I Am Legend

Chapter 49

After they had their breakfast, the team packed their things and continued their journey. They crossed the mountain path, choosing the safest route, there were still many monsters that they had encountered. Ryth used this opportunity to help Skye level up, making it defeat every single monster that they encountered.

"RAARGH!" a howl could be heard, followed by a "BOOM!" sound soon after. A big ogre with twin heads heavily fell to the ground.

"Good job, Skye!" Ryth patted the cub"s head. The jaguar cub was happy, getting a compliment and then jumped back on top of Ryth"s head.


"Hey, hey... you are already much stronger than before, why are you still resting on top of my head? Walk by yourself!" asked Ryth in exasperation, trying to pull Skye down.

Skye avoided Ryth"s hands and patted Ryth twice on the head, "Rawr!"

Ryth was speechless. He could only shrugged his shoulders and said, "Alright, alright."

Skye had already leveled up quite high. He was now level 29. The amount of EXPs that it get from defeating level 20 - 30 monsters was astonishing. In just a few days, with the addition of a lightning jaguar, the team now was stronger than before.

Seeing the smug look on the jaguar"s face, Azalea giggled and commented, "Skye really likes you."

Ryth sighed and replied, "I guess."

The team started to collect the loot that they had found from the monsters" demise and continued on their journey.

They walked further into the mountain path and finally, they have arrived at the Valley of Fear. In "The Throne", this place was a good place to grind for EXP. Ryth still remembers all of the monsters there, it"s a great place for level 30-40 players.

Since Skye had leveled up a lot, Ryth decided that he too wanted to level up, as well. So he decided to join in the grinding. It would be a good thing as well to let Skye continue leveling, until it reaches level 30 to get a new special skill.

"We will stay in the Valley of Fear first. I"d like to train Skye a bit longer before continuing our journey. It will only take 1 or 2 days at most," Ryth said to Lady Elsa.

"Hmm, okay. It would benefit us well if Skye does get a bit stronger for the upcoming battle." Lady Elsa nodded her head in agreement.

"Mhm, okay." Azalea nodded as well.

"Hill, Tregnar, and Woodgard will stay with the team. Llyod, Lady Elsa, Azalea, and me will hunt down some monsters for Skye to train," Ryth explained. He then took a bottle of water from the pocket of his bag and drank it. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and continued, "We will enter the valley once I"m done checking the surroundings for potential threats. We need to tread into the valley carefully."


Ryth dropped his bag on the ground while Skye grabbed on Ryth tightly to prevent itself from falling. Ryth then ran towards a big tree with high speed, jumping up high against the trunk of the tree and grabbed one of the branches. He then lifted himself up and looked around the vast valley, "Daedalus!"

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"Roger that!"

[Eye of Daedalus] let out a blue light to the surroundings, as Ryth"s minimap now appeared on his left corner of his interface. Red dots started to appear one by one.

"The map is the same as in "The Throne", that"s good." Thought Ryth to himself.

Ryth was reminiscing about when he climbed the tree in "The Throne" and seeing his guild member practicing. "I wonder how my guild is doing right now." He mused. But soon, he shook his head because he knew it was useless since he had already transmigrated to this world.

Skye patted Ryth"s head twice, "Rawr?"

Ryth only smiled and said, "Nah, it"s nothing. I was just remembering some things."

He jumped back down and said, "Alright, I found the perfect place for us to set up our camp. Let"s go."

Ryth led the team to an open field near a river, it was the same place in "The Throne". This place was where players can rest and werr safe from the monsters, in other words, it"s a safe zone.

"Here"s the place, let"s set up our camp here."

The open field was surrounded by magic crystals, just like in the Fountain inside the dungeon earlier before. It absorbed the energy of the Fountain to prevent monsters from getting near the area.

"This is a safe zone, just like in the dungeon before. There"s a Fountain core in the middle of this field. The others can rest without worries while we train Skye." Explained Ryth to the team.

"That"s good then, we will wait here." Said Tregnar. Hill and Woodgard both nodded with their expressionless face.

"Okay, we will go now," Lady Elsa announced.

She turned her gaze towards Tregnar and said, "Make sure to keep the team"s condition at its highest."

