The Auxiliary system after being forced to reveal the additional state stopped responding  as if it’s not happy , no longer answering Zhou Xing’s questions.

Zhou Xing recovered, found himself  was quickly surrounded by the crowd, all looking at him with full curious, excited eyes, apparently his own neurotic behavior, was all watched by students.

Zhou Xing had heart palpitation, there is so many onlookers, if he continued to act  crazy, it is estimated that he will soon be sent to the mental hospital.

Seeing the bad reaction, Zhou Xing thinking quickly  ,hastily, started to confuse the crowds with his words “What are you looking at,  you have never seen such extraordinary performance improvisation ah!”. Then Zhou Xing ran away fast.

“d.a.m.n, turned out to be a lie!”

“Rely on, you kid in that cla.s.s, have the cla.s.sification to run!”

“Boy, I well remember you, don’t let me see you!”

“Stand still, bad humor, the original is playing people!”

“That guy is funny, I really admire his guts, I almost believed him!”


Running out of the crowd, Zhou Xing escaped,he did not see the crowd  after  a moment raining abuse, laughing, threatening one after another.

In a burst of voice, Zhou Xing embarra.s.sedly ran into the canteen.

“Cla.s.smates, how  are you so late ah, what do you want to eat ah?”  food aunt says after he Hits the stall window for healthy food,  which he sees this weeks seems to not be popular,Zhou Xing put down his hand hastily,and warmly greeted the aunt :

” We do not have many kind of vegetables left, we only have radish, pig’s feet, bean sprouts”!These three types!”The week is popular food choise the only left is ‘ lame slim picking ‘, he then also elected several types of food appearances looks a little appet.i.tZing “leftovers”n.o.body wants, handover his  own food card:
“Is good to force!”The aunt happily scoop the vegetable and healthy food rarely and has given up “washing her hands of selling”, has not sold any food this week cause, the others food selection this week is popular .

“A good apet.i.te!” Aunt dishes do not waste times “shaking hands”, happliy hands to Zhou Xing the tableware dishes.

End of the meal “warning tip sound” of the plate, Zhou Xing near Zhang table to sit down, his eyes “full of tears” to hasitly eat up,eating  looks like a hungry devil reincarnation, ferocious momentum.

Did you not eat! Do not choke! There are broth next to! “the food aunt  laughed she was scared of Zhou Xing looks as he devour the vegetables, and kindly reminded:

“Well, thank you, thank you, do not!” Zhou Xing mouthful of food, expressed grat.i.tude to her vaguly, and then turned his head, to the food and struggled to finish:

Zhou Xing also want to slowly chew pharynx, but unfortunately the system does not wait for a human, a row of glittering font suddenly emerge from his mind, reminded him to return to ten minutes to the forced the state of compulsory learning.

“Hey, you children, I thought  that you do not listen to advice, really?” vegetable aunt stare Zhou Xing one, too lazy to control him, turned to continue to work.

Heard this, Zhou Xing mutely eat Coptis, miserable, his  situation now is more misrable than the prisoners, time is not their own, the system of warning arrows.

Hastily filled his stomach, put the plate, Zhou Xing hurriedly ran back to the cla.s.sroom,  did not dare to delay.

Zhou Xing gang stepped into the cla.s.sroom,Tang xin  greeted him.

Pink long skirt, a long shawl hair, white skin, the same good face looked at somewhat cold and arrogant.

“Zhou Xing you did not go back home?” Tang Xin looked surprised wrinkled her brow as Zhou Xing ran into the cla.s.sroom, frowned thoughtful,now Zhou Xing would usually  be in the Internet cafes ?

Is it because of their relationship? Tang Xinand and Qiao Mei not help up the raise her brow.

Zhou Xing this guy change his way  to become close to their her, Tang Xin is not stupid, she guess his meaning, but this guy inadvertently study, all day long she’s dosen’t care, it is not her business, not to mention college entrance examination is soon, now Tang Xin just want to test the University of things, how can she have the time to deal with him.

“Well, how are you here and not back to the dormitory! Did you not take a nap?” See Tang Xin in the cla.s.sroom, Zhou Xing is  particularly pleasantly surprised:

“No, must take a test immediately tt, I want to endors.e.m.e.nt to collage!” Tang Xin put an aloofing the att.i.tude, said lightly:

“What a coincidence, so am I!”

Listen to “endors.e.m.e.nt”, Zhou Xing face a change, casually says, and then quickly ran back to his seat, opened a new English book,

Read the book with rapt attention.  Auxiliary system forced learning state is about to open, corporal punishment that kind of ‘acid cool’ Zhou Xing unforgettable, “memorable”, he is not willing to experience it once again.

Tang Xin looked surprised to see Zhou Xing, see him as he sat, looks concentrating on studying with single-hearted devotion apperance, Tang Xin has a feeling of disgust and loathing tward him.

“Pretending!” Tang Xin cursed a sentence, was Zhou Xing “braZen face and shameless” kind of gas to the.

This guy in order to close with her, he even used the “endors.e.m.e.nt” excuse , Tang Xin is speechless,in the school for so long, his hands that brand new book of English textbook, today may be the first “open for business” (T:first times used).

Tang Xin Qiao Lian face blank, turned no longer pay attention to Zhou Xing, so he well  start feeling bored, and naturally will leave on his own.

Ten minutes past, twenty minutes in the past, …, never seen Zhou Xing took the opportunity to get close to her.

“That guy how is he not going back,for here so long?

“Are you asleep?”

“Strange, why did she control him,if  he was asleep is  better!”


Tang Xin slender willow eyebrow wrinkled,reading time once for a while distracted .

Zhou Xing looks a little handsome, character is good, the home environment is also good, so the boy in the cla.s.s is very popular, if not the study is not so slag it is  well be more perfect, Tang Xin is still  give him a little  attention.

Woman’s mind is so complicated, you keep pestering her she well be unhappy, you do not pay attention to her well be even more unhappier, even if you do not like people, do not like to be ignored t.

Behind a little movement are not, Tang Xin is very puzzled, she does not want to turn her head back to see Zhou Xing’s  situations.

Time flies, an hour in the past.

Afternoon cla.s.s time is approaching, students carrying bags back into the cla.s.sroom one after another.

“Tang Xin, you are so early ah!” Walked into the cla.s.sroom Ai Xiaoqing called  Tang Xin  and greeted her, and then she saw Zhou Xing sitting in the third row from the last ,with a look of surprise asked: “Hey! Zhou Xing is also here ah!

“Wow! Zhou Xing what are you writing? writing so seriously!” See Zhou Xing at the table of pen and fake book, looking to have no time to respond to her, Ai Xiaoqing was unhappy .

Finished, Ai Xiaoqing went to her desk to put down the bag, then curiously walked to Zhou Xing.


Heard, Tang Xin looked back curious, saw, Zhou Xing did not know if he putted down the English textbooks, he still sat at the desk, the hands of the ball pen frequency, concentrate on what to write, expression focused and serious.

Tang Xin at the moment could not help but think of a word, serious man is the most attractive, as this time Zhou Xing.

Knife-like face contours, eyes because of the focus and deep, tight sip with a stubborn breath, forehead, nose emerge sweat, the original Sentimental face distributed a mature taste, unique temperament, Exudes a different kind of style.

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