(Pl. yog) Maw-maw-bin, sucker. O-quay, maggot.

Paw-gawn, nut; (dim. paw-gaw-nays, hazelnut or other small nut) Au-zhaw-way-mish, pl. eg; beech tree.

Au-zhaw-way-min, pl. on; beech nut.

Me-te-gwaw-bawk, pl. og; hickory tree.

Me-gwaw-baw-ko paw-gon, pl. on; hickory nut.

Paw-gaw-naw-ko paw-gon, pl. on; walnut.

Me-she-me-naw-gaw-wosh, pl. eg; apple tree.

Me-she-min, pl. og; apple.

Shaw-bo-me-naw-gaw-wosh, pl. eg; gooseberry bush.

Shaw-bo-min, pl. og; gooseberry.

Paw-gay-saw-ne-mish, pl. eg; plum tree.

Paw-gay-son, pl. og; plum.

Aw-nib, pl. eg; elm. Aw-doup, pl. eg; willow.

Shin-gwawk, pl. wog; pine. Ke-zhek, pl. og; cedar.

Au-bo-yawk, pl. wog; ash. We-aaw-gawk, pl. og; black ash.

Me-daw-min, pl. og; corn. O-zaw-o-min, pl. og; yellow corn.

Mis-kou-min, pl. og; red raspberry.

Wau-be-mis-kou-min, pl. og; white raspberry.

Wau-kaw-tay-mis-kou-min, pl. eg; black raspberry.

AU-KEE; the world, the earth, land, country, soil.

Pay-maw-te-se-jeg au-king, the people of the world.

Taw-naw-ke-win, country or native land.

Ke-taw-kee-me-naw, our country.

Maw-kaw-te au-kee, black earth or soil.

Me-daw-keem, my land.

Au-ke-won, soiled; also applied to rich land.

Ne-besh, water; ne-be-kaw, wet land.

Wau-bawsh-ko-kee, marsh land.

An-ke-kaw-daw-go-kee, tamarack swamp.

Ke-zhe-ke-kee, cedar swamp.

Au-tay yaw-ko-kee, swamp, swampy land.

Shen-gwaw-ko-kee, pine land.

Ne-gaw-we-kee, sand; ne-gaw-we-kaw, sandy.

Kong-ke-tchi-gaw-me, the ocean.

Ke-tchi-au-gaw-ming, across the ocean.

Se-be (pl. won), river; se-be-wens (dim). (pl. an.) brook.

Ke-te-gawn (pl. on), farm; ke-te-gaw-nes (dim.), garden.

Ke-te-gay we-ne-ne, (pl. wog), farmer.

Ke-zes, sun; te-bik-ke-zes, moon; au-nong (pl. wog), star.

Ke-zhe-gut, day; te-be-kut, night.

Ne-bin, summer; pe-boon, winter.

Ne-be-nong, last summer; me-no-pe-boon, pleasant winter.

Tau-gwan-gee, fall; me-nou-kaw-me, spring.

Au-won-se-me-nou-kaw-ming, year ago last spring.

Maw-tchi taw-gwan-ge, bad or unpleasant fall.

No-din, wind; no-wau-yaw, the air.

No-de-naw-ne-mot, windy.

To-ke-sin, calm; ne-tche-wod, stormy.

Au-pe-tchi ne-tche-wod, very stormy.

Wig-wom, house; wig-wom-an, houses.

Au-sin wig-worn, stone house.

Au-naw-me-a-we-gaw-mig, a church.

Te-baw-ko-we-ga we-gaw-mig, a court house.

Me-no-say, handy. Me-no-sayg, that which is handy.

Au-no-ke, work. A-no-ket, he that is working.

Wo-be, he sees. Wau-yaw-bet, he that sees.

Pe-mo-say, he walks. Pe-mo-sayt, he that is walking.

Pe-me-bot-to, he runs. Pe-me-bot-tot, he that runs.

Get him, nawzh. Get it, naw-din.

Help him, naw-daw-maw. Help it, naw-daw-maw-don.

Call him, naw-doum. Ask for it, naw-don-don.

Go to him, naw-zhe-kow. Go to it, naw-zhe-kon.

Meet him, naw-kwesh-kow. Meet it, naw-kwesh-kon.

Ne-dje-mon, my boat. Ne-dje-may, I paddle.

Ne-dje-bawm, my soul. Ne-do-ge-mom, my master.

Ne-gwes, my son. Ne-daw-nes, my daughter.

Ne-taw-wes, my cousin. Ne-kaw-nes, my brother.

Ne-daw-kim, my land. Ne-ne-tehaw-nes, my child.

He sleeps, ne-baw. He is dead, ne-bou.

He is sleepy, au-kon-gwa-she. He died, ke-ne-bou.

He is white, wau-besh-ke-zee. He is afraid, sa-ge-ze.

He is lonely, aush-ken-dom. He is lazy, ke-te-mesk-ke.

He is killed, nes-saw. He is well, me-no-pe-maw-de-ze.

Ne-tawn, first. Ne-tawn ke-taw-gwe-shin, he came first.

Ne-gon, before. Ne-gon-ne, he goes before.

Au-ko-zee, sick. Au-ko-zi-we-gaw-mig, hospital.

Au-gaw-saw, small. O-gaw-sawg o-naw-gun pe-ton, bring small Au-gaw-won, scarcely. Au-gaw-won ne-wob, I scarcely see.

Once, ne-go-ting. Only once, ne-go-ting a-taw.

Not there, ne-go-tchi. Look elsewhere, ne-go-tchi ne-naw-bin.

Change, mesh-kwot. He is elsewhere, ne-go-tchi e-zhaw.

Full, mosh-ken. It is elsewhere, ne-go-tchi au-tay.

Fill it, mosh-ke-naw-don. Change it, mes-kwo-to-non.

Saw-kon, go out. Pe-saw-kon, come out.

Maw-tchawn, go away. Pe-maw-tchawn, come away.

Pe-to, to bring. Pe-ton, fetch it.

Ash-kom, more and more. Nos, my father.

Ash-kom so-ge-po, more and more snow. Kos, your father.

Ash-kom ke-me-wau, more and more rain. O-sawn, his father.

Ash-kom ke-zhaw-tay, hotter and hotter. Ne-gaw-she, my mother.

Ash-kom ke-se-naw, colder and colder. Ke-gaw-she, your mother.

E-ke-to, saying. E-ke-ton, say it.

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