I Am Legend

Chapter 48

The next morning, it was 5 o"clock in the morning but Ryth had been awake for a few minutes. The jaguar cub was sleeping in the same tent as him and seeing the cub still unconscious, Ryth decided to quietly go out and do his daily routine.

"Daedalus, is there some left of the [Dragon"s Tears Potion]?" Ryth asked, as he worked off the stiffness from his arms, stretching them. "Oh, and also, do open the skill menu of archer job."

"Okay, wait a second." Daedalus opened up the inventory panel and said, "Here, take a look."


[Dragon"s Tears Potion]

a liquid to heal the user"s wounds, however bad the wounds are, it can heal the user, except from death.

Note :

- Can"t heal missing body parts. (Examples : fingers, hands, or legs)

- Can"t heal the blood lost"s effect.

Quant.i.ty : 98/100 drops


"Hmm, I still have plenty of it so it"s not a problem, then," Ryth said, as he studied the description.

He was done with his daily routine when he asked for the skill panel.



Archer Skills

{Eagle Eye}

(Level Max)

Give the player a clear vision of distant or fast moving objects.

Pa.s.sive Skill


{Skull Piercer}

(Level 3)

Release a very powerful shot to pierce the opponent"s skull.

Attack : 3000 (+Weapon Damage)

MP : 50

Cooldown : 30 seconds


{Multi Shot}

(Level 3)

Shot 4 consecutive arrows in a row.

Attack : 300/attack (+Weapon Damage)

MP : 10

Cooldown : 5 seconds



(Level 3)

Increase player"s concentration.

(Reduce miss)

Pa.s.sive Skill


"Hmm… it"s the same as in "The Throne"..." thought Ryth to himself as he entered his tent. "Thank you, Daedalus."

"No problem, partner! Ku ku ku!"

Ryth then went to his sleeping bag to grab a towel and some clean clothes. He was about to leave the tent again to go to the bathroom when he heard a soft cry from behind him.

He turned his head to see the cub snuggled its paws against its cheek as it slowly wakes up.

Ryth immediately walked towards it and crouched beside him.

As the cub caught a sniff of an unfamiliar Scent yet comforting, its eyes suddenly widened and became alerted by Ryth"s presence. It quickly jumped back a couple of steps before letting out a soft growl, trying to intimidate Ryth, "Rawrrr…"

Ryth stood up and walked to the bathroom to take a bath, but before he opened the door, the jaguar cub let out a soft cry.

"Hey, hey.. it"s okay. I will not harm you." Ryth hurriedly said as he lifted up his hands to the air, "Don"t you recognize me?"

The jaguar cub narrowed its eyes, trying to remember the human in front of it. After a couple of seconds, it began to relax a bit. It tilted its head to the side, with a questioning tone of growl, "Rawr...?" but, like a lightning struck, it ran towards Ryth in realization and bowed its head in a cute manner, "Rawr."

"Looks like it remembered you. Now, it is saying thank you." Daedalus said.

"Mhm, that"s a relief, then," Ryth said, letting out a sigh of relief. He then turned to the cub and asked, "h.e.l.lo there, little fella. Do you understand what I"m saying here?"

The jaguar cub lifted its head to look at Ryth and began nodding its head twice, "Rawr."

"TING!" a sound sounded in Ryth"s mind as a notification pop up on the right side of his interface, "Partner, look at the new notification!" Daedalus said to Ryth.

"Alright, open it for me."

Daedalus opened the notification panel, a box appeared in Ryth"s interface.


Lightning Ash Jaguar

(Level 5)

Familiarity Rate with the player



"Oh! Seems like this triggers his familiarity rate with me. Its higher than before," exclaimed Ryth.

"Well, that"s not surprising. You saved its life, so it"s only natural that it thinks that you are trustworthy," Daedalus answered.

Ryth nodded in approval and then turned back to the cub again. "Alright. Follow me, little fella."

Ryth stood up and began to walk out of his tent. The cub kept tilting its head from left to right, still confused from Ryth"s action. But knowing that Ryth was going to leave the tent, the cub immediately followed Ryth from behind.

The cub tried to catch up to Ryth but it still has difficulty in walking from the blood loss.

Ryth, sensing that the cub was far behind, stopped and turned back around. He walked until he was in front of the cub and said, "Come, I"ll carry you."

Ryth picked the cub by the scruff of its neck and placed it on his shoulder.

The jaguar cub, feeling that it wants to be more comfortable, swiftly climbed up and rested itself on top of Ryth"s head.

Although the jaguar was still a cub, it still weighs a few kilograms. Then again, with Ryth"s STR points, it was a piece of cake.

"Ouch! watch out for the claws!" exclaimed Ryth in pain.

"Rawr..." the jaguar pat Ryth"s head with its paw as if it was saying sorry, and then it continued as it lifted its right leg forward, "Rawr!"

"Oh, first you apologize to me and then now you are saying that you are ready?" Ryth sighed.


Ryth dropped his shoulders in a slump and said, "Alright."

