I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 17

Strolling with Everyone

(It"s gloomy)

When I spoke about my previous existence everyone sank into silence

As for Rune he started crying

Is it to the point you"ll cry?

My previous family environment was normal for me, I never thought it was something painful or sad

For me it was normal that my parents were never around, I could do nothing but sleep and had plenty of money and just getting a deposit every month was normal

So something like pity, I don"t understand why the reason for it

It"s not like I was really misfortunate

Moreover, now as a demon G.o.d, from the beginning there were no parents, I can do what I want as much as I like, and, with the exception of dying, I can do what I please

As for the end of the world, it seems I can"t artificially induce it

(Will I see the moment of death of all the ones here)

If it"s to the extent of having to see the moment of death of one I"m interested in, I find myself dying preferable

(As for their lifespan, can"t I lengthen it?)

While everyone was silently eating lunch next to each other, I searched my information

However, it seems it"s difficult to lengthen lifespans

Normally it can"t be done

(It would be better and faster to ask G.o.d, but he never told me how to contact him)

I was reminded of the face of the guy who made me a demon G.o.d, but there was nothing I could do

I couldn"t find anything in the information I looked up, as expected it seems it"s impossible

(So much free time, huh)

Even though I"m up I have nothing to do

I could only absent mindedly watch everyone else doing whatever they like to pa.s.s the time

It seems everyone cleans during the morning

It"s admirable that Rau helps as well

I, up to now, have never cleaned before

Although now I can do it through magic, when I was a human I never once did

During that time, I left it to the housekeeper

(Is there nothing I can do to kill time?)

The time spent going to school or having to eat has disappeared, even if I say I sleep well there"s no way I could do it always, like this I am now awake and have nothing to do

(Should I go out again to buy someone?)

However doing just that would only increase the number of people and they would end up have no work to do

(If I make a village in the middle of the garden, is it enough for them to be able to live there?) (TN: garden == the s.p.a.ce between the castle and the wall where the field and such is, the frontyard)

It would end up being a village of various races though

However, even if the number of people increases, it won"t become something I can kill time with

(Shall I just go stroll around on my own?)

Still, I won"t have anything I need to do even then

Since today everyone"s been gloomy, I could bring them with…….

"I"m going for a stroll"

While I"m at it I can get some silver or copper bills

I don"t want it to be like before when I got gold coins that were obtained questionably

"Rau, wants to go together too!"

Rau who was in the middle of eating lunch, got up in a hurry

Today Rau is wearing a light pink dress and red ribbons on both ears

It seems that lately this is her favorite ribbon

While we"re going to town shall we also take the opportunity to buy a new ribbon

"Shin-sama, umm….."

"What is it?"

While I held Rau in my arms, it would be fine for Rune to say what he wants, but he hesitates

"M,me too, that…."

"You want to come with too?"

He quickly nods (like pecking)

(How cute)

Rune, anxiously awaiting agreement, has a cuteness that is once again different from that guy

Although Rune is older, he seems like a kid

"Then, come"

When I agree he makes a relieved expression

(Is house-sitting, that unpleasant?)

Since this castle has a barrier over it even if it"s attacked it won"t be destroyed, in the first place as long as it"s not attacked from the sky no one would even be able to even break down the gate

In other words, as long as you"re inside the castle you"re safe

"Get out the carriage"

When I say so to Dea he leaves the castle

(Carriage, huh……..since I have free time, going by carriage is fine as well)

Although I"d planned to go to town by magic, I"m not in any particular hurry

"Um, am I house-sitting?"

Rona asks looking hesitant


Does everyone dislike house-sitting?

