I Am Legend

Chapter 24

With Woodgard and Tregnar leading the way, they finally arrived in a quaint and cozy-looking house. The house was a bungalow, painted brown and green. It is presumably painted like that to blend with the trees, making it easier to hide from enemies.

Inside, the three of them waved Woodgard and Tregnar goodbye, while thanking them for guiding them to the house.

Llyod took off his armor and handed it to Ryth, who pa.s.sed it to Daedalus to fix the damaged area of the armor.

Ryth immediately went to take a bath, cleaning the grim and dirt after the long battle at the dungeon.

Few minutes later, feeling refreshed from the bath, he went out to the dining room, to find that their meal has been prepared by some dark elf. Both Llyod and Hill were already sitting down and having their meal.

Once they are done with their meal, Ryth turned to Hill and Llyod and said, "Alright, while waiting for the elves to get ready, let"s go hunt for monsters first."

Hill looked puzzled and asked, "Why, my lord? Isn"t it safer here?"

"I want to acc.u.mulate as much battle experience as possible."

Llyod crossed his arms across his chest, grinning. "Ah, I see. That is a great idea! We need to be prepare! We will help you with that, my lord!"

Ryth nodded. "Thank you."

"Ku ku ku! In this world, it"s only you who can progress quickly because of the system." Daedalus said.

"Yeah, I know," Ryth replied. "But then again, even if they have jobs, I can"t see the levels."

Daedalus laughed out loud. "Well, with the help of those two, leveling up should be easy for you. It will be like a child"s play."

Ryth warily smiled. "It is all thanks to you, to be honest. If I hadn"t found you, leveling will be difficult for me and doing all this quests may pose a problem for me." It"s true. Without Daedalus" help, he definitely will have a hard time. For example, like when they were inside the first dungeon, he wouldn"t have known about the traps, the mana trace and the techniques to kill the berserk monsters.

"..." Daedalus was a bit surprised by the sudden topic. After a short pause, he continued, "Ku ku ku! No problem! With me on your side, nothing is impossible!"

Ryth inwardly rolled his eyes. Letting this one go doesn"t hurt at all. "I"ll just let him be happy for now," Ryth thought as Daedalus" laughter still rings in his mind.

Ryth then went to his room and changed his clothes. After that, he went out of the house and went to look for the village"s smithing place.

After asking the elves around about the place, he went straight to the place. As he arrived, he saw an elf standing outside a house. The elf apparently saw him coming since he was waving Ryth to come over.

As Ryth came nearer, the elf greeted him. "h.e.l.lo there, Mr. Myrad! What can I do for you? Do you need any help with your equipment?"

Ryth smiled at the elf, who is apparently the smith in the village. "Ah, h.e.l.lo. Yes, I would like to fix my equipment." He then gestured at the house and asked, "May I borrow your workbench?"

The smith"s eyes widened in surprise. "Eh, are you also a smith, by any chance, Mr. Myrad?" he asked. This Mr. Myrad is full of surprises. Not only is he a strong swordman, he is also knowledgeable when it comes to tactics and mechanism.

He had heard any good stories about this young human being. He heard how he brilliantly led the team inside the dungeon and beat the boss inside. Yes, this Mr. Myrad is indeed full of surprises… in fact, he is very extraordinary. But it never crossed his mind that he is also capable in smithing!

The smith immediately invited Ryth inside his workshop and said, "Mr. Myrad, you can leave the fixing to me! It"s the least I can do after what you have done for the village. Why don"t you take a rest?"

He then offered Ryth a seat to rest.

Ryth scratched his cheek with a finger in bemus.e.m.e.nt. "Ehhh… ummm… are you sure, Mr. ….?" He asked, feeling unsure.

The smith guffawed in delight. "Hahaha! How impolite of me," he said, extending his right hand to Ryth. "The name"s Har. Nice to meet you, Mr. Myrad!"

Ryth shook his head, grinning. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Har." He then asked again, "Are you sure? I wouldn"t like to bother you if you are busy. I mean, I can fix it myself. I just need a workbench to work. With your permission, of course!"

After minutes of persistence from Ryth, Mr. Har then sighed in defeat. "Alright, you win, Mr. Myrad. I mean, yes, I do have some stuffs to do, fixing the equipment of the raid team. But I can still fix yours if you need them in a hurry," he said.

Ryth waved his words away. "I"m definitely sure." He then continued, "Besides, I also want to learn more about smithing. So the only way to do is try to fix them myself."

Ryth was saying the truth. Ever since he saw Daedalus made those bombs, weapons and armor, Ryth was curious and wanted to learn. He became more interested in smithing and so, he wanted to learn by watching Daedalus fix his and Llyod"s armors.

Mr. Har nodded in understanding. "Alright, sure." He pointed at the right side of the room and said, "You can use the workbench over there. You can use it anytime you like."

Ryth stood up from his seat and nodded. "Thank you."

