I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 18

Troublesome Guy

Although I"m fine since my throat won"t get dry, the other four are normal and they will get thirsty

While walking around and looking for something to drink, I hear a voice from behind us

"You there, stop!"

Since I have no acquaintances in this world, I figure he"s not talking to us, so I don"t bother turning around and just keep walking

"Sh,Shin-sama! He seems to be talking to us"

When Rune looks back, he says so and I stop walking and turn around

The one standing there is a human

It was a man with blonde hair and blue eyes and a chiseled face

He was partially covered in golden armor and wearing a red mantle

I somehow understood that he was a knight, probably thanks to the knowledge I got as a demon G.o.d

"Who are you?"

"……..I am Kudoudotelia(typo?) country"s governor Sei. For you not to know me, are you not a person of this country?"

It seems he"s an excessively self-important type of guy

…..no, for the humans of this country, is it really common knowledge?

The people within my field of vision, are making faces of considerable surprise

"What"s your business?"

However, for me this guy is inconsequential

Also I have no interest in him

"A few days ago, you killed three humans, right? Those guys were criminals that I had been looking for, even though I was so close to capturing them, because of you I won"t be able to find their organization"s hideout!"

He seemed to get angry for some reason

(Three people…..? Ahh, that trash?)

Those guys who wanted to steal the carriage when we came before

As expected, they died

"Since those trash wanted to steal my carriage, they got what they deserved"

Has he said his part?

More than that, is not something I care to know

Someone who wants to steal my things, in my mind are the absolute worst

"Those guys" organization have stolen the personal property of the king!"

"So? I should idiotically let them steal my things?"

If they want to not be stolen from then they should do what I did and put some safeguards on it


"Annoying. Keep away since you"re scaring everyone"

Rau is especially scared

Although the other three are scared as well

As expected humans are scary (for them)

Moreover it"s a knight which is considered upper cla.s.s

"Rau, come here"


Rau runs into my arms while crying

I hold her up with one arm and she clings to me

I continue to hold Rune"s hand with the other

"…….it seems you cherish your slaves quite a lot"

"It has nothing to do with you"

This guy is not interesting and he"s not someone I would buy as a slave

I have no interest in a guy like this

Since he said he"s the governor, he should be an admirable fellow who stands beside the king

However, I"m a demon G.o.d so it"s got nothing to do with me

"Shall we go get some tea? Or would you rather already go home?"

"Go home—!"

"I see"

It seems they were completely frightened and want to return

In that case, like this there is no reason to continue staying in this town

"Let"s go"

I call out to Dea and Rona and pull Rune"s hand and walk away

"Wait! I still have more things I need to ask you about"

The knight stood obstructing my path (I have no interest in his name and have already forgotten it)

A nuisance

"Clear the way"

When I say so a bit forcefully the knight move to the side in avoidance

It seems to be the power of language

Though it"s just that there"s not a guy who can resist a demon G.o.d"s coercion

"Why, did my body move on it"s own!?"

He seems pretty surprised, but I have absolutely no interest

While the knight was frightened, I put priority on quickly getting away

Although I felt it would be fine to kill the one who frightened everyone, it would probably scare Rune even more and if it caused Rau to have some trauma I"d be troubled

While the knight was losing to the coercion, we went towards the carriage

Luckily, the distance to the carriage is short and we immediately got on

"We"ll go a bit fast"

Dea said so, but inside the carriage were four people

With Dea included there were five people

Even with four ideo, thinking about it, they won"t be able to bring out that much speed

The carriage shook a lot and when turning the balance tilted, and could roll over

I made the carriage large, but that became a disadvantage

"Master, that guy is chasing us"

"Aah, I got it"

Just as Dea said, that guy was chasing after us

His transportation wasn"t a work animal like an ideo, he was riding a thoroughbred-like animal that was made for speed

That animal is an agani

It was a bipedal creature that looked like a dinosaur or lizard, mainly used as a knight mount

Like most reptiles it was a green-like color

At this rate he will catch up to us

"Dea, stop the carriage"


As I said to, Dea stopped the carriage

It took a bit of time before it came to a complete stop

"Like this don"t move!"

I could hear that guy"s voice, but it"s not like I"m going to wait here for him

"Carriage to in front of the castle"

It was in order to teleport the carriage with magic

If we had continued running, then when castle appeared in front of our eyes like that we would have crashed into it and it would have been dangerous

Like this we could teleport and leave that guy behind

Peeking out from the carriage, that guy was nowhere to be seen

"It was my first time seeing a knight"

While Dea was still in a bit of a daze he says so and everyone else nods as well

Since a knight"s purpose is to protect the king and country, other races rarely have a chance to see them

"It might be best not to show our faces at that town for a little while"

Somehow it seems we stood out too much

If we go to that town, that guy will probably ambush us again

I don"t want everyone to pointlessly experience fear and get a trauma over it

For everyone, humans are unpleasant guys who force them to slavery and a target of equal or greater dread than the demons

That"s right

As long as they are caught once they can"t escape, they will be subordinated and exploited

As they grow older and can"t move as well, there are also those guys that will simply kill them

Although it seems there are few knights that keep slaves, for Rune and the others all humans are the same

"It would be best if everyone stopped going to the town for a little while"

If we have to go for something I"ll go alone

As for slaves, if I need to buy some guys being sold, I"ll probably take Dea along though

Just because, I"ll need to take the carriage so won"t I need Dea?

However, as I need a guy to handle things, that is entrusted to the number one reliable Dea

It"s troublesome so I don"t want to

"Shin-sama, the change"

Rau and the others return the money

It"s the first time I"ve seen a copper bill

Rune"s already given his back

"Dea, you hold onto it"

I pa.s.s him a sack with copper coins and smaller change and he shows an obviously bewildered expression

"For me to carry this……"

Dea said so, but inside the amount is worth no more than 70 to 80,000 yen

"From now on you keep it, if anything happens while I"m sleeping and you urgently need something then you"ll be able to go buy it"

Everyone needs to practice going to town without me

When Rau starts attending school it will just be Dea and Rau (going to town)

Although occasionally someone might accompany them

"……is it fine to let a slave keep money?"

"Since Dea is reliable" [shinrai]

Compared to me who doesn"t need to think things through, Rune and Rau need to be careful

The things that hurt the two won"t just be other"s personality

Having money like this, Dea make a subtle expression

For me, Dea is a slave bought for the sake of Rune and Rau, with a diligent personality and good at taking care of others I have only a slight amount of interest in him

There is no dependence [shinyou]

If Rune and the others like him then it"s a different story, but Dea and Rona are only that much (to me)

Rather than saying they are my things, I recognize them as Rune and Rau"s things

For that reason I protect them

Since otherwise it would make Rune and Rau sad

"At any rate, that guy is considerably hard to shake off"

He leaves the impression "a troublesome guy you need to keep an eye on"

That sort of persistent guy is real troublesome

That sort of guy can end up becoming a stalker for example

It seems it"s best if I too don"t go to that town for a short while

As for when I want to go to town, I"ll just go to a different town

I can just buy slaves from a different town, it"s not that much of a problem

—I forgot

My opponent is a knight, moreover the governor and a human

He"s such a bigshot, so no matter which city he can send out an official proclamation

That guy"s position, to what extent does his authority reach inside this country

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