"If you want to come then come"


They hurriedly prepared to go

Is being left alone really that unpleasant

"Preparations complete"

Rune came down

Today he"s wearing light blue clothes and a silk hat

Because he has ears he"s wearing the hat at an angle and the feather decoration sways every time he takes a step

His sword is properly attached to his waist

Like usual, Dea maintains a servant"s appearance, and Rona hurries down wearing loose emerald green clothes with a fluttery feel

I come outside, once again wearing a veil

The outfit I"m wearing today is a long orange one-piece dress-like thing

The clothes had falling flowers embroidered on it in red string

Where there is normally some useless adornments, there is no expensive looking gem

Instead, it"s on the gloves

On the black gloves, red gems are used to make a flower pattern, it"s quite eye catching

(The clothes for demon G.o.ds all seem to be one piece dresses like this, it seems that even the clothes that come with trousers are like this, huh)

Clothes that high-cla.s.s humans wear like what I bought for Rune never come out

There"s nothing I can do about not being able to wear clothes commonly sold, but it"s hard to move in clothes like this

They go all the way to my ankles

However going as far as making my own clothes, since I have to think of the design in my head, it"s troublesome

In that case, continuing like this is fine

"Go to the closest town. We got a map, so you know the way, right?"

I tell Dea and get on the carriage

The three follow after me

Since seats are installed inside of the carriage, it greatly reduces the shaking

Rather than a seat, it"s more like a sofa

It"s made of cushions

I"ve properly made Dea"s seat the same way

Even though he has to steer the ideo, I don"t want him to have to suffer rump pain

Everyone, although they weren"t used to the carriage shaking, no one became sick by the time we arrived at town

Is it because they are inhabitants of another world?

The three"s stomachs are strong

When I exit the carriage, I am once again rudely showered in attention


I put a barrier over the carriage

If others were restrained like before, that trash would cause Rune to worry

Like this they won"t be able to approach from the beginning

(Shall we go to buy Rau"s ribbon first)

I didn"t come here to buy things, today I came to stroll around

Although I didn"t initially plan to bring everyone along, since it"s fine either way I don"t mind

We go into a clothing store

Ornaments like hats and ribbons are not only sold in clothing stores it seems

People who only want to buy those seem to be rare, and good ones are hard to get when not in a larger city

Like the castletown where the human king lives, for example

The rich humans arbitrarily mark out their territories and it"s not too much to say that the king is self-proclaimed

In such a country, there is no proper record of the things like non-human villages

They think other races can only be slaves

Inside the country are several towns and other races villages are scattered around

It seems there is no real intention to manage the nation as a whole

For that reason, even if demons come out they are ignored

Even if a demon king"s castle is built, they will only keep an eye on it

As long as a town continues to function, the country will as well

It"s the worst, even if those guys who became slaves weren"t there, the humans would just be upset over losing their manual labor force

In this world the arbitrarily demarcated countries number six, each of them have a human king

It seems the country we"re in is called Gudoudotelia

The ones who know that, would probably be just Dea

Rune and Rau who had never left their village, had never even seen an elf or spirit before after all

"Is there anything you like?"

"Hmm, hmm……This!"

The ribbon Rau chose was a light pink ribbon with a lot of lace

It seems Rau really likes the color pink

The various ribbons that the shopkeeper took out were difficult for Rau to choose from, high cla.s.s seeming goods

She continued to glance at other ribbons

"Give all of them"

In that case, I"ll buy them all

"Thank you very much, that will be two gold coins and five silver coins"


At the shopkeeper"s words I could hear exclamations of surprise from behind, but without caring I paid three gold coins

The change was fifteen silver coins

"Can I exchange for silver bills here?"

I took one of them and pa.s.sed it to the shopkeeper

"To silver is it? ……. Is a mix of (silver bills and) copper coins no good?"

Somehow it seems there is an insufficient amount of silver bills in the store

"I don"t mind"

When converting [to the value] of my previous world one silver coin is about 100,000 yen

One copper coin is about 10,000 yen, and a silver bill is about 1000 yen

If a silver coin is exchanged for all silver bills, it"s worth 100 bills

Having to carry all that is inconvenient

Incidentally, a copper bill is worth about 100 yen

Earlier the meat that Rune and Rau bought to eat was only three copper bills, so about 300 yen

"Thank you for waiting, here"s eight copper coins, and 20 silver bills, is that correct?"


Since the amount of coins and bills increased, I took out a new coin purse for it

It seems to all be small change

"Thank you very much for coming today, we will be eagerly awaiting your next visit"

The shopkeeper"s voice came from behind as we left the store

Since I sent the things we bought to Rau"s room we were empty handed

"If there"s anything you want, go buy it, if you don"t have enough money, come tell me"

I gave everyone a copper coin and 2 silver bills each

I didn"t give them much since before it caused an incident

"…..(as for) Shin-sama?"

