Kenneth was succeeded by his eldest son,

VII. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, seventh of Davochmaluag. He was appointed Sheriff-Subst.i.tute of Ross in 1698. He married first, Janet, daughter of Sir Alexander Mackenzie, II. of Coul, with issue - an only daughter, Janet, who married Aeneas Macleod of Camuscurry, with issue; marriage contract 28th April, 1715; tocher, 3000 merks. She married, secondly, John MacKenzie, chirurgeon, Fortrose.

He married, secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Alexander Rose of Clava (marriage contract 1695), with issue -

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. Kenneth, who married a Miss Gordon, with issue - two sons. He died in Jamaica.

3. John, who married his cousin Mary, daughter of his uncle Roderick, with issue - (1) Alexander, who went to Melbourne, Australia. and married, with issue, Alexander, now in Brisbane, Queensland. (2) Captain John Mackenzie, who married abroad, with issue - a daughter, Elizabeth, who died at Brighton, in 1856, without issue. (3) Elizabeth Mackenzie, who married, first, Richard Ord, of the Merkinch, Inverness, with issue - (a) William Ord, M.D. in the H.E.I.C.S., who died without issue; (b) John Ord, a merchant in London, who married with issue; (c) Richard, who died young; (d) Mary, who married Donald Fraser, solicitor, Inverness, with issue among others - the late John Fraser of Bunchrew, who married Hester Mary Mostyn, daughter of Edmund Lomax of Netley Park, Surrey, with issue, four sons and five daughters - Lieutenant-Colonel Edmund Lomax, late of the 60th Rifles, now of Bunchrew, unmarried; William Francis Mostyn, who died, unmarried, in 1881; Robert Scarlett, who married Beatrice Anna, daughter of Captain Alexander Watson Mackenzie, now of Ord, with issue; and Richard Agnew, late of the 78th Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs), now Major 1st V.B. Cameron Highlanders, and Brigade Major Highland Volunteer Brigade, unmarried. John Fraser of Bunchrew"s daughters were - Hester Mary, who, on the 4th of May, 1875, married Sir Archibald Douglas Drummond Stewart, Baronet, of Murthly and Grandtully, who died in 1891, without issue; Eliza, who died at Cairo, unmarried, in 1889; Frances Cecil Catherine; Laura, who married Sir Francis William Grant, Baronet of Monymusk, who died in 1887, without issue; and Georgina Arbuthnot. John Fraser of Bunchrew died in 1876. (e) Prudence, Richard Ord"s second daughter, married Bailie John Mackenzie, Inverness, son of John Mackenzie of Ardnagrask, eldest son of Hector Mackenzie of Sand, Gairloch, and of Ardnagrask, with issue (for which see Gairloch Genealogy, pp. 416-418). Elizabeth, on the death of her first husband, Richard Ord, married, secondly, as his second wife, Farquhar Macrae of Inverinate, without issue.

4. Roderick, who died unmarried.

5. Mary, who married William Mackenzie of Achilty and Kinnahaird, brother of Sir Alexander Mackenzie, V. of Coul, with issue.

6. Margaret, who married Captain Joseph Avery. They afterwards went to Carolina, and left issue.

7. Frances, who married John Macleod of Bay, Isle of Skye, with issue - one daughter.

8. Christian, who married William Tolmie, first a merchant at Fortrose, and subsequently factor for Macleod of Macleod at Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, with issue, among others - John, tacksman of Uiginish, Skye, who married Jean, daughter of Murdoch Mackenzie, merchant, Stornoway, son of Roderick Mackenzie, III. of Avoch, with issue - John, who succeeded his father at Uiginish and married a daughter of Hugh MacCaskill, tacksman of Tallisker, with issue - the Rev. John Tolmie, M.A.; Jean, who married Laurence Skene, banker, Portree, with issue Normana, who married Donald MacLellan, tacksman of Vatersay, Barra, with issue; and several other sons and daughters, who emigrated to Australia and New Zealand. The first-named John Tolmie had also two daughters, one of whom, Barbara, married John Macdonald, tacksman of Scolpaig, North Uist, with issue - the late John Macdonald, Newton, one of the finest men and best factors that ever lived and Margaret, who married William MacNeil, tacksman of Newton, North Uist, and died in 1893 without issue. The other daughter, Annabella, married her cousin Hector, second son of Captain John Mackenzie, VI.

of Ballone, with issue - John Tolmie Mackenzie, now residing at Dunvegan, Isle of Skye.

Alexander was succeeded by his eldest son,

VIII. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, eighth and last Baron of Davochmaluag.

He also was Sheriff-Subst.i.tute of Ross and was Captain of an Independent Company in 1746. He married, first, Magdalene, daughter of Hugh Rose, XV. of Kilravock (marriage contract 1723), with issue -

1. Kenneth, who died before his father, of consumption, in 1753, at Cowes, Isle of Wight, while serving an apprenticeship with George Mackenzie, merchant there.

