Oglethorpe, Governor, of Georgia, I.

Ohio Company, the, I. 349, 353. II.

Ohio River, discovery of, I.

Ohio, State of, population in 1830, III.

Oil industry, the, III.

Oklahoma, opened for settlement, V.

purchase and settlement of, VI.

admitted to Union, VI.

Oldham, John, murdered, I.

Olney, Richard, as Secretary of State, V.

Olympia, United States Flagship, entered Manila, V.

"Omnibus Bill," the, III.

Ordinance of 1787, the, II.

and slavery, III.

Oregon question, the, III.

settlements in, III.

Oregon, United States warship, V.

Oriskany, battle of, II.

Ostend manifesto, the, III.

Otis, James, Jr., II.


Pacific, the, discovered by Balboa, I.

Pacific coast, growth and settlement of, III.

filling up, IV.

great railways to the, IV.

Paine, Thomas, his "Common Sense," II.

Pakenham, General, at New Orleans, II.

Palisade, the old, I.

Palma, Tomaso Estrada y, first president Cuban Republic, V., VI.

Panama, ca.n.a.l commission of nine, VI.

revolution, VI.

United States treaty with, VI.

Pan-American Congress, in Washington, VI.

in Mexico, VI.

in Rio Janeiro, VI.

Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, V.

Pan-American Republics, Bureau of, founded, VI.

Panic, of 1837, III.

of 1873. IV.

of 1907, VI.

Paris, Peace of, II.

Parker, Alton B., nominated for President, VI.

Parliament, att.i.tude of, toward colonial affairs, II.

its vain concession to America, II.

Washington"s reply to, II.

resolves to discontinue the war, II.

Party strife, III.

Patent leather in United States, III.

Patterson, General, in Southern Pennsylvania, III.

Paulding, Commodore, III.

Paulhan, Louis, VI.

Payne, Sereno E., Chairman, Ways and Means Committee, VI.

Payne-Aldrich Tariff Bill, VI.

Peabody, George, IV.

Peace negotiations between England and United States, II.

Peary, Commander Robert E., Arctic expedition of, VI.

Peking, China, United States troops in, VI.

Pemberton, General, at Vicksburg, IV.

surrenders, IV.

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