financial system of, VI.

Treasury aids New York city in panic of 1907, VI.

sells Panama bonds, VI.

farms in, VI.

reciprocity with Canada, VI.

government by "initiative," VI.

the "referendum" VI.

the "recall," VI.

by the people, VI.

United States Steel Corporation. VI.

Usselinx, I.

Utah, as a territory, III.

its prosperity, IV.

Utrecht, Treaty of, I.


Valley Forge, II.

Van Buren, Martin, III.

and the panic of 1837, III.

his spirit toward slavocrats, III.

Jackson"s influence for, III.

and Mrs. Eaton, III.

did not favor annexation of Texas, III.

leads the "free soilers," III.

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, IV.

Vaudreuil, General, at Montreal, I.

Velasquez, Governor of Cuba, I.

Venezuela, and the Hague Tribunal, VI.

Vera Cruz captured, III.

Vergennes"s prophecy, II.

Verrazano, explorations of, I.

names explored land "New France." I.

Vespucci, Amerigo. See Amerigo Vespucci.

Vicksburg, siege and capture of, IV.

famine at, IV.

Vienna, fight at. III.

Virginia, named by Queen Elizabeth, I.

the old charter of, I.

early population of, I.

progress and products of, I.

slavery in, I.

social life in, I.

hardships and dissensions in, I.

new charter granted to, I.

the "starving time" in, I.

change in governing colony of, I.

Indian hostilities in, I.

self-government in, I.

Virginia Company dissolved, I.

colonies of, attached to the king and church of England, I.

under Cromwell, I.

conflict of, with Maryland, I.

population of, in 1643, I.

after the restoration, I.

its spirit, population, and resources, I.

under Lord Howard, I.

under Nicholson, I.

under Spotswood, I.

population of, in 1700 and later, I.

the clergy in, I.

the first to urge a reform of the confederation, II.

ratifies the Const.i.tution, II.

resolutions on the sedition acts. II.

and slavery, III.

and secession, III.

McClellan"s campaign in, III.

att.i.tude toward negroes at close of the war, IV.

Voting, reforms in, VI.

direct vote, VI.

Vries, De, begins settlement of Delaware, I.


Waite, Morrison R., IV.

Walker, Rear-Admiral, and the Atlantic-Pacific ca.n.a.l commission, VI.

Walker, Sir Hoveden, I.

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