Higawari Teni Chapter 55. Devilish Harem Rule.

Quite a time after annihilating the another world army.

The attack on the facility was suddenly stopped since then.

My plan succeeds safely, probably because a considerable number of royal families died.


Though they would not be extinct as one would expect, rather it’s convenient.

I hope you fight each other for successor.


Then, I need to hasten the plan before the nonresistant slaves are killed.

Therefore, I prepared what is directly above the facility in rapid pace.


「Wow, Sakahagi-san! What are you going to do with this!?」


Braided hair-chan appeared.

She might have heard that the ground became almost safe by putting a barrier.


「It’s necessary equipment for slave liberation」

「But, how are you doing it with such big thing!?」


Braided hair-chan looked up to the sky.

The equipment I made feels like reaching to the heaven.


「Because I used Craft」

「Craft! ……Craft?」

「Well in short, it’s an ability that combines the processing of materials and construction work together」

「Hee, Amazing!」


Braided hair-chan’s eyes are sparkling.


「Sakuhagi-san can do everything」

「Ermm, hahaha. Well, I can’t to everything」


I already go back to my original world long ago if I can do everythingー.

Ahh, I miss chicken.


「Sakahagi-san, Sakahagi-san!」


She’s clinging on me while I don’t know what she’s happy about.


「Oh, what is itー」

「Why do you have so much various abilities?」

「Ah. To tell you the truth, this is not the first time for me being summoned in another world」

「Is that so!?」


Well, It’s not a thing to particularly hideー.


「I was almost not able to do it at first, but I grew stronger little by little by doing my best」




When you makes your obedient eyes sparkling. A damage to my frayed heart will,will, will.


「Amazing, Amazing! Am I also possible to do it?」

「If you have interest in doing it, time, patience and opportunity, Anyone can learn like me 」


If you survived several thousand years of actual combat training and hundreds of times loops, I think anyone could max their level.


「I’m determined!」


Hmm, I don’t know why, I feel like it’s not transmitted well.


「Well, it’s certainly that uninterruptable motivation is importantー」

「Motivation! ……Motivation?」


Huh, why is this girl having a face of, “is motivation delicious?”.

As I watch her groaning 〈hmm hmm〉, she clapped her hands with a〈pon〉.

There seems to be a conclusion.


「……Sakahagi-san is amazing, right!」

「Ah, yes」


Y-yeah, I somehow softened.

Not good, not good. If I became get fond of her, it will became regrettable when we got separated.

Shall I invite her as my wife?.



「……I mean, what are those guys doing」


When I look where I think where the gazes are, 〈kyakkya〉, and girls are looking this way in high spirits.

I see, these guys also make them go out.


Ahh, This mood is not good!

I became weak when I’m not in a bloodier world.

I need to quickly say goodbye to this world.




「Hey, isn’t it already time for us to attack?」

「No, it’s better to carefully wait for a little while」


When I came down to take a breather for a while, Crew cut and Ikemen are rumblingly hopping each other’s foots.

Also anytime now with these guys, it would be bad if I don’t say what’s going to occur from now on.


「Hey, the two of you. There is something I want to discuss」

「Ah, Sakahagi! I’ll listen to anything!」

「I’ll be helpful!」



I wonder why these guys suddenly became in good terms whenever I approach.

Well, I don’t have any mood to nitpick about the relation between boys. As long as I’m not involve to it.


「To tell you the truth, I attacked the royal castle on my own」


「Are you serious! So it’s about stealing a march……」


Though Crew cut grumbled for some reason, Ikemen pondering and nodded.


「I see, they stopped attacking us thanks to the attack of Sakahagi」

「That’s it」

「Is it not because of the barrier」


Well, as crew cut said, there might be also that.


「And the thing from now on. In fact, I’ve destroyed the mother system that governs the slave when I attacked the kingdom」


Of course it’s a lie.

The ring and collar are independent, such device does not exist.


「Probably, after a bit long, Slaves in the whole world will automatically liberated 」

「Are you serious!」


Crew cut blow a whistle of joy, but ikemen’s face has turned pale.


「If……If you do such thing, terrible thing will happen!」


……That’s right.

Right now, all of the summoning slave that are used in this country will suddenly awakened their selves.

The liberated slaves are confused; no doubt those bloods will flows considerably.

Even under normal circ.u.mstances, the treatment of the slaves might become terrible because of me.


「I know. That is why I build that tower. That is a device to call the liberated slaves」


This is some lies with some truth.

The magic waves that tower transmit can use to liberate the slave using the master authority of the ring in whole word scale.

In other words, the non-existence mother system destruction does not liberate the slave, its accomplished due to that tower.

