1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. Isobel, who, in 1701, married Kenneth, son of John MacIver of Tournaig.

He married, thirdly, Isabel, daughter of Alexander Mackenzie, V.

of Gairloch, relict successively of John Mackenzie of Lochslinn, and Colin Mackenzie, I. of Tarvie, without issue.

He was succeeded by his only son,

VI. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, sixth of Achilty, Chamberlain of the Lewis and a.s.synt in 1735. He married Christian Mackenzie, with issue -

1. Murdoch, his heir and successor.

2. David, who married, with issue - Colin, who succeeded his uncle Murdoch.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

VII. MURDOCH MACKENZIE, seventh of Achilty, who, in 1728, married Anne, third daughter of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, first Baronet and VIII. of Gairloch, without issue. He was succeeded by his nephew, a son of his brother David,

VIII. COLIN MACKENZIE, eighth of Achilty, an Officer in the 78th Regiment, who married Janet, third daughter of Sir Alexander Mackenzie, second Baronet and IX. of Gairloch. He was the last who possessed the property. In 1784 he has a tack of the farm of Kinkell, where he died in 1813, with his affairs involved. He left one son, John, who died without issue, whereupon the property pa.s.sed to the Mackenzies of Applecross.


THE progenitor of this family was Murdoch, second son of Murdoch Mackenzie, III. of Achilty. He purchased the lands of Pitgla.s.sie and Kildin, and married Catharine, daughter of John Mackenzie of Tolly, with issue -

1. Kenneth, who, in 1699, married Agnes Fraser, and died before his father, without issue.

2. Alexander, who succeeded his father.

3. John "Rapach," who married Anne, daughter of Colin Mackenzie, III. of Kincraig, without issue.

4. William, Episcopal minister of Rosskeen, who married a daughter of Fraser of Belladrum. He was admitted minister of Rosskeen before the 9th of August, 1665, and he died on the 14th of March, 1714. He had a son described in 1709 as "John, his eldest son."

He also had a son called "Black Colin," who had the farm of Achintoul in Rosskeen, and who married, with issue--(1) Alexander, who married Lilias Mackenzie, daughter of Colin Mackenzie, II. of Kincraig, with issue - a daughter, who married, first, Alexander Ellison, and secondly, Alexander Aird; (2) George, who married a daughter of Gordon of Embo, with issue - Colin; John; and three daughters, Mary, Nelly, and Margaret, who died at Invergordon 45 to 50 years ago, and "were as primitive in their appearance and dress as if they had come out of Noah"s ark." The Rev. William had also three daughters, who married respectively the Rev. Allan Clark, minister of Glenelg; the Rev. Duncan MacCulloch, minister of Urquhart, and Andrew Fraser, Chamberlain of Ferrintosh.

Murdoch died in 1655, was buried at Dingwall, and succeeded by his second and eldest surviving son,

I. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, first of Dundonnel. He bought the lands of Ardross during his father"s lifetime, in 1644, formerly the property of Ross of Tolly, and sold the lands of Pitgla.s.sie and Kildin. He was served heir in 1662. He married Janet, daughter of Alexander Mackenzie, V. of Gairloch, with issue -

1. Murdoch, his heir and successor.

2. Kenneth, in Ulladale, who had a son Alexander, retoured as heir general in 1715.

3. Hector, apprenticed to learn chirurgery in 1682.

4. William, who in 1681, married Christian, daughter of Colin Mackenzie, II. of Kincraig.

5. Alexander.

6. Roderick, of whom nothing is known.

7. Isobella, who in 1678 married, as his second wife, Alexander Mackenzie of Inchcoulter, brother-german to Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh.

He died in 1674, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

II. MURDOCH MACKENZIE, second of Dundonnel, who married a daughter of Grant of Elchies, Strathspey, with issue -

1. John, his heir and successor.

2. Another son, who died in 1761.

3. Murdoch, tacksman of Clynes in 1745.

4. Rory.

5. Anne.

6. Margaret, who in 1709 married Gregor, heir of Robert Grant of Gartenmor.

He was buried at Rosskeen, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

III. JOHN MACKENZIE, third of Dundonnel, who married Helen, daughter of T. Erskine of Pittoderie, celebrated for her beauty, with issue--

1. Roderick, his heir and successor.

2. Murdoch, who succeeded as V. of Ardross.

3. Margaret, who married James Muir of Stonywood, with issue.

4. Rachael, or Barbara, who married George Paton, of Grandholm, with issue.

5. Jean, and several others - in all a family of fifteen. He was buried at Rosskeen, and succeeded by his eldest son,

IV. RODERICK MACKENZIE, fourth of Dundonnel, who died without issue, and was succeeded by his eldest brother,

V. MURDOCH MACKENZIE, fifth of Dundonnel, who in 1743, married Bathia, daughter of John Paton of Grandholm. In his time was concluded before Lord Mansfield in the House of Lords, a law-suit which existed for four generations between his family and the Rosses of Achnacloich or Tolly, regarding the validity of the sale of the property to Alexander, second of the family, a litigation which ruined the Rosses and involved the Mackenzies of Ardross deeply in debt. He died, and was buried at Rosskeen, having had issue, an only daughter, who succeeded to the property as sixth of Dundonnel,

VI. MARGARET MACKENZIE, who in 1768 married James Munro of Teaninich, Captain R.N., with issue -

1. Hugh Munro, Captain in the 78th Regiment, who succeeded to the estate of Teaninich, and in 1846 died unmarried.

2. Murdoch, who resumed the name of Mackenzie, and succeeded his mother in Ardross and Dundonnel.

3. Colonel Hector, who died unmarried in 1827.

4. Major-General John Munro, H.E.I.C. S., who married Charlotte, daughter of Dr Blacker, with issue - (1) James St John, late Major 60th Rifles, who died in 1818, was married, and left issue - Maxwell, Lieutenant 48th Regiment, and others; (2) John; (3) Stuart Caradoc Munro, now of Teaninich; (4) Maxwell William; and (5) Charlotte, who, in 1834, married the Hon. George A. Spencer, with issue.

5. Catherine, who married Thomas Warrand of Warrandfield, Inverness, with issue - Robert, Major in the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons; three other sons and a daughter, all of whom died young.

6. Bathia; and 7. Alexina, both of whom died young.

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