
We quickly run outside and look what"s going on. After I see what"s happening, I quickly covered Lyn"s eye’s, I look at the scene.



"The knights..."

The knight’s swords are descending to each other. Some knights are killing the other servants. Is this a coup D"etat?

"You trash!"

I heard someone"s Angry voice, when I look to the person who said that, I found my older brother, bob cut blue hair, Dark Orange eyes with long eye lashes, his age is 17 years old, wearing a white shirt sleeve, purple vest, and a pants.

His height? I don"t know but I will say he is a fat guy, if I could say how fat, he is…

umm here, like two persons are living to one body? Is that clear? It is? Okay. If you don"t get it then here. If he started to run; the ground will start shaking as he keeps losing his strength just to take 20 steps.

My older brother is kicking his knights due to frustration because of the situation. He ordered the other knights to kill everyone who"s in the way whether it"s their own servants or not. He doesn"t care any of them only he thinks is his safety.


What a trash person, 5 of his knights has been defeated to a Single person, he was wearing a black robe, we can"t see his face because of the hood. His sword is beautiful it"s shining every single swing he do. The handle of the sword is like a gold. The blade of the sword is curved and color red…

just the look of it, It"s not just an ordinary sword.

Hmm, now that I think about it… my older brother"s name… I forgot about it…

What’s his name again? Doesn"t matter.

Because of panic, older brother quickly run, leaving his two knights confronting the man in black robe. Eh? This older brother of mine is coming to us? What?

He stretches his right hand, then he whispered something.



I… I can"t move!

"Bro... brother what happen...?" Lyn said " What happen to you brother! Hey big brother!"

Lyn is shaking me... My body won"t move nor I can speak... what the h.e.l.l did that person do to me? What is he thinking!?

"Bro..brother… nggh!!!"

Lyn tried to carried me and get out of the place. She keeps pulling my body as we getting away at the scene. I"m sorry Lyn... and why are you this strong? am I that too thin and not heavy? Anyway, I"m so sorry Lyn.

"It"s not because I"m strong brother it"s because of magic that"s why I"m able to carried you at least a little..." She stops a few seconds "also. your thin that"s why you’re not that heavy... hnnnggh!!"

Wow, My little sister, just wow... When did you learn about magic?

As expected, my little sister is so cute... she keeps saying that as she keeps pulling me using both of her small delicate and fragile arms and making at an expression of "Heavy!" I"m so happy having a little sister like her, she"s so cute. It"s so cute!

Owh mah G.o.d!

What’s more, SHE"S SO CUTE! SO ADORABLE! Anyway... how did she know what I"m thinking... Oh well, my little sister is so cute so I dun care any of it! HA Mah MAN lunno bout ya but my sister is so cute, MUST

P R O T E C C!

.... wait...

What...? Why did I think like that... it"s not like me... Somehow it gave me a chill... what am I thinking...?

"Brother...... This is the first time you said something like that.... *pout*"



What the h.e.l.l...

"I"m sorry Lyn... it"s just that your so cute right now...hehe"


She moves her head to the right while still pouting... OH M- EHEM... What the h.e.l.l happen to me...

"It"s not like she"s my little sister..she"s..."




What... happen to me... My head is hurt... is this the effect of paralyze? It"s so G.o.dd.a.m.n hurt...

"Brother... where are...we?"

While getting confused over my headache, Lyn interrupts me and ask me... I tried to look around and we are inside of the forest...

wow Lyn, how long and how the h.e.l.l did you pulled me here...? Are you okay?


"I wonder how can you know what I"m thinking."

"Gasp! I-its B-because I can tell it in your facial expression big brother..."

Hmm? That"s so?

Her face is red... She must be exhausted...

I tried to raised my arms and pat her in the head.

"Thank you, Lyn..."

I smiled at her, I was really thankful and also glad that she was okay...

"Really... I really Love You Lyn..."


Her face turn into tomato, as she got stiffened because of the sudden words. Fufu... my sister is so cute...

"Bro... brother...nngh..."


"Lyn... hurt... your arms are gripping my shoulder so much that it hurt... ata ata ata!"

"..!... So... sorry big brother..."

"It"s okay... anyway Lyn... let’s go... I Can move now......"

Suddenly, behind Lyn"s back there is a man holding a sword and raised his sword and swung it downward.

I quickly Push Lyn to the right. I receive the slashed by that man"s sword.

I fell down to the ground, my body is now bathing on my own blood I can"t move my body... I don"t have a strength anymore; my body is cold then it turns hot...

there’s so much blood... my own blood... am I going to die?

I look at Lyn, she was shaking and she was crying... She was saying something. But I couldn"t hear it. but. Lyn… I don"t want to see you like that...

The man is slowly walking towards my sister. her almond eyes are all swelled up of her tears.

I forced myself to move to reach the man.

I keep forcing my body to the limit to stop the man.

The man raised his sword while looking at Lyn and grinning.

I used all of my strengths and push the man using my body. Both of us fell on the ground losing our balance.

I look at Lyn and make an eye contact to her... I hope she understand what I"m saying.


Run Lyn... I won"t last long. but my sister did not listen to me... she shakes her head and look at me determined of something... she"s still trembling so weak to move... but she tried to get closer.


The man that I pushed manage to regain his balance and kicked me in the stomach... it hurts, he kicked the part where I got slashed.

I vomited blood after that and trembling, the man grabs his sword and was about to stabbed me. But Lyn tried to push down the man, but it looks like she was hugging the man to stop.


The man. no, the man in black robe slaps my Little Sister which she was thrown out and fell to the ground. The man walks towards Lyn, while holding his sword.

"I should kill you first."


"Sto... No..augh!!!"

I blocked out back then. that"s how I remember my past life…

What happen to my little sister?

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