It was unfortunate but reasonable to not use currency but ah why could it not be easier?

  Yi Ti had a plan, she directed the screen to organize the products by price, listing them from low to high. The lowest price was a bundle of ten, low-level energy bars. The price was 3000 points.

  ”How much is in your account?”

  ”I have not used this trade box.”

  ”…” That is to say, he didn"t have a penny?

  ”However, when my father gave it to me, he said that it was a limited-sale senior trader and that there would be a gift after binding.”

  ”That"s great … that"s great … wait, binding?” Yi Ti stared.  She had a bad feeling. She swallowed, “You don"t mean … … I can"t give it back? “



  ”What is wrong?”

  ”… maybe I could buy one for you, how much money?

  Cecil told her said Yi Ti no longer wanted to recall the figures.

  She had discovered that her wealth was trash to the aliens.  It seemed she couldn"t underestimate these galactic tyrants.

  ”Anyway, let"s see how much your father gave you.” There was no point in being worried about her debt to him.  There was no way she could afford to repay it.

  Yi Ti had to say that the interface of the transaction device was designed very reasonably. Even if Yi Ti, who was using this high-tech gadget for the first time, was quickly able to find things.  But that was also reasonable.  With all the types of life forms in the universe, easier was better.

  ”Here,” Cecil put his tentacles on a b.u.t.ton in the corner of the screen.

  Other than Yi Ti, no one could press it.

  ”I see,” she glanced at a roulette wheel, and found that the s.p.a.ces on it were a little bit different. “I can"t believe the aliens are doing this.”  Drugs, weapons, books and other items were on the s.p.a.ces as well as several with different denominations of points “Which is the most valuable?”

  ”The items are generally not trade-able,” said Cecil. “The high-level GM agent is the most suitable for you and will help you improve your health.”

  Yi Ti shook her head: “Don"t worry about me. Right now the most important thing is you!” she said as she closed her eyes.  Then she mercilessly pressed down the b.u.t.ton, and started chanting, “points, points, points…”

  Cecil: “… …” He didn"t know why, but suddenly he had the urge to wrap Yi Ti in a bunch of tentacles and throw her up high.  She was acting kind of adorable.


  ”… … What?” The Jelly Star, feeling a bit guilty quit staring at her.

  ”What did I get? I can"t look.” Yi Ti still had her eyes closed.

  Cecil went to the screen to see: “300 points.”

  ”Truly?” Yi Ti opened her eyes and laughed, “Sure enough,” she said, taking the interface back to the search page. “But the energy bar is the cheapest at three thousand. Can we contact the seller and buy just one?” Three thousand for ten energy bars, so three hundred points should buy one right? Looking at the screen however, she could not find the seller"s name…just a string of transaction numbers.  In fact, she didn"t remember seeing a user name for her when she started up the program either.

  ”In order to prevent the disclosure of personal information, the transaction does not provide any communication channels.

  ”So, what should I do?”

  ”Energy bars are generally sold at a minimum of ten units per transaction.”

  Yi Ti tapped her head trying to think. Suddenly, a flash of light: “What do you have that we can trade?”

  Cecil shook his head and the soft body shook: “Before I left home, I took most of my belongings out of the s.p.a.ce in front of my parents, and the rest is not worth much.”

  ”Why would you want to do that?”

  ”Sultana Star tradition.  During early childhood, everyone can learn all kinds of information at home.  However, before adulthood, all children must leave the planet for a trip to determine their future direction. On the journey, you are not allowed to carry too much nor can you have contact with your loved ones or friends, until the end of the trip back to the planet.

  ”So does that mean you are just a child?”

  ”According to Earth"s algorithm, our adult cycle is much longer than yours.  In Earth years I am probably around … …”

  Yi Ti quickly stopped Cecil.  She felt completely sure she didn"t want to know that number, in case was old enough to be her grandfather or great-grandfather.  How would she have the courage to pat his head again?  Moreover, the real focus now was “What should we do? We don"t have enough points ah!”

  Jelly star with blue eyes watched the woman in front of him begin to freak out.  He shouted: “Xiao Ti.”

  ”Eh?” Yi Ti looked back at Cecil. Gradually, the original mood of anxiety was dissipated a bit. She was no fool and quickly responded, “Do you have a way?”


  ”What is it?”


  Many pharmacists would sell elixirs through Trader. Of course, becoming a pharmacist required a certain amount of talent. Once a junior pharmacist joined the a.s.sociation of Pharmacists, they could enjoy a lot of privileges. As a result, there were a lot of people taking the exam every year. In order to test if you had talent, the a.s.sociation released a small portion of formulas for anyone to see and try to make.

  ”Do you have a recipe there?” Yi Ti asked Cecil: “Did you try to make a potion before?”

  ”Yes,” the pudding star replied honestly, “I failed, but you have this talent.”