"Yes, Lady Elsa."

"Okay, see you all." Ryth make a salute gesture with his right hand while smiling at Tregnar and the others. He then led the others out of the safe zone to enter the deep valley.

Ryth and the others had walked for about 15 minutes with no stopping for rest. And with the help of the [Eye of Daedalus], they managed to avoid lower level monsters before Ryth led them to the grinding place.

"Alright, this is the place. It"s a narrow path alley with rocks on each side, so firstly we will need to set magic traps here and then Llyod and me will lead the monsters to the traps. When the monsters are weakened by the traps, Skye will deal the final blow," Ryth explained. He then paused and then asked, "Any questions?"

Lady Elsa and Azalea had already been enchanting the traps when Ryth was still explaining the plan halfway.

Lady Elsa looked at Ryth and answered, "I already guessed it, no problem." She smiled.

Ryth returned the smiled and gave a thumbs up. "Alright, Llyod, let"s go."

"Yes, my lord!"

Ryth and Llyod walked towards the bigger area where the monsters gathered. They were monsters level 30, a goat-like monsters with big horns on its head, their fur was black and their eyes were red.

Llyod and Ryth hid behind a big rock.

"Ok, I"ll go to the right and you go to the left. Each of us will have 15 monsters and then lead them to the traps. No more than that since the traps will not be able to handle more than 30 monsters at once because of the narrow alley." Ryth explained, his voice soft, as to not alert the monsters of their presence.

Llyod nodded.

Ryth then said, "Let"s go!"

Ryth didn"t use his swords but instead, he grabbed his bow and activated his skills. He immediately positioned himself and released his arrows.

{Multi Shot}!


Many shouts could be heard, the monsters who were still oblivious to Ryth"s presence were caught unprepared and surprised.

Since Ryth"s objective was to taunt and led the monsters towards the narrow alley, he only needed to attack them once and then run back to where the Lady Elsa and Azalea were. At the same time, Llyod was also done with his task as well. The two of them ran together.

When Ryth and Llyod had already entered the maximum distance to use the team chat function, he shouted, "Here we come! Get ready Skye!"


Ryth and Llyod ran as fast as they could. Lady Elsa was calculating the timing and suddenly, a large magic circle appear underneath the monsters, and a flame chain gushed out!

{Chains of h.e.l.l}!

It was a level 7 ma.s.s binding magic skill with fire element. Not only it binds the enemies within the range of it, but also deal some damage to the monsters.

Lady Elsa also activated the second and the third traps, while Azalea cast a buff spell to Skye.

The second trap was {Rain of Fire} where the spell spread fire needles. These tiny fires pierce through the goat monsters" furs where it lasted for quite some time. And just when the second trap duration had ended, the {Chain of h.e.l.l} which was the first trap also wore off, Lady Elsa"s third trap spell was activated. This was called the {Chains of The Sea}. It binds the monsters again, making them unable to move or escape once more.

The reason why Lady Elsa had use fire element for the first and second traps was because fire had the highest damage output. It was the best element to quickly reduce the opponents" HP, while the third trap was a water element magic which was a great boost for Skye"s attacks since Skye"s attribute was Lightning.

Ryth thought to himself, "This is getting me the vibe of a certain anime that I"ve watched when I was a kid..."

"Skye, go!" shouted Ryth as he pointed his index finger towards the horde.

"Rawr!" Skye roared as it ran towards the monsters, blue lightning sparks flashing from its body. Skye"s body turned bright blue and it disappeared instantly,

{Storm Spirit}!

Like being possessed by a wild spirit, Skye was moving in light speed, attacking the defenseless monsters with its claws and fangs.


"BOOM!" Thunder sounds echoed throughout the valley and everytime Skye landed a strike, a flash of lightning will strike the enemy.


The monsters were defeated in no time. With the help of Lady Elsa"s water binding skills and Azalea"s buff skill, Skye managed to end it in one strike for each monsters there.

Ryth looked at his EXP bar and Skye"s EXP bar. He was happy to see it steadily increasing at a visible speed.

"Nice! With this, we can easily level up in no time!" Ryth thought to himself, and then said to everyone, "Okay, get the traps ready again, we will do this over and over again."

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