Purposely I did it to make laughter.

Kaw-win ke-taw-gawsh-ke-to-se tchi-gaw-ke-so-taw-wod mau-ni-to, you cannot hide from G.o.d.

Maw-no-a-na-dong taw-e-zhe-tchi-gay, let him do what he thinks.

A-naw-bid. E-naw-bin a-naw-bid.

In the way he looks. Do look in the way he looks.

Au-nish a-zhe-wa-bawk mon-daw?

What is the matter with that?

Au-nish a-zhe-we-be-sit au-we?

What is the matter with him?

Au-nish a-naw-tchi-moo-tawk?

What did he tell you?

E-zhaw. Au-ne-pish kaw-e-zhawd?

He went. Where did he go?

E-zhaw-wog. Harbor Springs ke-e-zhaw-wog.

They went. They went to Harbor Springs.

Ne-daw-yaw-naw e-naw-ko-ne-ga-win.

We have a rule, or, a law.

O-we-o-kwon o-ge-au-taw-son.

His hat he p.a.w.ned.

Ne-be-me-baw-to-naw-baw au-pe pen-ge-she-naw.

I was running when I fell.

NOTE.--Except some condensation and arrangement in the grammar, this work is printed almost verbatim as written by the author.--EDITOR.

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