaffney to d.i.c.k Morris on July 1, 2012.


1. "cling to their guns": "Editorials: Democrats Cling to their Guns," WashingtonTimes.com, October 27, 2011, "I just want": "Obama: We"re Working on Gun Control "Under the Radar," " FoxNews.com, May 25, 2011, "Reversed the policies": Sara n.o.ble, "Small Arms Treaty of 2012-Elimination of the Second Amendment," independentsentinel.com, May 17, 2012, "governments must resist": "US joins Arms Trade Treaty talks, but at high price," Oxfam.org, October 15, 2009, "[S]mall arms are": "Small Arms," UN.org, "But, in the": United States Crime Rates 19602010, disastercenter.com, "Of these": "Law enforcement, courts, prisons," census.gov, US is the source of: Louis Charbonneau, "Arms trade treaty negotiations begin, Syria casts shadow," NewsDaily.com, July 2, 2012, "We do not want": Ron DePasquale, "Talks Begin at UN on Global Arms Trade Treaty," ABCnews.go.com, July 3, 2012, #.T_XnqRx-E3U.

10. "signed off on": Sara n.o.ble, "Small Arms Treaty of 2012-Elimination of the Second Amendment," independentsentinel.com, May 17, 2012, nel.com/2012/05/small-arms-treaty-of-2012-elimination-of-the-second-amendment/.

11. "disguised as": Larry Bell, "U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up in Arms," forbes.com, June 7, 2011, "After the treaty": Sara n.o.ble, "Small Arms Treaty of 2012-Elimination of the Second Amendment," independentsentinel.com, May 17, 2012, "The treaty is": Ibid.

14. "parties shall take": Maxim Lott, "Proposed U.N. Treaty to Regulate Global Firearms Trade Raising Concern for U.S. Gun Makers," FoxNews.com, August 5, 2011, "The UN"s actions": Julian Pecquet, "Opposition to UN arms treaty heats up," thehill.com, July 2, 2012, "Any international Arms": Chris c.o.x quoted in Julian Pecquet, "Opposition to UN arms treaty heats up," The Hill, July 2, 2012, "on behalf of": NRA, "Beware Gun Owners, U.N. Moves Forward on Arms Trade Treaty," July 12, 2012, "Americans should realize": Ted R. Bromund, "The Risks the Arms Trade Treaty Poses to the Sovereignty of the United States," Heritage Foundation, June 4, 2012, "This is a fantasy": Ibid.

20. "like the plague": Peter Brookes, "A Bad UN Idea on Arms Deals," nypost.com, July 1, 2012, "The treaty will": Ibid.

22. "[W]ho really expects": Ibid.


1. "thirty years ago, President Ronald Reagan": Donald Rumsfeld, "Why the U.N. Shouldn"t Own the Seas," June 12, 2012, "What this treaty proposes is nothing": Ibid.

3. "But isn"t that what": Ibid.

4. "no national interest": Dr. Harold Pease, "Treaty to Give the Oceans to the United Nations, Now Before the Senate," June 11, 2012, "The treaty"s provisions were": Edwin Meese III, "Still lost on the Law of the Sea Treaty," June 5, 2012, "the treaty would resurrect": Doug Bandow, "Cato Inst.i.tute Foreign Policy Briefing No. 32: Faulty Repairs: The Law of the Sea Treaty is Still Unacceptable," Cato.org, September 12, 1994, "euphemistically called the": Ibid.

8. "no fight was more important": Doug Bandow, "Cato Inst.i.tute Foreign Policy Briefing No. 32: Faulty Repairs: The Law of the Sea Treaty is Still Unacceptable," Cato.org, September 12, 1994, "may be worth": Senator Orrin Hatch and Senator John Cornyn, "The Law of the Sea treaty will sink America"s economy," Foxnews.com, May 23, 2012, "pursuant to the treaty"s Article 82": Donald Rumsfeld, "Why the U.N. Shouldn"t Own the Seas," June 12, 2012,

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