  ”Me?” Yi Ti was not confident but still opened the interface to search “1st Grade Elixir”.  Cecil only had a 1st Grade formula, which meant they could only sell 1st Grade Elixir.  Of course, that was a.s.suming she could make them.  And even if she could, “It will be very difficult to sell.”  Because so many people sold these drugs, the prices were very cheap. A bottle cost only fifteen points or so.


  Yi Ti pointed at one of the bottles of elixirs and said, “Is there a elixir that can be used as a supplement for your energy?” At only 15 points per bottle, 300 points would buy twenty bottles.

  ”Yes, but the effect is negligible.”

  ”… … can"t you be happy eating something cheap?” Three hundred points wouldn"t buy high-level goods … …

  ”I need a premium energy bar.” Cecil replied earnestly, “The price is probably …”

  ”Don"t say it!” Yi Ti burst into tears.  The amount of pressure to help Cecil was about to break her. She never knew that raising a rich alien kid was actually such a costly thing. In short, it was like he was raised on meat his whole life and the low-energy bar for him is like eating gristle.  And elixers… were like drinking water that meat had been boiled in.

“The Spiritual Division Masters are different.” said Cecil, “Even themore advanced pharmacists will produce elixers with impurities.  But the ones you can make are completely pure!” He quickly told her.

  Yi Ti blinked, her master (she felt it was proper to call the old man master since inheriting the tradition of spiritual division and he would be happy in heaven hearing it) had indeed mentioned that in the letter.

  But, “Is this precious?”

  ”Yes,” Cecil replied with certainty that he had heard Grandpa say that the more sophisticated the pharmacist, the more he continued to pursue “purity.” Unfortunately, no one could reach 100% purity. No pharmacist could do that. Only her. “Xiao Ti, are you willing to give it a try?” He asked.


  Immediately, under the guidance of Cecil, Yi Ti used the some of the 300 points to buy a bunch of seeds of plants she would need to make the elixirs.  With the seeds they bought, they would be able to make many 1st Grade Elixirs.  Also, by buying seeds instead of fully grown plants, it was less expensive and they could utilize her s.p.a.ce to make the herbs be that much better.

  Trading was very simple. She selected items and a prompt would pop up to verify she wanted the transaction.  After verifying, a ma.s.s of white light came from the screen and floated in front of Yi Ti. She reached out and grabbed the light and the seeds were in her hand.

  ”Eh? Wait, the points are not right!” After buying, Yi Ti found something wrong.

  ”Cross-s.p.a.ce deals consume considerable amounts of energy, and therefore a certain amount of points are deducted from the accounts of both parties, depending on the value of the item.”

  ”Like shipping?” Was this Taobao? (TL/N Shopping site like ebay or amazon) Except both had to pay…was that it?


  ”Are there ever fake items?”

  ”All items will be subject to a special inspection process and will be permanently disqualified from trading if a fake is detected.” he said.

  ”So no.”

  This was not Taobao. Feng w.a.n.g could apply for a name. A Trader device was bound with the owner"s energy, and each person"s energy fluctuations are different. Once bound, it really can not be used.

  ”Let"s buy some medicine bottles,” Cecil suggested. “You can easily tell where an elixer came from through the bottle being used.”

  Yi Ti nodded: “Great idea.” She didn"t want to give Mother Earth trouble, but at the same time, she would also like to try to sell on the Trader pharmacy.  Maybe even get some ancient pharmacy books…later.  In any case, safety first.

  After some purchases, she suddenly thought: “Hey, no one can see my transaction history right?

  ”No, the Trader is managed by Skynet, (TL/N Skynet????Really????There is no way that can end badly…:) No one can interfere.” The pudding star stretched out his tentacles and took her universal bottles of cosmos that she just bought. “Once someone tries to do something like that, they will become wanted throughout the universe.” The reason for the emergence of the Trader was because many people didn"t want to have face to face transactions. If someone wanted to break this rule because of their own interests, will inevitably be hunted by everyone. Moreover, the perfect level of civilization needed to achieve the requirements to be connected to Skynet grow more advanced everyday.  These races have become like monsters.  No one would be stupid enough to provoke them.

  ”That"s good.” Yi Ti put down her worries and lifted the bag of seeds, “Then I"m going to plant the herbs!”


  ”Ah, what"s the matter?”

  ”The remaining points, buy something you want.” Cecil pointed to the balance with his tentacles, there were 120 points, “I said, this was a gift for you.” Up "till now she had only thought of him, not getting anything for herself.

  ”But … …” Anyway, it was better to keep those points just to be safe.  In case there was a failure making elixirs.

  ”Little Ti.”

  The two stared silently for a moment then Yi Ti retreated. She raised her hands, throwing in the towel and said: “Fine. But I do not know what to buy ah.” After all, she was really unfamiliar with the really high-quality products of the universe.

  ”I know the perfect thing.” One thing, she must be interested.

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