Hero of Darkness

Chapter 361: Starting The Study

Chapter 361: Starting The Study

In the middle of the bedroom, Kahn cursed himself for being the most ignorant person ever summoned in this world by the G.o.ds. Because the divine ability he picked back then, which he thought as achievable, was something that would take him a lot of time as the s.p.a.ce Law was the most difficult to master among all the other laws of reality.

Only now he understood how naive his thoughts were when he a.s.sumed that he could master it on his own. This was something even the top saints of this world didn"t dare to study despite having all the resources and study materials. And that"s why he hadn"t even heard of anyone being proficient in s.p.a.ce Law in the capital Rathna either.

If not for him eating Solomon"s core, he wouldn"t even have been able to unlock this divine ability in this lifetime because it took Solomon a century just to make his core adapt to s.p.a.ce Law. That was a time he didn"t have if G.o.d of Darkness was right about this world having only a hundred years left till Demon G.o.d successfully established his law of reality became a true G.o.d.

"Wait… if Dimensional Law was created by G.o.d of s.p.a.ce, then why did G.o.d of Darkness have it?" asked Kahn to the system.

This sudden thought came to his mind because he always a.s.sumed that G.o.d of Darkness himself created all these abilities himself.

[Each G.o.d has contributed one Divine Ability of their personal choice in the main selection option. There are 50 Divine Abilities which are common for all the other G.o.ds and the summoned heroes, 13 of which are exclusively created by the G.o.ds which are specifically catered to their law of existence.

All the summoned heroes in the past three thousand years have been offered the same roster and different Heroes can choose the same divine abilities as well.

However, the host was the first individual to choose these three divine abilities.] reported the system.

"Man… I"m possibly the most ignorant summon ever brought into this world. What was I thinking?

This isn"t anything like in the animes or mangas. At this rate… It might even take me decades just to scratch the surface." spoke Kahn in a tired tone.

Just then when he had lost all hope, a thought came to his mind and he asked the system.

"Is there an empire that serves the G.o.d of s.p.a.ce?"

[Yes. However, the system can not reveal its information or how to increase the host"s mastery in Dimensional Law.] replied system.

"Why? Aren"t you here to a.s.sist me?" asked Kahn in a suspicious tone.

[Information is sealed under the orders of G.o.d of s.p.a.ce. The host must achieve the mastery with his own hard work and comprehension.]

"Ah… so helpful. You"re giving a bad name to all those System novels." retorted Kahn in annoyance.

Because he knew for certain that all the other Heroes were getting the best teachers, trainers and resources in the world while he barely had books to study related to his divine ability while the others were getting perfect guidance to raise their levels and ranks easily.

"Fine then… no point in dilly-dallying." he said and using hive mind skill, he summoned the rogue subordinate.

As soon as Ronin emerged from the shadows of the corners in the room, Kahn issued a command.

"Make some arrangements for me.

I want a separate training facility inside the castle with the ability to stand all elemental attacks, spells and skills. Much bigger than what we had in the Wayne manor.

And I would be needing a constant supply of giant metal and stone boulders for practicing as well."

"As you wish, my lord. I will get the facility ready by the morning." spoke Ronin and disappeared from the site, leaving no trace behind.

Kahn ordered to do so because if he was right, then studying Dimensional Law was going to create a lot of ruckuses based on the ability alone. And during his study and practical sessions, he was going to need a lot of st.u.r.dy targets to perfect these skills.

Now his first step was to understand the s.p.a.ce Law first then comprehend it to the point he could use his Dimensional Law skills easily. And only after training in it… would his mastery over it will increase.

Kahn then started rummaging through the ma.s.sive heap of books and study materials Solomon had gathered over a century.

At the bottom, he finally found the basic elementary book of this field of study…

s.p.a.ce Law : Introduction for Beginners.

The t.i.tle itself gave Kahn a sense of relief and his mood finally shifted to his focus mode.

"Alright then… let"s begin!" spoke Kahn with enthusiasm.

And like a university student who was finally opening the syllabus book just a day before the exam and intended to pull an allnighter… Kahn started reading the pages and the information shared behind the basic concepts of s.p.a.ce itself.

"What is s.p.a.ce? Is it the presence of matter?

A third-dimensional aspect of reality?

Or something that was already present in the world and later got occupied by different constructs, living beings and laws of reality?

When did s.p.a.ce itself come into existence?"

He started reading through the first page and as the more minutes pa.s.sed… the more irritated his face became.

Ten minutes later… Kahn started pulling his hair in fury as his head was overloaded with all the complicated information.

Everthing he read was going above his head.

Now he came to realize why even the chosen heroes of the G.o.d of s.p.a.ce didn"t dare to choose this divine ability.

"If this is the s.p.a.ce law… I might as well kill myself and get reincarnated again. That time, I"ll at least know to not pick this ability!" cursed Kahn loudly.

Because as things stood... Kahn was like a kindergarten student trying to solve the Riemann Hypothesis.

And Kahn had no teacher to guide him and the books were not going to be enough even if he wanted to learn things on his own.

After just 20 minutes of studying and reading through a couple of pages…

Kahn threw away the book and laid in his bed.

"f.u.c.k this! I"m going to sleep!"

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