population, III.

New Jersey, made over to Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, I.

character of population, I.

its political vicissitudes, I.

population in 1700 and later, I.

ratifies the Const.i.tution, II. I.

New Mexico, III.

its growth slow, IV., VI.

const.i.tution of, VI.

admitted to Union, VI.

population and products of, VI.

"New Netherland," I.

English conquest of, I.

named New York, I.

New Orleans, battle of, II.

taken by Farragut and Butler, IV.

Italian riot at, V.

port of, VI.

Newport, the stone mill at, I.

Newspapers in colonial America, I., II.

at beginning of nineteenth century, II.

about 1830, III.

New York City, begun, I.

named, I.

under Governor Andros, I.

a province of the Crown, I.

problems of governors of, I.

population of, in 1697 and later, I.

streets lighted, I.

evacuated by the British, II.

Washington"s entry into, II.

the first directory of, II.

condition of, in 1786, II.

population in 1800, II.

in panic of 1837, III.

its clearing house, III.

elevated railroads in, IV.

Lexow legislative committee investigation. V.

presentation ceremonies Grant"s mausoleum, V.

foreigners in, VI.

New York State, population of, in 1700 and later, I.

the clergy in, I.

ratifies the Const.i.tution, II.

on the corporation laws III.

Niagara Falls, preservation of, VI.

Nicaragua, expedition against, III.

Nicaragua Ca.n.a.l, V.

Nicholas II., Emperor, and second Hague peace conference, VI.

Nicholson, Governor, of Virginia, I.

Nightingale, Colonel, II.

Nipmucks, the, at war, 1.

Nome, Cape, gold discovery, V.

North, the business relations between the South and, III.

opposition to abolitionists in the, III.

position of, on slavery, III.

att.i.tude of, toward the Union, III.

resources of the South compared with, III.

apathy and anti-coercion feeling in, at beginning of secession movement, III.

effect on, of firing on Sumter, III.

advantage of, the South over, III.

North, Lord, wavers, II.

his words on hearing of Cornwallis"s surrender, II.

resigns, II.

North Carolina, and secession, III.

att.i.tude of, at close of the war, IV.

North Dakota made a State, IV.

Northern securities case, VI.

Northmen, the, in America, I. 39.

Northwest, the settlements in the, II.

Nova Scotia, a.s.signed to France, I.

Nullification ordinance, the, in South Carolina, III.


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