Mr. Har put his hands on his waist and laughed. "Haha! No problem! If you need any help or have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me. I can help you with anything!"

"Yes." Ryth bowed and walked to the workbench.


Couple of hours later, Daedalus was done with the repairs. It was a good thing that Ryth still have plenty of ebony ingots to fix their armors. If not, it would be really troublesome to find more ebony ingots since it is rare.

Ryth said his goodbye to Mr. Har and went out of the house.

He walked back towards his designated house and walked inside.

Upon entering, he heard a shout from the living room.

"Check! You still haven"t improve a bit since back then. You need to make use of your brain more often."

"What are you talking about?! I always use my brain! And I already improved a lot! Now, I can take down your rooks!"

"It"s still too easy for me! Did you not know that I intentionally let you ate those rooks to put you into trap?"

"Eh? Really?"

"See? I told you already, you need to use that brain of yours." Hill said in his usual expressionless face.

"You said rude things with that poker face of yours! It really p.i.s.ses me off!" Llyod shouted angrily.

"Haha, it seems you guys are having fun."

"Ah, my lord!" Hill and Llyod stood up from their seats, as they watched Ryth walking in, with an amused smile on his face.

"It"s okay, just relax. Rest for today," Ryth waved them down back to their seat. "Tomorrow, we can hunt monsters while we are in our best forms."

"Yes, my lord." Hill and Llyod nodded their heads and returned back to their seat.

Ryth walked towards Llyod and put the armor next to their chess table.

"Here is your armor. Daedalus already fixed it."

"Oh, thank you, Mr. Daedalus!" Llyod bowed his head towards Ryth.

"Ku ku ku! No problem!" Daedalus said, he had already channeled his voice to the three of them so that Hill and Llyod could heard his voice.

"Okay, if the dinner is ready, just wake me up, I want to take a nap first." Ryth said to them.

"Yes, my lord!" Hill and Llyod said in unison.

Ryth went to his room and took a nap.


It was already evening when Llyod woke Ryth up for dinner. The three of them had dinner together while talking amongst themselves. They talked about the previous dungeons, the villages and more. Few minutes later, after they are done with their dinner, Ryth said, "Okay. Early tomorrow morning, we will go and hunt the monsters. Let"s prepare some foods and drinks. We might be hunting until the evening."

"Okay, my lord."

"Right. These are the copy maps of the Tango Forest that I got from Woodgard before." Ryth handed them the maps.

"We will study it tonight." Hill said as he nodded his head.

Ryth went back to his room. Inside, he walked to the table and sat on the chair. He took out the {Troika Cla.s.s} and break the seal with his mana. A text appeared above it.

"Requirements are meet."

"Opening the scroll"

The seal broke and the Ryth rolled open the scroll. A yellow light glowed from the scroll and many texts appeared on Ryth"s interface.

"Changing Swordsman Cla.s.s to Troika Cla.s.s."


"5 new skills added."

"Yes! Finally! I got this hidden cla.s.s for swordsman!" exclaimed Ryth in excitement as he stood up from his seat and pumped his right hand to the air.

"Ku ku ku! Good for you, partner!"

Ryth smiled, sat back to his seat and said. "I will check the skills tomorrow, I"m still pretty worn out even after taking a nap."

He talked with Daedalus for some time before he slept.


It was 5 AM, and as usual, Daedalus woke Ryth up with that loud voice of his. Ryth stood up from his bed, went straight to the bathroom to washed his face. As usual, he did his everyday exercise and took a bath. He put on his armor and replaced the bandages with the new ones.

He walked out of his his room and headed straight for the kitchen.

Inside, he saw both Hill and Llyod just finished with their food preparation.

They had their breakfast in the dining room.

It was already 6 AM by the time they finished eating. Ryth stood up from his seat and said. "Okay, lets go."


"Where are we headed today, my lord?" asked Hill.

"To the east of Tango Forest."

"Are the monsters there strong?"

"Yeah, if we hunt monsters that weaker than us, we will never improve." Ryth stated as they walked towards the door.

As he opened the door, the sunlight shone on him. The weather seems great today. He turned his head to the both of them and said, "Without challenges, there will be no developments."

Hill and Llyod were in a daze. They thought to themselves. "Our lord clearly has grown up," they mused in their thoughts, as they followed behind him.

They first went to the chief house, to inform Fenar about their plans for today. After that, they headed straight to the east side of Tango Forest.

It took them an hour to get there. Suddenly, they heard shouts coming from their front.



There are two monsters, the first one was a big wolf, and the other one was a big bear.


Black Wolf

Level 40

HP : 560.000


Big Tusk Gizzly Bear

Level 40

HP : 660.000


They hide behind a big tree and a big rock, Ryth said. "Wow, it seems like they aren"t in good terms with each other."

"Yeah, it seems like it. They look like strong monsters. What should we do, my lord?" asked Hill.

"We will observe it first," Ryth said. "If there is an opportunity, lets take it from them," he said sneakily, with a smile.

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