1. Thomas, his heir and successor.

2. Elizabeth Anne, who married, in 1831, Alexander Russell Duguid, M.D., son of the Rev. John Duguid, minister of Evie, Orkney, with issue - (1) John, who was born on the 25th of March, 1838, and died unmarried, at Falmouth, on the 7th of October, 1865; (2) Alexander, born on the 26th of November, 1840, and died, unmarried, at Peckham, London, on the 3rd of January, 1884; (3) Thomas, born on the 4th of September, 1843, and died in London, unmarried, on the 19th of May, 1874; (4) Elizabeth, who died in childhood; (5) Jane, who married, first, on the 11th of September, 1855, Robert Heddle, second son of Robert Heddle of Melsetter, with issue - Elizabeth, who died in infancy, in Toronto, Canada; and James Alexander, who was born on the 21st of July, 1856, and died at Kirkwall, unmarried, on the 25th of September, 1876. Her first husband, Robert Heddle, died on the 28th of August, 1860, and she married, secondly, on the 30th of November, 1874, John Armit Bruce, Sheriff-Clerk of Orkney, with issue - an only daughter, Alexandra Esther Heddle. (6) Mary Hamilton, who on the 5th of April, 1859 married John Guthrie Iverach, Kirkwall, a cadet of the Macivers Buidhe of Quoycrook, Caithness, eldest son of William Iverach of Wideford, Orkney, with issue - Alexander William, who was born in 1860 and died in infancy; William, born on the 21st of June, 1865; Mary Elizabeth; and Margaret Guthrie. Her husband, John Guthrie Iverach, died at Wideford, on the 31st of October, 1875. (7) Sarah Anne, who, in May, 1864, married John Thomson, Codnor, Derbyshire, son of Thomson, Alnwick, Northumberland, with issue - Alexander Russell Duguid, who died in infancy; Jessie Elizabeth, who married Percy Clarke, Nottingham, with issue - Mary Hamilton Iverach, who married Frederick Grimsly, Birmingham, with issue - Florence Mackenzie; Henrietta; Louisa Sarah, who died in infancy; and Gwendoline Averill.

Captain Thomas, H.E.I.C.S., died in Jamaica, early in the present century, and was succeeded by his only son,

VIII. THOMAS MACKENZIE of Groundwater, who died unmarried, at Kirkwall, in November, 1847, when the property was sold to the Earl of Orkney, and the lineal representation of the family went into the female line, the nearest male relative at present being the son of his niece, Mary Hamilton Iverach, who died 3rd May, 1867,

IX. WILLIAM IVERACH, Wideford, Orkney, who was born on the 21st of June, 1865, and is still unmarried.


I. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, first of this family, was the second son of Kenneth Mackenzie, VII. of Kintail by his second wife, Agnes, daughter of Hugh, VIth Lord Lovat. He married Margaret, daughter of Sir William Munro of Fowlis, with issue -

1. Roderick, his heir and successor.

2. Hector, who was married three times, and had numerous issue, many of whose descendants are well-known and in good positions at the present day. From his second son Roderick, by his father"s second wife, a daughter of Urquhart, Sheriff of Cromarty, were descended the late Rev. John Mackenzie, minister of Resolis; the late Hector Mackenzie, of Taagan, Kenlochewe; the late Rev. Peter Mackenzie, D.D., minister of Ferintosh, ex-Moderator of the General a.s.sembly of the Church of Scotland; the Rev. Colin Mackenzie, minister of Contin; the Rev Kenneth Alexander Mackenzie, LL.D., present minister of Kingussie; Thomas Mackenzie, Sheriff-Subst.i.tute of Sutherlandshire; the late Major-General Alexander Mackenzie, C.B., Colonel of the 78th Highlanders; the Rev. John Gibson, ex-minister of Avoch; Mrs Alexander, Bedford, and several others, all of whom are shown in Sheet 4 of Sir James Dixon Mackenzie"s Genealogical Tables.

3. A daughter, who married Fraser of Belladrum.

4. A daughter, married William Ross of Invercharron.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

II. RODERICK MACKENZIE, second of Davochmaluag, who married Anne, daughter of Donald Macdonald of Sleat, with issue -

1. Kenneth, his heir and successor.

2. John Dubh, of whom no trace.

3. Mary, who had a natural son, Alexander, progenitor of the family of Applecross and Coul, by Colin Cam Mackenzie, XI. of Kintail.

She afterwards married, first, John Mor Grant, with issue; and, secondly, Cameron of Glen-Nevis.

Four other daughters married, respectively, Mackenzie of Kildun; Murdoch Mackenzie, III. of Achilty; Iver MacIver, Lochbroom, and Donald MacChoinnich Mhic Mhurchaidh.

Roderick was succeeded by his eldest son,

III. KENNETH MACKENZIE, third of Davochmaluag, who married a daughter of Ross of Balnagown, with issue -

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. John, minister of Lochbroom, who married his cousin, a daughter of Hector, son of Alexander, I. of Davochmaluag, with issue - William and Kenneth.

3. Kenneth, of whom nothing is known.

He had also a natural son, Murdo, Chamberlain of the Lewis, who married a daughter of George Munro of Katewell, with issue - several sons.

Kenneth was succeeded by his eldest son,

IV. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, fourth of Davochmaluag, served heir to his father on the 30th of December, 1611. He married Margaret, daughter of Hector Munro of Fowlis, with issue -

1. Roderick, his heir and successor.

2. Colin, who married Mary, daughter of the Rev. Mr Mackenzie, minister of Sleat, with issue.

3. The eldest daughter married Robert Gray.

4. Another married Alexander MacRae of Inverinate.

5. A third married Murdo Matheson, of Balmacarra.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

V. RODERICK MACKENZIE, fifth of Davochmaluag, who was a strong Loyalist. His estates were confiscated, a garrison was placed in his house by Oliver Cromwell, and he suffered great hardships during the Commonwealth. His friends took the officer who commanded the garrison in Davochmaluag house by surprise, and, in exchange for the officer"s release, Mackenzie secured his peace. A sasine to him is dated 1640. He married Janet, daughter of Fraser of Belladrum, with issue -

1. Kenneth, his heir and successor.

2. John, a Captain in Colonel Hill"s Regiment.

3. George, who married Annabella, daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie, VI. of Gairloch, with issue.

4. Roderick, who married a daughter of Mackenzie of Fairburn, with issue.

5. Hector, merchant in Edinburgh, who died unmarried.

6. Margaret, who married Alexander Mackenzie, II. of Tarvie, with issue.

7. A daughter, who married Bain of Knockbain.

8. Another, who married the Rev. John Mackenzie, minister of Lochbroom.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

VI. KENNETH MACKENZIE, sixth of Davochmaluag, who married, first, Mary, daughter of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, first Baronet of Coul, with issue -

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. Roderick, who married a daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie of Dundonnel, with issue.

3. Kenneth, who married a daughter of the Rev. John Mackenzie, minister of Fodderty and Archdeacon of Ross, with issue.

4. A daughter, who, in 1689, married Alexander Forrester of Cullenauld.

5. A daughter, who married Roderick, a brother of Sir Alexander Mackenzie, II. of Coul.

6. A third, who married Donald, son of Roderick Mackenzie, V. of Fairburn all three with issue.

He married, secondly, the widow of Mackenzie of Gairloch, without issue.

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