Thomas made a new disposition of the estates by which, in consequence of a family quarrel, he cut out his only surviving brother, Captain Donald and his daughters - two sons having previously died unmarried - from the succession. The property, under this new settlement, went, first, to his son and heir, Thomas, and his issue secondly, failing these, to his daughter Elizabeth; and thirdly, failing her and her issue, to Thomas, the eldest son of his sister Anne, who, as already stated, married Kenneth Mackenzie of Inverinate, W.S.; and failing him and his issue, to the other children of the same sister.

Thomas was succeeded by his eldest and only surviving son,

VIII. THOMAS MACKENZIE, eighth of Applecross, who was for many years, and until his death in 1827, Member of Parliament for the County of Ross. He died, unmarried, and was, in terms of the abovenamed settlement, succeeded by his sister,

IX. ELIZABETH MACKENZIE, ninth of Applecross. She was in delicate health when her brother died, and continued so until her death two years after him, in 1829. She was never served heir, and, dying unmarried, she was in terms of her brother"s settlement succeeded by her cousin-german,

X. THOMAS MACKENZIE of Inverinate, W.S., Edinburgh, tenth of Applecross, who represented the County of Ross in Parliament from 1837 to 1847. He married Mary, daughter of George Mackenzie of Avoch, with issue -

1. Kenneth John, his heir and successor.

2. George Alexander, a merchant in Liverpool, who married Elizabeth, daughter of John Cay of Charlton, with issue - an only daughter, Mabel Georgina. He died in 1874.

3. Thomas, W.S., Edinburgh, who died unmarried.

4. Francis James, who died, unmarried, in 1875.

5. Duncan Davidson, who died, unmarried, in 1863.

6. Margaret.

7. Anne Jane.

8. Geddes Elizabeth, who married John Cay, W.S., Edinburgh.

Thomas sold the estate of Applecross in 1857 to the Duke of Leeds, and Inverinate to the late Sir Alexander Matheson of Ardross and Lochalsh. On his death in 1857, he was succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest son,

XI. KENNETH JOHN MACKENZIE, who was born in 1819 and died unmarried in 1868, when he was succeeded as representative of the family by his next brother,

XII. GEORGE ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, who died in 1874, without male issue. He was succeeded as representative of the family by his next brother,

XIII. THOMAS MACKENZIE, Edinburgh, who died unmarried a few years ago, the last male of the Highfield Applecrosses, failing the descendants of Captain Donald, who was disinherited.


ALEXANDER MACKENZIE of Coul and Applecross, son of Colin Cam, XIth Baron of Kintail, by Mary of Davochmaluag, had, among others, whose names are given under APPLECROSS,

I. SIR KENNETH MACKENZIE, first designated of a.s.synt, but in 1649 he has a sasine of Coul. He was a "man of parts," and in great favour with Charles II., who made him a Baronet by Royal patent with remainder to the heirs male of his body, dated on the 16th of October, 1673. He was also appointed of Ross and Inverness, these counties being then one under the jurisdiction of one Sheriff.

He married, first, Jean, eldest daughter of Alexander Chisholm, XIX. of Chisholm, with issue -

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. Simon, I. of Torridon and Lentran, of whom presently.

3. John, I. of Delvine, of whom after Torridon.

4. Roderick, who married a daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie, VI. of Davochmaluag.

5. A daughter, who married Colin Mackenzie, IV. of Redcastle, with issue.

6. Agnes, married Sir John Munro of Fowlis, with issue.

7. Jane, who married Alexander Baillie, IX. of Dunain.

8. Christian, who married John Dunbar, Younger of Bennetsfield.

9. Lilias, married John Munro of Inverawe, with issue.

10. Mary, who as his first wife married Kenneth Mackenzie, VI.

of Davochmaluag, with issue.

11. Another, who married Gordon of Cluny.

He married, secondly, a daughter of Thomas Mackenzie of Inverlael, with issue - two sons, who died young.

12. Catharine, who married Alexander Mackenzie, II. of Belmaduthy, with issue.

13. A daughter, who married Ross of Aldie.

14. A daughter, who married Evander Maciver of Tour-naig, with issue.

15. Another, married MacIver of Tournaig"s brother.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

II. SIR ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, second of Coul, who married first, Jean, daughter of Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonston, Tutor of Sutherland, with issue -

1. John, his heir and successor.

2. Colin, who succeeded as IV. of Coul.

3. Lucy, who married Angus Mackintosh, X. of Kyllachy.

4. Janet, who in 1695 married Alexander Mackenzie, VII. of Davochmaluag, with issue - an only daughter, Janet, who in 1715 married Aeneas Macleod, of Camuscurry, with issue - an only daughter, Mary, who married John Urquhart of Mount Eagle.

Sir Alexander married secondly, Janet Johnstone of Warriston, with issue - William, Simon, and James; and a daughter, Margaret, who married Andrew Brown of Dolphinton, with issue.

He had a charter under the Great Seal, in 1681, by which his lands of Coul and others were, upon his own resignation, erected into one free barony in favour of himself and his heirs male, holding of the Crown. He afterwards, in 1702, made a deed of entail by which all his estates were settled upon heirs male of his own body. He died shortly after, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

III. SIR JOHN MACKENZIE, third of Coul, who married first, Margaret, daughter of Hugh Rose of Kilravock, with issue - an only daughter, who married Bayne of Delny. He married, secondly, in 1703, Helen, daughter of Patrick Lord Elibank, with issue - two daughters, one of whom married Sir George Hope of Kirkliston, Baronet. The other died unmarried. He joined the Earl of Mar in 1715, was attainted for high treason, and dying without issue male the t.i.tles and estates were a.s.sumed by his next brother,

IV. SIR COLIN MACKENZIE, fourth of Coul, who was Clerk to the Pipe in the Exchequer, an office which he held during his life.

He married Henrietta, daughter of Sir Patrick Houston of Houston, with issue -

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

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