Hero of Darkness

Chapter 759

3 Weeks Later.

The exit door opened and a total of 10 people were flung on the other side, crashing onto the sandy ground like ragdolls.



Legolas and the group took deep breaths and tried to get up.


Dante tried to stand up but dropped on the ground halfway.

"f.u.c.k this! I feel like we should quit and leave the dungeon using our pa.s.ses.

We barely made out alive from the last one." spoke Legolas as his face was buried in the black sand of this floor.

"Finally, I can feel world energy again. We should be able to recover within half a day." spoke Edmund whose clothes were tattered in many places at this point.


Unlike the rest, his gear wasn"t made of Invimarak skin and had very few defensive properties. So the alchemist basically looked like a dirty street beggar at this moment.

"Imagine if this is happening to our group… then millions of people from the alliance must have suffered greatly.

I wonder how many died at this point." said Legolas, gathering every iota of strength as he spoke up.

To his words… even someone as prideful and strong as Rudra had a gloomy expression.

The past three weeks felt like a nightmare to them. So far, every floor they had traversed through was a unique and peculiar setting where they couldn"t take advantage of being Saints at all.

Their journey was too hard and even with their sheer will and freakishly strong bodies, they barely escaped death too many times.

One of the floors had a -50 degree celsius temperature and an unending blizzard that froze half of their group midway.

But thanks to high-grade Ice Resistance potions brought by Edmund, they managed to pa.s.s it without dying in a couple of days.

Although Kahn, Jugram and Rudra wouldn"t be affected by it, it was not the case for the rest of their crew.

On a different floor, everything was made out of the ethereal fire that could even melt boulders easily. Since none of Kahn"s subordinates excelled in Ice Element, Ceril who was a magician became the only being who could protect the rest.

Even though the previous 3 people weren"t affected, the rest felt like their bodies were burning every second.

They managed to cross that floor because Kahn was constantly supplying Ceril with world energy that he borrowed from Rathnaar"s core.

One of the floors was another mind-boggling experience for them as this floor had a twisted gravity.

This place had no ground but flying blocks of stones that hovered in the sky like a belt of meteors surrounding a planet.

One step, you"re moving forwards but in the next step, you"re flying upwards.

If you walked right, you"d be falling and when walking left, you"d go back as gravity would relocate your entire body based on these movements.

If this was for a short distance, one could get familiar with the pattern and then follow particular criteria. However, the Immortal Dungeon wasn"t so kind to them.

Because the stone platform they all stood on divided themselves into different blocks and sent everyone in random directions while making unpredictable movements themselves.

The only way to leave these was to step on another block of the platform that touched their footing from any random direction at any moment.

Even if you changed the perception of your mind, you couldn"t antic.i.p.ate where or when the next platform to step on would come from.

And the entire group had to travel 100 kilometers of s.p.a.ce to find the exit door like this.

During those times, everyone wished that the supreme dungeon would be very kind just to send them a horde of monsters to kill and clear the floor because that was easier than getting your mind f.u.c.ked over and over, again and again for every single second.

And finally, they came to Floor 61 where they fought a legendary rank boss which was comparable to 3rd stage saint.

Thankfully, this floor did not limit their mana and world energy.

The floor boss was a spectral creature that affected their souls and restricted their ability to fight as soon as they got within 10 kilometer radius.

However, it couldn"t have imagined that two of his natural enemies were part of Misthios guild"s team.

Oliver used Soul Distortion skill which was a Legendary Rank skill he got from Caladrius monster, the one that nearly killed Kahn and also took Ka.s.sandra"s life back in Verla.s.sen.

Thanks to Shu Armor and Neith Bow, Oliver was able to use it without turning into his true Thunderbird legendary rank form.

With Soul Distortion skill, he managed to overthrow the boss" ability to oppress their souls.

A soul for a soul.

Oliver took away its ability and Ronin finally managed to land the killing blow using Existence Concealment and Phase Shift skill.

The former was his upgraded ability which he got after ranking up to Mythical Rank and made him undetectable even by a 7th stage saint.

They kept the body and the core for later use and kept their journey filled with dread and torture awaiting on every floor.

And finally, they reached floor 71 after another week of travel.

"Phew! I guess this is it. We should get some time to rest" said Edmund.

But as if jinxing their luck… all of them lost the ability to use mana and world energy again.

At this moment, all of them could feel that none of their detection skills worked either.

[WARNING!! THE HOST IS IN EXTREME DANGER!] suddenly, the system notification rang.


"Ah f.u.c.k…" said Legolas as immense killing intent, far stronger and denser than anything they felt till this point targeter every single one of them.



A ma.s.sive 7 headed being roared 40 kilometers away as soon as they all appeared on this floor. Just the roars alone would be enough to destroy an entire city from its shockwaves alone.

[Boy, it"s comparable to a 5th stage saint!

And it"s not 5 but 7 headed, each with different elements of nature. So it must be a mythical rank as well.] suddenly, even Rathnaar warned Kahn as soon as their gazes landed on the ma.s.sive 1 kilometer tall creature that stood far away.

[Give me its details.] ordered Kahn.

System informed in Kahn"s mind and the latter"s expression turned extremely ugly and a bit terrified.

[Looks like my bad luck from the previous life is back.] thought Kahn as soon as he heard the details.

"With our ability to use mana and world energy sealed… only our physical strength can be of use.

Looks like all of us are screwed big time." he spoke openly after sharing the details with his subordinates.

"Yes. At this rate… Some of us are definitely going to die." said Omega.

Because the being that they were all afraid of at the moment… the mythical rank boss which killed half of the Hero"s Party and even made Ervalen, the Hero of Life sacrifice himself, was not some pesky monster but a powerful existence only below Dragons and Basilisks.

It was a being only heard of in myths and was greatly feared among my cultural lore even on earth, namely…

The Elder Hydra.

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