Madison, James, the father of the Const.i.tution, II.

Virginia plan the work of, II.

an anti-Federalist. II.

on the Federal debt, II., III.

Magellan, circ.u.mnavigates the globe, I.

killed, I.

Magoffin, Governor, of Kentucky, III.

Magrath, Judge, III.

Maine, settlement of, I. I.208; remains part of Ma.s.sachusetts till 1820, I.

Maine, U. S. battleship, sunk in Havana harbor, V.

Malvern Hill, battle of, IV.

Man, age and origin of, in America, Introduction, I.

Manchuria, Province of, VI.

Manhattan Island bought, I.

Manila, naval battle, V.

capitulates, V.

Atlantic fleet at, VI.

Mansfield, his argument on taxation, II.

Manufactures in the United States, II.. III.

National Manufacturers" a.s.sociation, VI.

Marble in the South, IV.

Marion, General, II.

Mariposa Grove, California, made national reservation, VI.

Marquette, Pere, I.

Marriage and divorce in United States, IV.

Marshall, Tom, III.

Martens, M. de, VI.

Maryland, charter, I.

named, I.

settled, I.

government of, I.

conflict of, with Virginia, I.

anarchy in, I.

first a.s.sembly of, I.

religious freedom in, I.

during the civil war in England, I.

rebellion in, I.

population of, in 1643, I.

after Stuart restoration, I.

its boundary disputes, I.

tobacco product of, I.

its toleration in religious matters, I.

its agitation in favor of Anglicanism, I.

and William and Mary, I.

James II. not popular in, I.

population of, in 1700 and later, I.

the clergy in, I.

production of iron in, I.

ratifies the Const.i.tution, II.

and secession, III.

Mason, Captain, strategy and tactics in Pequot War, I.

Mason and Slidell, IV.

Masons, movement against, III.

Ma.s.sachusetts colony, I.

government of, I.

Charles II. and, I.

its view of its political rights, I.

balks royal commissioners, I.

buys Maine, I.

fails to get New Hampshire, I.

its charter vacated, I.

and Andros, I.

new charter for, I.

population of, in 1650, I.

in 1660, I.

population of, in 1754, I.

her opposition to taxation, II.

the action of, approved by the colonies, II.

in rebellion, II.

ratifies the Const.i.tution, II.

Ma.s.sasoit, treaty with, I.

his fidelity, I.

Mather, Cotton, his experiments in witchcraft, I.

his book, I.

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