While doing it, the mechanism will also make the slave learn this place’s coordinates and all of the circ.u.mstances.


「Expanding the safe haven here as a base. For that, the barrier is expanding little by little from the tower」


In other words, the device that can continue post-processing without change even after I’m gone is that tower.

I’m probably summoned to another world by the time when the slave liberation signal was sent.

That is why the thing that is able to do after care is my kind concern.


If I honestly tell them that the tower will forcibly release all the slaves, Ikemen will absolutely opposed and braided hair-chan will cry.

However, its an absolutely necessary process for accomplis.h.i.+ng the slavery destruction which is my oath in a short term.

Though I’m sorry for everyone, I had to make up a “slaves will eventually be liberated” setting.


「And……it would probably create quite confusion. Therefore, I intend to hand over the responsibility of a leader to one of you」

「That sort of!」

「Are you kidding!?」


The two raised a voice.


「Rather, I want for it until the end if you’re taking the responsibility」


I have no choice but to shake my head to the criticism look of Ikemen.


「……Sorry. To tell you the truth, I’ll soon disappear from this world by my own circ.u.mstances」


The thing about me being an Another World Tripper.

A being that is forcibly summoned in various worlds, then carrying out the oath and disappears.

I spoke to the two about that.


「So that’s how it is……」


Ah, Ikeman have an expression that seems like inspecting.

Perhaps, he noticed that I’m lying.

However, he didn’t pursue any more than that. It’s Ikemen we’re talking about. He seems to have noticed that even though there are lots of short-term sacrifices and disorder, if they liberate small number of people each time the sacrifice won’t be sufficient.


「You’re f.u.c.king kidding me!」


It was Crew cut that was unexpectedly rushed.

Well, I thought this guy will be the one who will celebrate most when the slaves are liberated.

However, Crew cut being angry is beyond my expectation.


「Then, that girl! What will happen to the feelings of Itsuna!」



Although I asked back instinctively.

Is it perhaps Braided hair-chan?

As expected, it seems he didn’t expect me to have not remembered her name, but he still grasped my collar


「Hey, Say something! 」

「Stop it! Calm down!」


Ikemen seize Crew cut by binding his arms behind his back.


Ah…… So that’s it.

Though I think Ikemen and Crew cut will sympathize with me.

Is it because they supporting braided hair-chan.


But, I’m sorry.

I’m not such a man who supports his important friend.

I’m the kind of guy if any woman follows me thoughtlessly, I don’t mind eating her.


Well, I know words that can make such guy wake up.

This is not a cheat or a magic.

While pretending to be calm, I came close to the face of crew cut and say a few words.


「I’m married」


Crew cut’s movement suddenly stopped.

The same as Ikemen.


「Is there anything else?」



‘Then, disperse’, is what I’m about to say when a b.u.mp sound is heard.




It was Braided hair-chan.


「Excuse me!」


She runs away as it is.

When I looked at the direction of Ikemen and Crew cut, I saw as if they’re saying to run after her with a savor of criticism.




……Can I say something?


I don’t like serious and romantic comedyyy!






「What are you doing at such place.」


Braided hair-chan sat down on the top of the tower quietly.

When I asked from her back, she didn’t look back.


「It’s a good view here」


Is just what braided hair-chan said.

Certainly, it’s a good view.

No matter what world is, the thing called sunset sky is pretty beautiful, even though that s.h.i.+tty-like guy lives there.


「Is that so」


I also only reply that much.

After a brief period of silence, Braided hair-chan slowly look back.


「Are you going?」



Not a self-mockery, I respond indifferently.


「I can’t stay in one world 」

「I wished that you said it earlier」



Silence again.




Braided hair-chan hesitated in saying it.


「If. If I say I wanted you to take me along, what would you do?」




「Ah! It’s okay」





Braided hair-chan was lost to my quick reply.

Though it’s a good mood, I instantly lose interest.

But that’s fine. Because it’s my usual trick to make thing go into my pace!


「However, There are rules」


‘First’, I say while raising a finger.


「Rule 1. I basically only take woman who consented to become my wife.

Rule 2. I’ll do everything to achieve my oath. Don’t bring your ethics there.

Rule 3. I always say lies to you. I won’t tell all the truths. Still, don’t doubt it.

Rule 4. I already have some wives. Do get along with them.

Rule 5. Don’t refuse anything that I asked for. Always prepare at night.

Rule 6. I don’t make you happy. You must become happy by yourself.

Rule 7. There are times when I put wives I don’t have any business in a sealing ball while sleeping.  Don’t complain if you don’t wake up in a hundred years.

Rule extra. I increase the rule without permission. You must quietly obey it at that time.

