Happy Chinese New Years (Eve) everyone!!
Wis.h.i.+ng everyone a blessed year ☆~~ヾ(>▽<>
Let’s see how accurate Zhen Dong’s predictions were shall we?

Chapter 18

“Did someone just call?” She seemed to have heard the telephone ring.

“It was that gay friend of yours that called. Sorry, I thought it was my little sister and Cheng Cheng calling, so I took the initiative to help you take the call.”

Tang Xin Lian heard his reasoning and thought it was valid, so she didn’t mind. “It doesn’t matter. Oh, that’s right, what did big brother Zhong want?”

“Nothing really, he heard you were taking a shower, so he hung up. Ah, speaking of which, I’m really sorry. It was because I wasn’t careful that the coffee was spilled onto you, causing you to need to take a shower.”

Tang Xin Lian shook her head. “That’s okay, it’s not like you did it on purpose.”

“As an apology, how about I invite you to the movies tomorrow.”

“There’s really no need, you already spent a lot of money for dinner, how can I let you treat again?”

“What’s the problem with that? No need to be so polite with me.” Han Lun Yao energetically persuaded as he stared at Tang Xin Lian who just came out of the shower, a predatory gleam flashed across his eyes. Actually, while in college, many male students were secretly in love with Tang Xin Lian. Unfortunately, there were many people chasing after her at that time, so he didn’t have the chance to get close to her.

It wasn’t until three days ago that he accidentally met Tang Xin Lian at an employee-dining hall. He didn’t think that they would meet at the same company. b.u.mping into her woke the hidden desires he buried in his heart all those years ago.

Over these few years, his junior became more beautiful and more attractive. This was a G.o.d given opportunity, so he immediately used his senior status to get her phone number. He then used the past few days to think of reasons to invite her out for a meal.

Regrettably, this junior sister had different food preferences than him, hence he had to change his tactics and go after the little kid instead. Luckily, his little sister was a teacher, so he took some books and toys for children to give to Tang Xin Lian’s adopted son.

Sure enough, this method was very effective. Because he gave the little kid a present, and it had to do with education, he successfully lowered her defenses. Furthermore, he also used the subject of the little kid as a chance to invite her out to eat with him.

Today, he let his younger sister take the little boy out to play so he could remove the little light bulb (3rd wheel). Then he used the excuse of dropping off a box of books to send her home.

The box of books was very heavy, so it was inevitable that he would be the one to bring the box upstairs. Successfully entering the inner chamber, he asked for a gla.s.s of iced coffee. He then deliberately spilled it, causing both their hair and clothes to get dirty. As a result, he could then suggest taking a bath, prolonging the time he spent in her house.

All of his plans advanced very smoothly.

Han Lun Yao was currently only wearing a pair of briefs underneath a male bathrobe. Xin Lian took his jacket and his trousers to wash it, and before his clothes were dried, he definitely had to seize this opportunity.

In contrast, Tang Xin Lian who had just come out of the showers, changed into a set of loose and casual clothes. Her hair was 70% dried and was clipped to the back of her head. At that moment, she was on the balcony, hand was.h.i.+ng senior Han’s clothes so she could put it in the dryer afterwards.

She sensed movement behind her and turned to look back. She couldn’t help but jump with fright; she didn’t know when it happened, but senior Han was standing behind her.


“Let me help.”

“No need, I’ll do it. Why don’t you watch television in the living room?” She had a polite smile on her face as she s.h.i.+fted slightly to the side, trying to keep a bit of distance between them.

“I caused this mess but you’re cleaning it up, how could I inconvenience you and just sit in the living room to watch TV?”

She felt that he appeared to have closed the distance and really wanted him to hurry into the living room. However, she didn’t know how to tell him this straightforwardly and what’s more, he treated her to a meal and gave her books and toys. He also asked his younger sister to help her take care of Cheng Cheng. With this kind of interaction, how could she not give him face?

“The laundry room isn’t that big, it’s inconvenient for two people. It’s better if you go sit down.”

She courteously asked him to leave, her facial expression showing that she was feeling uncomfortable. There were a few pieces of undergarments hanging on the balcony, and although the view of it was blocked by other clothes, it was still very easy to spot.

In her heart, she was feeling very regretful. If she had known earlier, she wouldn’t have let senior Han bring the box upstairs. She thought that if she offered him coffee, she could then make him leave. Who would have imagined that afterwards, this accident would occur.

On the other hand, Han Lun Yao just got this opportunity, so he naturally couldn’t just leave at this point. He noticed that she wanted him to quickly leave, so he decided to play dumb and deliberately found things to talk about with her. His body slowly approached her and he made it look like his arm accidentally touched her.

It wasn’t that Tang Xin Lian didn’t know what was happening. Senior Han appeared to treat her well, but she thought that everything would be alright if she didn’t give him any chances. She had to vigilantly keep her distance from him and just be his friend.

She summoned her courage and decided to make it clear to him.

“Senior, please – – Ah! – -” She cried out because senior Han suddenly fell on top of her body!

“Sorry, I accidentally slipped.”

Han Lun Yao pretended to not be careful and proceeded to press onto her body. In reality, he did it on purpose and seized the opportunity to embrace her waist, hugging her to his heart’s content.

Tang Xin Lian wanted to hurriedly stand up, but was helpless because senior’s body was too heavy. She didn’t have enough strength, plus she was on the bottom, so it was very hard to stand up.

“Senior… you… hurry and stand up!”

“Oh no! It seems like I sprained my ankle.”

Han Lun Yao smelled her body scent and recalled the soft sensation he felt just before. His heart swayed and his gaze burned. He finally got this chance, how could he just let it slip away?

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