E-ke-to, he says. Ke-e-ke-to, he said.

Kay-go mon-daw e-ke-to-kay, do not say that.

E-wau, he says [the same as e-ke-to, but used only in third person and cannot be conjugated].

E-naw-bin, look; e-naw-bin au-zhon-daw, look here.

A-zhawd, going; au-ne-pe a-zhawd? where did he go?

E-wo-te, there; me-saw e-wo-te au-daw-yon, there is your home.

Au-zhe-me, there; au-zhe-me au-ton, set it there.

Au-ne-me-kee, thunder; au-ne-me-ke-kaw, it thundered.

Awsh-kon-tay, fire; awsh-kon-tay o-zhe-ton, make some fire.

On-je-gaw, leaked; on-je-gaw tchi-mon, the boat leaked.

Kaw-ke-naw, all; kaw-ke-naw ke-ge-way-wog, all gone home.

Ke-wen, go home. [This verb always implies home, but the emphatic expression is ke-wen en-daw-yawn.]

Son-gon (inanimate), son-ge-ze (animate), tough.

Se-gwan, spring; se-gwa-nong, last spring (Chippewa dialect).

Me-gwetch, thanks; me-gwe-tchi-me-au, he is thanked.

Taw-kwo, short; on-sawm taw-kwo, too short.

Ke-me-no-pe-maw-tis naw? Are you well?

Ae, ne-me-no-pe-maw-tis. Yes, I am well.

Ke-taw-kos naw? Are you sick?

Kau-win ne-taw-ko-si-sy. No, I am not sick.

Au-ne-pish kos e-zhat? Where did your father go?

O-day-naw-wing ezhaw. He is gone to town.

Ke-ge-we-sin naw? Have you eaten?

Ae, ne-ge-aush-kwaw-we-sin. Yes, I have done eating.

Ke-baw-kaw-tay naw? Are you hungry?

Kaw-win, ne-baw-kaw-tay-sy. No, I am not hungry.

Pe-mo-say-win, walking (noun); ne-pe-mo-say, I walk.

Aum-bay paw-baw-mo-say-taw, let us go walking.

Ne-ge-paw-baw-mo-say, I have been walking.

Ne-ge-paw-baw-mish-kaw, I have been boat riding.

Aum-bay paw-baw-mish-kaw-daw, let us go boat riding.

Maw-tchawn, go on, or go away.

Maw-tchawn we-wib, go on quickly.

Ke-maw-tchaw-wog, they have gone.

Aum-bay maw-tchaw-taw, let us go.

Wan-saw e-zhaw, he is gone far away.

We-kau-de-win, a feast; we-koum, I invite him (to a feast).

We-kau-maw-wog, they are invited (to a feast).

Maw-zhe-aw, overpowered; maw-zhe-twaw, victorious.

Mou-dje-ge-ze-win, or, me-naw-wo-ze-win, rejoicing.

Mou-dje-ge-ze, or, me-naw-wo-ze, he rejoices.

Au-no-maw-yaw ke-daw-gwe-shin, he came lately.

Au-pe-tchi ke-zhaw-tay, it is very hot Ke-tchi no-din, it is blowing hard.

Paw-ze-gwin we-wib, get up quickly.

Me-no e-naw-kaw-me-got, good news.

Me-no e-naw-kaw-me-got naw? Is it good news?

She-kaw-gong ne-de-zhaw-me, we are going to Chicago.

She-kaw-gong on-je-baw, he came from Chicago Saw-naw-got, difficult to overcome.

Saw-naw-ge-ze, he is in difficulty.

Saw-naw-ge-ze-wog, they are in difficulty.

Sa-ge-ze, he is frightened; sa-ge-ze-win, fright.

Ke-gus-kaw-naw-baw-gwe naw? Are you thirsty?

Au-pe-tchi ne-gus-kaw-naw-gwe. I am very thirsty.

Me-naw au-we, give him drink.

Ke-bish me-naw, give him water to drink.

O-daw-kim o-ge-au-taw-wen, he sold his land.

O-da paw-gaw-awn, the heart beats.

O-da me-tchaw-ne, he has a big heart Ke-ne-se-to-tom naw? Do you understand?

Ke-ne-se-to-tow naw? Do you understand me?

Kau-win, ke-ne-se to-tos-no. No, I do not understand you.

Ke-no-dom naw? Do you hear? Ae, ne-no-doin. Yes, I hear.

Ke-pe-sen-dom naw? Do you listen?

Ke-maw-ne-say naw? Are you chopping?

Maw-tchi e-naw-kaw-me-got naw? Is it bad news?

We-go-nash wau-au-yaw mon? What do you want?

Au-nish au-pe-daw-taw-gwe-she non? When did you come?

Au-ne-pesh a-zhaw yon? Where are you going?

Au-ne-pesh wen-dje-baw yon? Where are you from?

Au-ne-dosh wau-e-ke-to yon? What shall you say?

Au-nish mon-daw e-naw-gen deg? What is the price?

Maw-ne-say, he chops; ma-ne-sayt, he that chops.

Ne-bwa-kaw, wise; ne-bwa-kawt, he that is wise.

Na-bwa-kaw-tchig, they that are wise.

Wa-zhe-tou-tchig awsh-kou-te, they that make fire.

O-zhe-tou aush-ko-tay pin-je ke-zhaw-be-ke-se-gun, Make fire in the stove.

Wen-daw-mow way-naw-paw-nod au-zhon-daw, Tell him the cheap place is here.

Wen-daw-mow e-naw-kaw-me-gok, tell him the news.

Taw-bes-kaw-be. Taw-be-e-shaw au-zhon-daw.

He will come back. He will come here.

On-je-baw. Wow-kwing on-je-baw.

Coming from. He comes from heaven.

Nau-go, now; nau-go a-ge-zhe-gok, to-day.

Te-besh-kou, same, even; ta-te-besh-kon, even with the other.

To-dawn mon-daw e-ne-taw, do that as I tell you.

Pe-sen-dow, listen to him; pe-sen-do-we-shin, listen to me.

Me-saw-wett-dje-gay. Me-saw-me-dje-gay-win.

He covets. Coveting.

E-zhaw-yon gaw-ya ne-ne-gaw e-zhaw.

If you will go and also I will go.

O-je-daw ne-ge-to-tem tchi-baw-ping.

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