Penal legislation, in colonial America, I.

in the fourth decade, III.

Pendleton bill, the, IV.

Penn, William, receives proprietorship of Pennsylvania, I.

his character, I.

his trials, I.

his rule in Delaware, I.

Pennsylvania, under proprietorship of William Penn, I.

its liberal charter, I.

free from Andros"s jurisdiction, I.

its prosperity, I.

under Fletcher"s governorship, I.

Gabriel Thomas"s history of, I.

population of, in 1700 and later, I.

commerce in, I.

hospital, I.

ratifies the Const.i.tution, II.

Pensions, V.

of teachers, VI.

Pequot war, the, I.

Indians nearly exterminated, I.

Perestrello, I.

Perrot, Nicholas, explorations of, I.

Perry, Commodore, in war of 1812, II.

Perryville, battle of, IV.

Peru, Atlantic fleet at, VI.

Petersburg, movements about, IV.

the mine at, IV.

Philadelphia, in 1698, I.

streets of, lighted and patrolled, I., III.

the First Continental Congress at, II, General Howe advances on, II.

population in 1800, II.

first savings banks in, III.

Centennial Exposition at, IV.

Philip, King, the war of, I.

scope of his conspiracy, I.

his treatment of white captives, I.

driven to Mount Hope, I.

killed, I.

horrors of war of, I.

his character, I.

his wife and son sold into slavery, I.

Philippa, wife of Columbus, I.

Philippine Islands, naval battle in Manila bay, V.

sold to United States, V.

area, resources, V.

tribes, V.

religious orders, V.

Republic, V.

and United States, V.

first civil governor, V.

commission, V., VI.

United States policy in, VI.

United States acquisitions in, VI.

native a.s.sembly, VI.

population, VI.

Phillips, Wendell, as an orator, III.

Phoenix, Arizona, VI.

Pickens, Fort, III.

Pickett, General, at Gettysburg, IV.

Pierce, General Franklin, in the Mexican war, III.

elected President, III.

his proclamation against filibustering, III.

Pilgrims, the. I.

shares allotted to, I.

repudiate episcopacy and become Puritans, I.

Pillow, General, IV.

Fort, IV.

Pinchot, Gifford, chief of Forestry division, VI.

Pinckney, II.

Pinzons, the, I.

Pioneer life, II.

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