2. Jean, who married, first, William Mackenzie, son of Donald Mackenzie, V. of Kilcoy, without issue and secondly, Alexander Mackenzie, VIII. of Fairburn, with issue - Roderick, who succeeded as IX. of Fairburn, and Kenneth, Lieutenant in the 21st Regiment, who served under General Burgoyne in America, where he was killed, unmarried, at Saratoga, in September, 1777.

3. Beatrice, who married John Mackenzie, II. of Brae, with issue.

4. Mary, who married Farquhar MacRae of Inverinate, with issue.

5. Magdalene, who married the Rev. Alexander Mackay, minister of Barvas, Lewis, without issue.

Alexander married, secondly, Anne, daughter of Roderick Mackenzie, IV. of Applecross, and widow of Alexander Mackenzie of Lentran, with issue - Anne, who married George Mackenzie, III. of Pitlundie, Sheriff-Subst.i.tute of Ross, with issue. He died without male issue in 1776, and was succeeded by his grandson,

IX. KENNETH MACKENZIE, ninth of Davochmaluag, son of his eldest daughter, Jean, a Lieutenant in the army, killed, as already stated, without issue, at Saratoga in 1777 and having survived his cousin, Roderick Mackenzie, eldest son of John Mackenzie, II. of Brae, the lineal representation of the family devolved upon Alexander Mackenzie, XI. of Hilton.


THE first of this family was the third son of Kenneth Mackenzie, VII. of Kintail, by Agnes Fraser of Lovat. He was originally designated of Acha-ghluineachan, but afterwards as

I. RORY MOR MACKENZIE, first of Achilty. He was a most powerful man, and numerous instances of his prowess are still related among his countrymen, the most noted of which was his defeat of the famous Italian champion before King James V. (described pp. 104-107). He married, first, a daughter of Farquhar MacEachainn Maclean, with issue -

1. Alastair Roy, his heir and successor.

2. Alastair Dubh, who died without issue.

3. John Roy, who married, with issue.

He married, secondly, a lady of the name of Grant, widow of Ross of Balnagown, also with issue.

By a daughter of William Dubh Macleod he had four natural sons, the eldest of whom, Murdoch, legitimatised by James V. in 1539, was progenitor of the family of Fairburn. The other three - Alexander, John, and Roderick - were also legitimatised by the same King in 1541.

Rory Mor died on the 17th of March, 1533, was buried at Beauly, and succeeded by his eldest son,

II. ALASTAIR ROY MACKENZIE, second of Achilty, who married a daughter of John Chisholm, XIII. of Chisholm. with issue -

1. Murdoch, his heir and successor.

2. Rory, who married, with issue - a daughter, who married Duncan Fraser of Munlochy, and Donald, who was also married, with issue.

3. John, who married Tullochgorm"s daughter, with issue - a son Alexander, who lived at Struy.

He died at Lochbroom in 1578, was buried there, and succeeded by his eldest son,

III. MURDOCH MACKENZIE, third of Achilty, who married a daughter of Roderick Mackenzie, II. of Davochmaluag, with issue -

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. Murdoch, I. of Ardross and Pitgla.s.sie, progenitor of the present Mackenzies of Dundonnel.

3. Kenneth, of whom nothing is known.

4. Rory, who married, first, a daughter of Alastair MacAllan, by whom he had Murdo Mackenzie, afterwards Bishop of Raufoe in Ireland.

He married, secondly, a daughter of Hector Mackenzie, son of Murdoch Mackenzie, I. of Fairburn, with issue, two sons - Alexander and Hector, and four daughters who married respectively Allan Mackenzie of Loggie; Dougal Mac Ian Oig; Rory Clark; and Lachlan Mac Mhurchaidh Mhic Eachainn, of Gairloch.

5. Isobel, who married Alexander Mackenzie of Inchcoulter, with issue.

He died on the 14th of March, 1609, was buried in Lochbroom, and succeeded by his eldest son,

IV. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, fourth of Achilty, who married a daughter of David Chambers, with issue -

1. Murdoch, his heir and successor.

2. John, who married a daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie, I. of the old family of Davochcairn.

3. Thomas, who married a daughter of Duncan Mackenzie, I. of Sand; and several daughters, who married respectively James Macleod, a.s.synt; Ra.n.a.ld MacGillespick; Angus Mac Dhomhnuill Mhic Dhomhnuill; Hector Mackenzie, Mellan, Gairloch, second son of John Roy Mackenzie, IV. of Gairloch, by his second marriage Kenneth Buidhe Mackenzie, natural son of John Roy, IV. of Gairloch; and Duncan Mackenzie, Mhic Ian.

He died at Kildin in 1642, was buried at Dingwall, and succeeded by his eldest son,

V. MURDOCH MACKENZIE, fifth of Achilty, who married, first, a daughter of Hector Mackenzie, son of Alexander Roy, son of Hector Cam, natural son of Hector Roy Mackenzie, I. of Gairloch, without issue. He married, secondly, a daughter of Hector Mackenzie, IV.

of Fairburn, relict of Kenneth Mackenzie, I. of Davochcairn, with issue -

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