Lee, General Charles, II.

a traitor II.

Lee, Fort, captured, II.

Leisler, Jacob, I.

Leon, Ponce de. See Ponce de Leon.

Lewis and Clark expedition commemorated at Portland, Oregon, VI.

Lexington, fight at, II.

Leyland line of Atlantic steamships, VI.

Liberal Party, the, III.

"Liberal Republicans," IV.

Libraries, in colonial America, I.

Liliuokalani, Queen, V.

Lincoln, Abraham, and Douglas, III.

his career and popularity, III.

his election, III.

his inauguration, III.

his difficulties. III., IV.

issues call for volunteers, III.

a.s.sa.s.sination of, IV.

proclaims universal emanc.i.p.ation, IV.

reelected, IV.

Lincoln, General, surrenders, II.

puts down Shays"s rebellion, II.

Little Guinea, I.

Livingston, Chancellor, II.

Locke, John, I.

Locke, Richard Adams, the author of the Moon Hoax, III.

Locomotives, the first in United States, III.

Loewe vs. Lawler, or Danbury Hatters case, VI.

Logan, General, IV.

London Company, the, I.

Longfellow, H. W., III.

Long Island, invaded by New Englanders, I.

battle of, II.

Longstreet, General, at Chickamauga, IV.

Lookout Mountain, IV.

Lopez, efforts of, to conquer Cuba, III.

Lotteries. II., V.

Loudon, Earl of, in the French and Indian war, I.

Franklin"s words concerning, I.

Louisburg, capture of, I.

surrendered to France, I.

recaptured, I.

Louisiana, purchase of, II., III.

its att.i.tude on secession, III.

att.i.tude toward negroes at close of the war, IV.

troubles in 1874, IV.

suffrage, V.

Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis, VI.

Louisville, settled, II.

Lovejoy, Rev. E. P., murdered, III.

Lowell, Francis C., and the power-loom, III.

Lowell, J. R., III.

Lundy and his Genius of Universal Emanc.i.p.ation, III.

Lurton, Justice, VI.

Lyon, Matthew, convicted of sedition, II.

Lyon in St. Louis, III. 347.


MacVeagh, Franklin, Secretary of the Treasury, VI.

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