12. "Over time": Ibid.

13. "This [treaty] would": Ibid.

14. "these sizable": Ibid.

15. "peoples who have": UNCLOS Part XI, Section 2, UN.org, "Has more than": Dambisa Moyo, Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2009), Introduction.

17. "In fact": Ibid.

18. "a kind of curse": Ibid.

19. "nations with mining": Senator Orrin Hatch and Senator John Cornyn, "The Law of the Sea treaty will sink America"s economy," Foxnews.com, May 23, 2012, "in other words": Ibid.

21. "if the enterprise": Law of the Sea Treaty, Un.org, "the Enterprise": Doug Bandow, "Cato Inst.i.tute Foreign Policy Briefing No. 32: Faulty Repairs: The Law of the Sea Treaty is Still Unacceptable," Cato.org, September 12, 1994, "take measures": Ibid.

24. "as yet undetermined": Ibid.

25. "if any": Ibid.

26. "who would do": Ibid.

27. "all the more": Ibid.

28. "nations cannot": Ibid.

29. "why risk sacrificing": Edwin Meese III, "Still lost on the Law of the Sea Treaty," June 5, 2012, "based in ideology": Matt Cover, "Hillary Clinton: Opposition to Sea Treaty Based on "Mythology," " cnsnews.com, May 23, 2012, "of course": Nicole Gaouette, "Clinton Hits "Black Helicopters" Crowd To Push Sea Treaty," Bloomberg.com, May 24, 2012, "proponents say": Senator Jim Inhofe, Senator Roger Wicker, and Senator Jeff Sessions, "Law of the Sea would usurp U.S. Navy"s authority," politico.com, May 22, 2012, "offering a new": Wayne Ma and James Hookway, "Vietnam Spars With China Over Oil Plans," wsj.com, June 27, 2012, "China, a LOST": Peter Brookes, "A pathetic pact for safety on the seas," nypost.com, May 22, 2012, "although Beijing ratified": Gordon G. Chang, "Should the US Ratify the UN Sea Treaty Because of China?," worldaffairsjournal.org, May 21, 2012, "supposedly need to": Peter Brookes, "A pathetic pact for safety on the seas," nypost.com, May 22, 2012, it is a lot: Frank Gaffney, "Common Sense on LOST," townhall.com, June 5, 2012, "by moving off": Gordon G. Chang, "Should the US Ratify the UN Sea Treaty Because of China?," worldaffairsjournal.org, May 21, 2012, "This is simply": Frank Gaffney, "Law of the Sea Treaty Is Wrong for US," newsmax.com, June 5, 2012, "In fact": Ibid.

41. "codifies navigational rights": Senator Jim Inhofe, Senator Roger Wicker, and Senator Jeff Sessions, "Hillary Tries To Neuter US Navy," foxnews.com, May 23, 2012, "The most persuasive": Donald Rumsfeld, "Why the U.N. Shouldn"t Own the Seas," June 12, 2012 "ceding any authority": Senator Jim Inhofe, Senator Roger Wicker, and Senator Jeff Sessions, "Law of the Sea would usurp U.S. Navy"s authority," politico.com, May 22, 2012, "some fear the Navy": Ibid.

45. "could it be that": Ibid.

46. "outsourcing national security": Peter Brookes, "A pathetic pact for safety on the seas," nypost.com, May 22, 2012, "Does failure to ratify": Edwin Meese III, "Still lost on the Law of the Sea Treaty," June 5, 2012, "Our ability to": Ibid.

49. "States shall adopt": David A. Ridenour, "Ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty: A Not-So-Innocent Pa.s.sage," nationalcenter.org, August 2006, "look upstream": Sheril Kirshenbaum, "Sea Grant Fellows Forum," realoceans.wordpress.com, June 24, 2008, Already, environmentalists have: David A. Ridenour, "Ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty," www.nationalcenter.org, August 2006, "LOST is a sweeping": Ibid.

53. "If Americans have": Mich.e.l.le Malkin, "The push for the Law of the Sea Treaty," www.mich.e.l.lemalkin.com, October 2 2007, "So why on earth": Ibid.

55. "the UN administered": Ibid.

56. "the predictable effect": Ibid.

57. "We are writing": Julian Pecquet, "Opposition to Law of the Sea Treaty heats up," www.thehill.com, May 25, 2012, "by its current": Ibid.

59. "To effect the": Ibid.

60. "If this treaty": Ibid.

61. Here"s the list: Ibid.

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