Hero of Darkness

Chapter 864 The Linchpin

Chapter 864 The Linchpin

What did "Linchpin of the Multiverse" mean?

To put it simply, the Conjunction of s.p.a.ce served as a convergence point for different dimensions and realities, much like how various seas around the globe meet at a common point.

Supposedly, millions of years ago, the creator of the Chamber of Exaltation, a Deity of unknown ident.i.ty, managed to capture and relocate one such linchpin or fragments of the multiverse on Vantrea, constructing a separate realm within to hold the conjunction.

Even Kahn was now curious about the creator"s ident.i.ty, wondering whether they employed the First Walkers to build the separate realms within the Chamber of Exaltation, such as the Convergence of Reality, Hall of Sentience, and Conjunction of s.p.a.ce, or if the creator itself was one of the First Walkers before becoming a deity.

Many realms within the Chamber of Exaltation remained unexplored, each with its own laws, reality, and elements of nature, surpa.s.sing human comprehension.

But for now, Kahn wished to maximize his gains through the Conjunction of s.p.a.ce.


After spending time meditating inside the Conjunction of s.p.a.ce, Kahn felt his body becoming more adept at sensing and controlling the s.p.a.ce around him. It was as if the dozens of kilometers of s.p.a.ce around him were an extension of his body, responding to his will.

Months pa.s.sed, and Kahn continued to visit the Conjunction of s.p.a.ce daily as part of his study and training in s.p.a.ce Law.

However, the books he had acquired after killing Solomon Elfenheim were no longer useful, as Kahn"s control over the s.p.a.ce Force underwent a qualitative change. The information he gained as part of his studies proved less and less useful each day.

To the current version of himself, who had experienced the wonders of this place and felt exhilarated as well as thrilled every time he visited, the knowledge from the books felt… limiting.

Following the recent event involving the member of the Hero"s Party, who had caused the deaths of a million innocent people yet was now celebrated as a champion of the ma.s.ses and a source of pride for the empire, Kahn needed to calm his anger and regain focus. He visited the Conjunction of s.p.a.ce again, removing all his clothes to absorb as much cosmic aether as possible.

As he lost himself in thought while studying the different dimensions, a sudden inspiration struck Kahn, and he entered a trance-like state without even realizing it.

"s.p.a.ce will always exist regardless of the time in the s.p.a.ce-Time Continuum.

It will persist whether it is unoccupied or not whether in the past, present, or future.

Time is relative only to beings and objects within s.p.a.ce, but not to s.p.a.ce itself. It is completely independent of the linear flow of time, regardless of the world or dimension it occupies."

Kahn had an unconventional thought that struck him suddenly.

"Even nothingness is s.p.a.ce. Even a universe with different laws of reality is still s.p.a.ce that allows everything to exist within it." He delved deeper and came to a firm conclusion that shook his previous a.s.sumptions of reality.

"A boulder merely occupies s.p.a.ce temporarily. One day, it will no longer exist, and the s.p.a.ce it occupies will be unoccupied again. Our mistake is measuring s.p.a.ce in terms of dimensions such as meters or feet by quantifying them with numerical terms that are only understandable to us." he a.n.a.lyzed his sudden thoughts.

"But that does not imply that s.p.a.ce functions similarly.

Even the sun, the planet, and living beings temporarily occupy s.p.a.ce. Even the air in the atmosphere merely pa.s.ses through s.p.a.ce.

Ultimately, s.p.a.ce is timeless, boundless, dimensionless, and independent of all aspects, the flow of time, elements, and laws of reality."

As the cosmic aether started coating Kahn"s entire body hundreds of times faster than before, his belief in his mind cemented firmly with each pa.s.sing moment.

However, before he could comprehend the newfound discovery, the next moment...


The entire realm known as Conjunction of s.p.a.ce shook as a pillar made of blue cosmic aether burst and shot itself in the center of the sky, and the shockwaves from this explosion spread for thousands of kilometers like soundwaves traveling underwater.

All the gateways leading to different dimensions also vibrated while exuding gentle waves of energy, as if they were merrily welcoming this sudden explosion that shook the entire realm.

And the origin of this explosion was none other than Kahn, whose entire body along with his long hair glowed blue as he floated in the sky. His eyes no longer had an iris and turned completely stark white, radiating like the morning sun.

Kahn was no longer a human… but a being of cosmic aether.


Several minutes had pa.s.sed as Kahn remained suspended in the sky with a mesmerized gaze. During this time, his eyes went through a metamorphosis, flashing brightly as they displayed various scenes from different dimensions.

These weren"t just random images or colorful lights, but perfect replicas of the gateways that led to the alternate realities.

Kahn, now entirely composed of the blue cosmic aether, regained consciousness.

He didn"t speak a word, nor did he show any signs of changed behavior, yet he felt like a different person who had just undergone a life-altering experience.

In a picosecond, he vanished and reappeared at the conjunction, intently gazing at the gateways. However, the hexagonal prism of gateways trembled, as if trying to resist Kahn in his transformed state.

"I see. I am still not powerful, proficient, or knowledgeable enough in s.p.a.ce Law to break the dimensional barriers." spoke Kahn, interpreting the trembling signal as a sign of his inadequacy.

In a way, the vibrations from the gateways conveyed some sense of information to Kahn, communicating with him through indescribable soundwaves.

There were no words involved, only a familiar understanding from both ends.

"I need to master s.p.a.ce and dimensions hundreds of times more than I currently have to cross these barriers.

Otherwise, the laws, resonance frequency, gravity, and elements of the respective dimensions will annihilate my body and soul the moment I cross these gateways." he continued in a dignified tone.

Kahn"s physical state now felt as if he had merged with s.p.a.ce itself, granting him heightened senses to perceive even the tiniest particles and sounds around him.

He could even sense someone taking a breath from thousands of kilometers away within this realm.

"I have become one with the Cosmic Aether after absorbing it for months. Although I cannot generate it on my own yet, I can rely on the conjunction to replenish it," he remarked.

As he a.s.similated all the newfound knowledge and understanding…

[Congratulations to the host!!] the system quickly sent a notification his Kahn"s mind.

[3rd Enlightment in s.p.a.ce Law acquired!]

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