Rune tightly grasped the money and looked at me

So I mean, why are you looking at me so anxiously?

"I will idly stroll around here. Aah, don"t worry even if you become a lost child, since I"ll know where you are through your collars"

I put magic in the collars for such a time as this

"…..since I have nothing I want, is it fine to stay together with you?"


Even though I gave him pocket money he doesn"t even try to use it

Does he have nothing he wants?

Or is it that he"s that scared of being alone?

Even though since he has my divine protection there"s no way he"ll die, and since he has a magic stone embedded (in his collar) he won"t be kidnapped

Rune"s eyes shake with uneasiness looking at me who"s at a loss for words and he hangs his head

Somehow or other it seems to be the latter (he"s scared to be alone)

Is it that he has no confidence in the divine protection?

Well, it"s fine

"Dea, take care of Rau"

Since I see Dea nod, I take Rune"s hand

"Eh!? Shin-sama?"

"You wanted to go together with me, right?"


Rune shows me a smiling face that appears to be sincerely relieved from the bottom of his heart

Even though I"m not such a good guy

I instinctively want to attack him

Since outdoor s.e.x isn"t a hobby of mine, I won"t though

Looking at the shops around us, I notice Rune"s feet stop at a store that sells weapons and go into the store

"Eh-!? Something like this is that expensive!?"

Looking at armour similar to his previous one, his eyes go round

Since that was stolen goods from someone, it would be fine if he didn"t mind it (the price)

Speaking of which, that was taken when he was abducted by demons, right?

It seems that Rune didn"t bring it with him to the castle

"The armor that Shin-sama gave me was taken by the demons"

As I thought, it seems it was taken

"You don"t need it anymore anyway, right?"

Even if he"s attacked by a sword or magic, four people"s worth would still be ineffective

Is he practically invincible?

He probably hasn"t noticed yet, but Rune"s attack power has increased and Rona"s magic power has increased, so as things stand they should be able to repel any opponent

"However, I"ve become accustomed to wearing armor, so……"

"You don"t need armor, since it will make it so I can"t pat your head, I refuse"

Nevertheless I like being able to caress the dog ears attached to his head

If he wears something like armor, let alone not being able to pat his head, I won"t be able to even see his face

In that case it"s unneeded


Does he already have no more interest in armor, he"s not even looking at it anymore

He"s fixedly staring at me, when our eyes meet he seems to feel a bit shy

(Was Rune always this cute?)

Although his face is completely the same as that guy, as I thought they"re different

Since he"s a different person in a different world, being different should be obvious though

Since he"s wearing a silk hat today, I can"t pat his head

"Shall we go to another store?"


I hold his hand and like that we go outside

After that, we browsed through various stores, it was a fairly good way to pa.s.s the time, and later Rona came back

Even though I gave him money and told him to buy what he likes, what Rona got was seasonings

Since he"s grinning and looks really happy, I don"t say anything about it

Even though if it"s something like seasonings if he asked I would buy as much as he wants

From now on, I will properly stock seasonings

Since I don"t eat, I didn"t even think of it

While we waited, Dea and Rau came back

It seems Dea bought a history book, and Rau seems to have bought a box to put the ribbons in

"A history book?"

"Since I learned that the legend I heard was mistaken, I thought I would look at the human"s record of it"

He"s enthusiastic about study, huh

"I think it"s most likely useless. The hero was a human after all"

The hero is a legendary existence said to appear from among the humans, so they wouldn"t write anything negative after all

Rather than evil demons, it"s better to say he defeated a demon G.o.d, it has more impact

It sounds more amazing that way, right?

Dea seemed to receive a shock

This much should be obvious

Generally things that are published matched what the country or race in control say

That"s not something that being in a different world would change

TN: the kanji for bill and the counter for coins and bills look so similar, I kept having to go back and check I was using the right one. I ended up doing three chapters this week which was about ten pages longer than what I normally do (about 35 pages long vs the normal 20~25), but I was looking forward to Kez’s release and was distracting myself. I’m terrible at waiting, I compulsively visit websites waiting for updates even when I know they won’t be out yet….

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