West, the, II.

in 1830, III.

growth of, III.

the new, IV.

growth of States and cities, IV.

West India trade, III.

West Virginia admitted to the Union, III.

Wethersfield, founded, I.

Weyler, General, and the Cuba rebellion, V.

Wheeler, William A., IV.

Wheelwright purchases land in New Hampshire, I.

Whig Party, the, origin of, II., III.

five doctrines of, III.

characteristics of, III.

interesting figures of, III.

and the tariff, III.

for paper money, III.

its national spirit, III.

opposed to slavery, III.

adopt Harrison as their candidate, III.

its att.i.tude toward slavery, III.

death of, III.

Whipple, Captain Abraham, II.

White, Justice, VI.

White Plains, battle of, II.

Whitney, Eli, and the saw-gin, III.

Whittier, John G., III.

Wickersham, George W., Attorney-General, VI.

Wigs, in colonial America, I.

Wilderness, the fight in the, IV.

Wilkes, Captain, and the Trent affair. IV.

Wilkinson, General, II.

William. King, vetoes witchcraft act, I.

and Maryland, I.

King William"s war, I.

William and Mary College, I.

Fort, captured. II.

Williams, Mr., his daughter at Deerfield, Ma.s.s., I.

Williams, Roger, I.

his views, I.

his exile, I.

settles at Providence, I.

and George Fox, I.

Wilmot Proviso, the, III.

Wilson, Henry, challenged by Brooks, III.

becomes a Republican, III.

nominated for Vice-President. IV.

Wilson, James, Secretary of Agriculture, VI.

Wilson Senate Bill, the, IV.

Windsor founded, I.

Winslow, Captain, IV.

Winthrop, Governor, I.

Winthrop, the younger, goes to London on Connecticut"s behalf, I.

Wireless telegraphy, VI.

Wisconsin, population in 1830, III.

Wise, Governor, of Virginia, III.

Witchcraft, I.

Cotton Mather"s experiments in, I.

trials for, I.

reaction against, I.

Wolfe, General, at Quebec, I.

Woman, rights of, IV.

higher education of, IV

Wood, General Leonard, Governor of Cuba, V., VI.

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