Walker, William, expedition of, III.

Wallace, General Lew, IV.

defeated at Monocacy River, IV.

War Department, the, II.

War of 1812, II.

ill-success of land operations, II.

naval operations, II.

opposition of Federalists to, II.

att.i.tude of New England toward, II.

att.i.tude of various sects toward, II.

Czar Alexander seeks to end, II.

close of, II.

effect of, on the fisheries question, IV.

Warren, Joseph, killed, II. 73.

Wars. See Pequot War; Dutch Indian War; Philip, King, War of; William, King, War of; Anne, Queen, War of; George, King, War of; French and Indian War; Revolution; War of 1812; Seminole War; Mexican War; Civil War; Spanish-American War.

Washington, Booker T., V.

Washington, Fort, captured, II.

Washington, George, birth and education, I.

at Great Meadows, I.

only officer not wounded, I.

his advice to Braddock unheeded, I.

Rev. Samuel Davies"s words concerning, I.

his words concerning independence, II.

chosen commander by Congress, II.

his character, II.

difficulties before him, II.

his movements about New York, II.

retreats across New Jersey, II.

crosses the Delaware, II.

at Trenton and Princeton, II.

at Brandywine, Germantown, and Valley Forge, II.

distrust of, II.

at Monmouth,II.

sends aid to the South, II.

at Yorktown, II.

his reply to Parliament, II.

his entry into New York, II.

his farewell to his army, and retirement, II.

his words at Monmouth, II.

the Custer of the Revolution, II.

his character and ability, II.

tributes to, by various writers, II.

his influence, II.

president of the Federal Convention of 1787, II.

inaugurated President, II.

a Federalist, II.

domestic questions of the administration of, II.

signs charter of United States Bank, II.

his proclamation of neutrality toward France and England, II.

Jefferson"s criticisms of, II.

Rives"s criticism of, II.

justification of his policy toward France, II.

Genet"s conduct toward, II.

attended theatres, II.

a.s.sailed, II.

his treaty with the Barbary powers, II.

germs of the Monroe doctrine in, III.

centennial anniversary of inauguration as President, V.

Washington made a State, IV.

Washington, population of, in 1800, II.

in peril at opening of civil war, III.

Confederate forces close to, III.

defenceless after Bull Run, III.

General Early"s advance against, IV.

the treaty of, IV.

Water, conservation of, VI.

Waterways Commission, VI.

Watkins, Aaron S., Prohibition candidate, VI.

Watson, Thomas E., Populist Party candidate, VI.

Wayne, General Anthony, at Stony Point, II.

his expedition against the Indians, II.

Ways and Means Committee, VI.

Weaver, General, Populistic candidate for President, V.

Webster, Daniel, quoted. II.

the orator of the Whig Party, III.

his record, III.

superseded by Sumner, III.

Weed, Thurlow, III.

Wells, David A., IV.

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