Prepositions are few, and are oftener embraced in the form of the verb, as in the Latin. The most important are, pin-je, in; tchish-pin, or kish-pin, if. Po-taw-wen pin-je ke-zhap ke-ze-gun, make some fire in the stove; Tchish-pin maw-tchawt, if he go away. Or the same may be expressed, Po-taw-wen ke-zhap ke-ze-gun-ing ("ing" forming locative ease, with the preposition implied); and, Maw-yaw-tchaw-gwen (the latter form of verb expressing subjunctive mood). The employment of the preposition makes the expression more emphatic.

The most important Conjunctions are, haw-yea, gaw-ya, ka-ie, and; and ke-maw, or. [Three forms of "and" doubtless due to imperfect orthography.]

Interjections embrace, yaw! exclamation of danger; au-to-yo! surprise; a-te-way! disappointment; taw-wot-to! disgust; ke-yo-o! disgust (used only by females).

There is no Article; but the words, mendaw, that, and maw-baw, this, are often used before nouns as specifying terms, and are always emphatic. E-we is common for that, directed to things at a distance.

A peculiarity, of uncertain significance, is the termination, sh, or esh, employed in connection with the possessive case. It does not change the interpretation, and is perhaps an expression of familiarity, or intimate relationship. Ill.u.s.tration:

Ne-gwiss, my son; Ne-gwisa-esh, my son.

Ne-daw-niss, my daughter; Ne-daw-niss-esh, my daughter.

Ne-dib, my head; Ne-dib-awsh, my head.

Ne-wau-bo-yon, my blanket; Ne-wau bo-yon-esh, my blanket.

Ne-gwiss-og, my sons; Ne-gwiss-es-shog, my sons.

Ne-daw-niss-og, my daughters; Ne-daw-niss-es-shog, my daughters.

One, Pa-zhig. Ten, Me-toss-we.

Two, Nezh. Twenty, Nezh-to-naw.

Three, Ness-we. Thirty, Ne-se-me-to-naw.

Four, Ne-win. Forty, Ne-me-to-naw.

Five, Naw-non. Fifty, Naw-ne-me-to-naw.

Six, Ne-go-twos-we. Sixty, Ne-go-twa-se-me-to-naw.

Seven, Nezh-was-we. Seventy, Nezh-wo-se-me-to-naw.

Eight, Nish-shwas-we. Eighty, Nish-wo-se-me-to-naw.

Nine, Shong-swe. Ninety, Shong-gaw-se-me-to-naw.

One hundred, Go-twok.

Father, Os-se-maw, pl. g. Mother, O-gaw-shi-maw, pl. g.

Brother, We-kaw-ne-se-maw. Sister, O-me-say-e-maw.

Grandfather, O-me-shaw-mes-e-maw. Grandmother, O-ko-mes-se-maw.

Cousin, male, We-taw-wis-e-maw. Cousin, female, We-ne-mo-shay-e-maw.

Uncle, O-me-shaw-may-e-maw. Aunt, O-nou-shay-e-maw.

Boy, Que-we-zayns, pl. og. Girl, Quay-zayns, pl. og.

Man, Au-ne-ne, pl. wog. Woman, Au-quay, pl. wog.

Old man, Au-ke-wa-ze, pl. yog. Old woman, Me-de-mo-yay, pl. yog.

Ae, yes. Kau, no. Nau-go, now.

Ka-ge-te, truly so. Kau-win, no (emphatic). Au-zhon-daw, here.

Pe-nau! hark! Ka-go, don"t. E-wo-te, there.

Pa-kau, stop. Kaw-ga-go, none. Ne-gon, before.

Aush-kwe-yong, behind. Ne-se-wo-yaw-ing, between.

Pe-tchi-naw-go, yesterday. Wau-bung, to-morrow.

Pe-tchi-nog, just now. Wau-e-baw, soon.

Au-no-maw-yaw, lately. Way-wib, quickly.

Au-gaw-won, hardly. Naw-a-gotch, slowly.

Au-pe-tchi, very. O-je-daw, purposely.

Kay-gaw, almost. Saw-kou, for example.

Mou-zhawg, always. Me-naw-gay-kaw! to be sure!

Ne-sawb, alike. Kaw-maw-me-daw, can"t.

Pin-dig, inside. Pin-di-gayn, come in.

We-yaw, The Body. Pe-nay-shen, Bird.

(Pl. yog) O-dib, Head. Wing-ge-zee, Eagle.

O-te-gwan, Face. Pe-nay-se, Hawk.

O-don, Mouth. Mong, Loon.

Osh-ke-zheg, Eye. Me-zhe-say, Turkey.

O-no-wau-e, Cheek. She-sheb, Duck.

(P. og; others an.) Otch-awsh, Nose. Kaw-yawshk, Gull.

O-daw-me-kon, Jaw. Tchin-dees, Bluejay.

O-da-naw-naw, Tongue. May-may, Woodc.o.c.k.

We-bid, Tooth. Pe-nay, Partridge.

We-ne-zes, Hair. Au-dje-djawk, Crane.

O-kaw-tig, Forehead. O-me-me, Pigeon.

O-maw-maw, Eyebrow. Au-pe-tchi, Robin.

Kaw-gaw-ge, Palate. Awn-dayg, Crow.

(P. og; others an.) O-kaw-gun, Neck. Au-nawk, Thrasher.

O-do-daw-gun, Throat. Paw-paw-say, Woodp.e.c.k.e.r.

O pe-kwawn, Back. Ke-wo-nee, Prairie hen.

O-pe-gay-gun, Rib. Maw-kwa, Bear.

O-me-gawt, Stomach. Mooz, Moose.

O-naw-gish, Bowel. Me-shay-wog, Elk.

Osh-kawt, Belly. Maw-in-gawn, Wolf.

O-kwan, Liver. Au-mick, Beaver.

O-kun, Bone. Maw-boos, Rabbit.

O-nenj, Hand. Pe-zhen, Lynx.

O-neek, Arm. Au-ni-moosh, Dog.

O-dos-kwon, Elbow. Au-ni-mouns, Puppy.

O-kawd, Leg. Au-zhawshk, Muskrat.

O-ge-dig, Knee. Wau-goosh, Fox.

(P. og; others an.) O bwom, Thigh. Shaw-gway-she, Mink.

O-zeet, Foot. A-se-bou, Racc.o.o.n.

O-don-dim, Heel. Me-she-be-zhe, Panther.

(eg; others wog, og, g.) O-ge-tchi-zeet, Big toe. She-gos-se, Weasel.

O-ge-tchi-nenj, Thumb. Au-saw-naw-go, Squirrel.

Ke-gon, Fish. Maw-ne-tons, insect.

(Pl. yog) Ke-gons (dim.), minnow. O-jee, house fly.

(Pl. sog) Naw-me-gons, trout. Me-ze-zawk, horse fly.

Maw-zhaw-me-gons, brook trout. Au-mon, b.u.mblebee.

Maw-may, sturgeon. Au-moans (dim.), bee, hornet.

O-gaw, pickerel. May-may-gwan, b.u.t.terfly.

(Pl. yog) She-gwaw-meg, dog fish. Au-kou-jeah, louse.

Au-saw-way, perch. Paw-big, flea.

O-kay-yaw-wis, herring. O-ze-gog, woodtick.

Au-she-gun, black ba.s.s. A-naw-go, ant.

Au-de-kaw-meg, whitefish. A-a-big, spider.

Ke-no-zhay, pike. Saw-ge-may, mosquito.

Paw-zhe-toua, sheep head. Mo-say, cut worm.

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