That’s it. If I judge you can’t do one of them, I’ll leave you in that world. Do you have question?」


Silence, Silence, A silence that is longer than before.

However, that isn’t something profound or anything, only just feels like not being understood.


「Uhmm……No, There is no question. Eh, wife?」


Braided hair-chan who finally comes back to this world and regain consciousness, blinking her eyes in surprised


「That’s right, a wife. To tell you the truth, I’m married to a number of women and carry them while putting them in a sealing ball Item」

「How about the treatment of the wives!?」

「There is nothing. I’m easy」


The truth is, there is some kind of reason, but I have no intention of telling it to her at this time.

Because even I have such thing as Privacy.


「Isn’t having one wife normal?」

「Unfortunately, we adopt polygamy. Though it is a harem, there is a proper honorable marriage formality」

「Is that so? Then its good」


Ah, so you agree with that.


「I’m sorry, please tell me the rule once again! Because I’ll take notes」

「Ah, yeah」


Well, I don’t mind if I say it many times.


「Uhm, I understood one, I don’t know really well the thing called oath in 2, but I’ll try my best. 3……」

「What is it, are you giving up?」

「No, I won’t doubt since I probably don’t know what’s lie or something. I’m okay」


Is that okay?


「I have confidence in 4! By the way, what is this 5’s……… Prepare at night?」

「When you say wife and night, isn’t it always s.e.x」


I’m sure you’ll blush, kukuku.


「s.e.x! ……s.e.x?」


Tte, she doesn’t know!

I thought it would be expected to know with braided hair-chan’s age.

Is it because being in an inst.i.tution, in that case, there is a possibility that she didn’t received such education.

I also feel something different but………


「Ahー……You have a child body, The Rule 5 thing is still not good」

「Why! I’m angry! I’m a proper adult and……Rule 5! I’ll do my best at night!」


I see, you’ll do your bestー.

Won’t you exert yourself?


「I’m okay with Rule 6! By the way, the left is Rule 7! is it possible for Sakahagi-san to live as many as 100 years!? It’s the most I’m worried about」

「I can live, I’m immortal」

「Wow!, Sakahagi-san is amazing after all」


This girlー. Flattering won’t get you anything.

I explained once more about the Rule 2’s oath for now.

However, since she did not understand well, this might take more time if I explain again.


「Or rather, The Rule Extra is the hardest」


Oufu, Braided hair-chan suddenly brust into laughter.

Did she become insane?


「Ahahahaha, It’s too bad that it feels not real!」

「Isn’t it? But it’s not a joke」


It’s not a laughing matter, even if I threatened her, braided hair-chan keep on laughing.


「Or rather, there is a girl who follow you with such condition」

「No, just rarely」


Braided hair-chan who’s staring hard at her memo pad, I unintentionally had a serious reply.

I’ll make her know the reality from the start, its condition to shake her.

Being rejected is much more comfortable than being dumped.

I mostly release girls that came along who do not take seriously of rule.


「And, what are you doing?」


There should be filled up some parts before making me give up.


「I’ll go together」


By no means it’s an immediate reply.

Moreover, she really didn’t hesitate, a refres.h.i.+ng smile.


「You won’t be able to meet those guys again.」

「I know」


I faced the usual sparkling eyes.



「I’ll never regret if I’m with Sakahagi-san!」

「I wonder. Probably its just a youthful indiscretionー」


When I grin in a dorky manner, She pout and says 「Mou!」while repeatedly hitting me.

What is this girl, she’s super cute.

……But, yeah.

I acknowledge her and decided to take her away.

If the person in question says its okay, there is no need for me to be reserved.


「Well then, shall we go soon」

「Eh, no way! I still haven’t say farewell to everyone」


I decided to give chance to Braided hair-chan who’s suddenly became panic.


「That is the story. We basically are transported after doing what I’m supposed to do. Do you want to stop after all?

「No, I’m going!」



She really makes her mind.

Well, I don’t know how long she’ll follow me, but at the present time, she seems to have enough qualification as a wife.




When I nod, I turned on the tower’s switch.

A slave from another world will be liberated from being brainwashed with this, and a message to come here will resound inside their heads.

Although I don’t know how many slaves will be reached, well, it depends to those guys’ luck.




I hold the hands of Braided hair-chan.



「We’re holding hands. Look, we’re in a world transfer」

「Ah, so that’s it!」


I hold her hand without hesitation.




She looked up while happily smiling.

That’s nice, I don’t dislike it.

I want to protect that smile.


「It came」


A magic formation on my foothold.

It’s a summon to the next world.


「Everyone……Good bye!」


Though I was moved to tears for a moment, Braided hair-chan……No.

Itsuna properly waved to her friend and this world.



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