Hero of Darkness

Chapter 865 Achievement & Milestone

Chapter 865 Achievement & Milestone

"The universe is an immense and uncharted expanse, filled with countless enigmas waiting to be unveiled by those brave enough to explore it."

These were the words that Kahn had read in his past life, and now they had become his reality, unfolding right before his very eyes.

Unwittingly, he had embarked on a journey into the unknown, with the intention of mastering s.p.a.ce law, but instead, he had stumbled upon a fragment of the multiverse.

As he absorbed the cosmic aether, Kahn achieved his third enlightenment in the field of s.p.a.ce law, undergoing a transformation into a completely different being.

The system on the other end clarified the events that had just transpired.

[Congratulations to the host for attaining the 3rd enlightenment in s.p.a.ce law through the highest form of trans.m.u.tation and self-a.n.a.lysis.

As a result, the host has unlocked the following features and benefits:

The s.p.a.ce law infusion with the dimensional domain is now increased to 63%.

Congratulations to the host!

The second form of the dimensional domain has been unlocked!

The host may now create or infuse new battle and magic skills, abilities, and elements of reality that will be effective in the second form only after it is fully developed.] informed the system.

The influx of information continued as the system announced yet another achievement by Kahn.

[Congratulations to the host for unlocking a Legendary Rank cla.s.s!

The host has invoked the Void Sentinel cla.s.s.] declared the system.

[The following were the effects and abilities of the Void Sentinel cla.s.s:

1. The host can now open multiple Dimensional Void cracks simultaneously at will. These void cracks will be interconnected like tunnels, allowing the host to exercise an unprecedented level of dimensional control.

You can enter through any crack and exit from any other end, regardless of their direction, distance or location.

Current range : 10 kilometer radius from the host"s location.


2. The host can now use the cosmic aether, a byproduct of dimensional synergy, to encapsulate and bring any ent.i.ty other than himself into the true dimension without forming any physical contact.

As long as the host willingly provides them with cosmic aether, the ent.i.ty will not be harmed by the laws of the true dimension. The current limit for accommodating a living being inside the true dimension, based on the host"s cosmic aether reserves, is 10 days.

Note: The time limit will be halved if the host brings more than one individual. The same case will be applied based on the number of additional entries.


3. The host can also create replicas of himself using cosmic aether. These replicas or doppelgangers will have the exact same soul signature, elemental aura, and saint pressure as the host.

Currently, the host can create up to 5 cosmic replicas, each possessing the same fighting skills, magical spells, ability to cast barriers, and magic formations as the host.

They can also use the Dimensional Cut skill on their own.

Note: The host is advised to periodically replenish his cosmic aether reserves and increase its potency to enhance its effects further. The quant.i.ty of the cosmic energy reserves will increase with the host"s rank as a Saint.] the system finished the report.

Despite the astounding report from the system, Kahn only revealed a light smirk as he received the news.

For the first time since arriving in Vantrea, he had invoked a proper cla.s.s that he never had in the past six years.

This was no longer a "Jobless Reincarnation" in an isekai world.


With his newfound Legendary Cla.s.s named Void Sentinel, Kahn could now create multiple doppelgangers and open more than one dimensional void at the same time, a feat that was impossible before he gained the 3rd enlightenment in s.p.a.ce Law.



Five more versions of Kahn appeared, their bodies made of the blue cosmic aether, each exuding the same amount of saint pressure of a legitimate 5th-stage saint.



Over a dozen void cracks appeared within a 10 kilometer radius, and all the doppelgangers quickly entered them in a nanosecond.

Moments later, everyone reappeared through different cracks, some of them entering through the closest cracks but exited through the farthest ones, all in just a couple of seconds.

This demonstrated how greatly Kahn"s control over the s.p.a.ce law had excelled compared to before.

Kahn"s new Legendary Cla.s.s, the Void Sentinel, gave him a wide range of possibilities.

With the ability to create multiple doppelgangers and open multiple dimensional voids simultaneously, he could now face multiple saints at once with ease. The 5 blue aether doppelgangers around him, each exuding the same amount of saint pressure as a legitimate 5th-stage saint, were no longer just useful to confuse opponents but also create an illusion that several legitimate 5th-stage saints were fighting with them.

Kahn was pleased with his newfound power. This ability would be a valuable a.s.set in his a.r.s.enal whether he needed to attack his enemies, save his allies, or make a quick escape.

Even a 8th-stage saint would be deceived by his doppelgangers.

What added to the legendary cla.s.s was that he could easily swap between his doppelgangers and use multiple routes to attack using the void cracks.

Before, his doppelgangers were only effective against opponents on the same or lower level than him. But now, he could use them to deceive even the strongest of opponents. His control over the s.p.a.ce law had greatly excelled compared to before. The multiple void cracks within a 10-kilometer radius showed the full extent of his power. Kahn had yet to explore the full extent of his abilities, but it was clear that this Legendary Cla.s.s would prove to be a game-changer.

Furthermore, he had the option to remain in the True Dimension and let his doppelgangers fight his enemies, adding to his already diverse array of tactics. This strategy was just as effective as using his Dimensional Shift ability to protect his vital organs by sending them into the True Dimension.

The Void Sentinel cla.s.s proved to be the perfect complement to his Dimensional Law divine ability, as if they were designed to work together.

The advantages of this newfound cla.s.s did not end there.

Kahn could now transport another living being into the true dimension without any physical contact, which was particularly important to him. With this ability, he could bring Vildred into the true dimension, where they could relax while one of his cosmic replicas acted as the real Kahn in the physical world.

To sum it up, Kahn"s recent achievements, including his attainment of the 2nd form of Dimensional Domain, his new legendary Void Sentinel cla.s.s, and his ability to use cosmic aether to bring others into the true dimension, were all significant milestones.


At this moment, in an unknown plane of existence that resembled an endless galaxy, an ethereal being composed of billions of stars and hundreds of planets as part of its body awakened.

The entirety of this being"s intangible existence seemed like a convergence point of different universes and realities, as if all these worlds, along with all the living and sentient beings within them, were part of it.

"How intriguing... It is the first time that a hero of another G.o.d has achieved the 3rd enlightenment in s.p.a.ce Law.

And this Hero is from the same world as him." spoke the transcendent ent.i.ty.

Even its words caused the destruction of hundreds of planets surrounding it, each larger than Earth, turning them into tiny granules in mere moments.

"If he manages to attain the 4th enlightenment in the s.p.a.ce Law..."

The curiosity on the ent.i.ty"s face remained, as it spoke with an antic.i.p.atory tone.

"I will meet him."

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