It was still early in the morning, exactly 15 minutes before 6 o"clock when Ryth walked outside with the jaguar cub on his head. The morning sunlight shone through the dense forest as they walked towards the forest, where he and Azalea found the wounded jaguars. There were stones stacked on top of each other. It was the tomb of the dead jaguar, or to be precise, the mother of this small jaguar cub.

The cub jumped down to the ground, walking towards the tomb and bowed its head, "Rawr..." it seems to understand or felt that its mother was buried beneath the stones.

After some time, Ryth broke the silence, "I"m sorry, but this is the least we can do."

The cub still facing the tomb, shook its head. It then walked towards behind the tomb with Ryth followed behind it. When they got out from the dense trees, Ryth saw an open s.p.a.ce where the sun could make its full appearance here. And it was a dead end because it was a cliff. The jaguar cub stopped near the edge of the cliff, sitting on the ground, lifting its head towards the sunrise.

Ryth stopped when he saw the cub was silently watching the sunrise, knowing it wants to take a moment to calm down. For such a young cub, it was quite mature in its feelings.

Shortly after, Ryth broke the silence and asked, "What do you want to do now?"

Another few minutes, the cub finally turned around and walked towards Ryth. It rubbed its head on Ryth"s leg and howled, "Rawr!"

Ryth squatted in front of the cub and asked, "You want to go with me?"
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"Rawr!" it howled as it nodded its head a few times.

Ryth patted its head a few times, then he grabbed the jaguar cub and place it on top of his head, "Alright, then."

"What about its name? Shouldn"t you named it?" said Daedalus to Ryth.

"Ah that"s right." Ryth patted the jaguar cub"s head and asked, "Your gender is male, right? I will give you a name so that it will be easier to call you."


"Hmm... how about Sparky?"

"Rawr!" it shook its head vigorously.

"That was really lame, partner..." Daedalus added.

Ryth coughed and after giving it some thought, he hurriedly said, "Alright, alright, that was indeed lame... Hmm... how about Skye?"

The jaguar cub was patting Ryth"s head with its two paws in excitement, "Rawr, rawr!"

"That"s a good name, why didn"t you come up with that name at first?" asked Daedalus.

"Rawr!" the jaguar cub added.

Ryth coughed again and said. "Well... I didn"t think about it seriously. I was just casually answering to your suggestion..." Ryth scratched the back of his head and continued as he patted the cub"s head, "Now, your name is Skye!"


"Remember, everyone in the camp are my friends, so be friendly with them. Understood?"

"Rawr!" howled Skye in acknowledgement.

The two... or the three of them if Daedalus was counted as a person, walked back to the camp. When they arrived, one of the elves saw Ryth with Skye on his head and was in a daze for a moment, "Mr. Myrad, good morning..." the elf greeted, eyes widened in surprise.

"Yeah, good morning." Ryth waved his hands and smiled. Skye who was on top of Ryth"s head growled in a cheerful tone to reply the greeting, "Rawr!"

When the other elves saw that Ryth was nearby, they too wanted to say h.e.l.lo to him. But they stopped when they saw Skye on top of his head. They could not stop staring at the cub. Finally, the one who had greeted Ryth earlier, has the courage to ask Ryth, "What is that Mr. Myrad? A jaguar cub?"

"Yeah." Ryth answered, while nodding his head. The movement caused the cub to carefully hold its position on top of Ryth"s head.

"Ah! It"s that jaguar cub from yesterday! It has already recover?" one of the elves said.

"Yes, it regained its consciousness this morning."

"So cute! Is it going to follow you from now on, Mr. Myrad?" asked one of the female members.

Just as Ryth wanted to answer, Skye growled in affirmation as it nodded its head twice, "Rawr!"

"Haha, so adorable!" the female elves near Ryth started to giggle and were surrounding Ryth, asking Ryth if they could pat the jaguar cub.

"How about it?" asked Ryth as he looked up at Skye.

"Rawr!" Skye jumped to the ground and let the elves pat him.

Ryth walked to the side, then he saw Azalea and Lady Elsa walking towards him.

"Good morning," Lady Elsa greeted. She looked at the lively commotion where Skye was in the middle of it. "Seems like the cub has recover well. Seeing how active it is now, we don"t have to worry now."

She then turned to Ryth. "Seems like it"s familiarity rate with you must be high since it is listening to you quite well."

Ryth laughed. "Good morning, Lady Elsa, Azalea." He then nodded. "Yes, I did told him that the people in the camp are all of our friends after we got back from the jaguar"s grave."

"Oh, its a male. And what is his name or haven"t you given it a name?"

Ryth gave a thumbs up. "The name is Skye. Cool name, right?" he grinned, looking smug.

Just then a familiar voice called out, "Although your first idea for the name was so lame. Ku ku ku!" Daedalus said in a teasing tone.

Daedalus had used the voice team chat function-skill so only Ryth and Azalea could hear him. Ryth coughed awkwardly while Azalea giggled.

"What"s the matter?" asked Lady Elsa in confusion.


"Alright, let"s have our breakfast and then we can continue our journey." Azalea said.

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