Kendall, Amos, and telegraphy, III.

Kentucky, resolutions on the sedition acts, II.

becomes a State, II.

and secession, III.

the contest in, III.

Confederate posts in, IV.

clear of Confederates, IV.

Bragg invades, IV.

Kern, John W., nominated Vice-president, 1908, VI.

Khan Kublai, winter residence of, I.

Kieft, Governor, his administration, I.

angers the Indians, I.

attacks Indians, I.

removed, I.

King, Rufus, II.

King"s Mountain, victory at, II.

Klondike, gold discovery, V.

Knickerbocker Trust Co., VI.

Knights of the Golden Circle, the, III.

Know-Nothings, the, III.,

Knox, first Secretary of War, II.

Knox, Philander C., Secretary of State, VI.

Ku Klux the, IV.


Labor, agitations, IV.

organizations, IV.

Lafayette, General, at Yorktown. II.

meditated settling in America II.

La Follette, R. M., VI.

and the Progressive movement, VI.

La Guayra, Venezuela, custom-house at, taken possession of, VI.

Lakes to the Gulf Deep Waterways a.s.sociation, VI.

Lancaster, Ma.s.s., sacked and burned, I.

Land, early system, II.

system of marketing, II.

Whig policy concerning, III.

Langley, Professor, VI.

Lanier, Sidney, IV.

La Salle, explorations of, I.

killed, I.

Las Casas, I.

Las Guasimas, VI.

Lecompton Const.i.tution, the, III.

Lee, General Robert E., and McClellan in Virginia, III.

in command of Army of Virginia, IV.

in the "Seven Days" Fight," IV.

goes north to meet Pope, IV.

invades Maryland, IV.

pushes into Pennsylvania, IV.

slips away from McClellan, IV.

at Fredericksburg, IV.

at Chancellorsville, IV.

in Pennsylvania, IV.

at Gettysburg, IV.

in the Wilderness, IV.

at Spottsylvania, IV.

at Cold Harbor, v holds Richmond and Petersburg, IV.

sends Early to make a demonstration against Washington, IV.

his army crumbling away, IV.

his problem, IV.

at Five Forks, IV.

his retreat from Richmond, IV.

his surrender, IV.

his personal appearance, IV.

his army at close of the war, IV.

unveiling of monument, V.

Lee, Richard Henry, of Virginia, moves resolution for independence, II.

Lee, R. R., grandson of mover of Declaration of Independence, reads the doc.u.ment at the Centennial Exposition, IV.

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