I Was Reincarnated

Chapter 1

01. Reincarnation… seriously!?

I died.
No, honestly speaking, I am not yet dead.
It seems like I’m still alive even with the knife strongly lodged into my back.

(It’s cold.)

Though my back is hot, the rest of my body is quite cold.
I think I’m bleeding too much.
I will surely die if this goes on.
But I can only stay collapsed while lying on my stomach.
I was just thinking, “Am I going to die?” without raising my voice or rolling over to get my phone.
Since I can’t feel the pain for some reason, it appears like I’m going to die without suffering.
I didn’t call out for help because I don’t want to do something so futile.
The place I’m in right now is a deserted back alley.
No one will hear me even if I shout.
I didn’t get my phone because my body won’t move. I will just run out of strength before I can crawl that far.

If it’s hopeless, then don’t struggle. That’s my principle.

—-In other words, it’s a pain.

I don’t have such deep attachment to life that I will cling to it foolishly.
As for people whom I can call friends… It can be said that there are none.
I, who always were sleeping a lot, have been spending this year as a first year high school student for the second time.
And as for why I am in a back alley that’s extremely unfrequented during the daytime, it’s because I was on the way to school.
My house is located somewhere close to this back alley.
Even though it’s my second time as a freshman, I was told that my grades were already precarious. And so I headed towards the school while rubbing my sleepy eyes.
At that moment, I was attacked by a slasher.
Even bad luck should have its limits.

(It was not fun, but it was a peaceful life.)

Because I was always sleeping, the memories I can seem to recall is limited.
For me, the symbol of peace is sleep.
I think that it’s a life full of sleep even if I do say so myself.
It was a short 17 years of life, but was it fortunate that I didn’t need to find a job?
There won’t be a suitable job for me if I sleep this much.

(I’m sleepy.)

I did not resist against my eyelids that were becoming heavy.

Since I will die anyway, it would be good to take my final sleep of supreme bliss, too.

I shut my eyes and let go of my consciousness.



“Please wake u~~~p!”

When I heard that voice at point-black range, my consciousness surfaced.

“Why are you sleepiiing~~? Please hurry up and get inside the doooor~~”

It was a person with a dragging and irritating way of speaking.
It’s impossible to distinguish whether it was the voice of a man or a woman.

“So noisy.”

I woke up because of your voice.
If I am not mistaken, I was stabbed and should have been half-dead.
…Did I survive?
When I opened my eyes, there was a person infront of me whose appearance is also indistinguishable whether they’re a man or a woman’s.
That person who looked like a priest from some anime I watched a long time ago, was leaning into me.

“…Who the h.e.l.l are you?”

I straightened up and noticed another incomprehensible thing.
I was stabbed in a back alley but this place is pure white as far as my eyes can see.
When I twisted around to look, the knife stuck in my back had disappeared and there was also no feeling of getting a medical treatment.
It doesn’t hurt either.

“Where’s this place?”

The netherworld——-

Though that idea came into my mind, it’s just absurd.

I am not a good person.
However, I’m not a bad person either.
But I often get involved in fights for some reason.
Even until now, I still don’t know why they pick a fight with me though.

“O~~i, are you listenii~ing?”

While I was thinking, that person leaned into me again.

“Shut’up. Too close. Gross.”

I tried to hit him but he avoided it, unfortunately.
He’s unexpectedly keen and nimble.
Even though he looks slow.

“This kid tried to hit mee! What a scary kiiid! Mom, I don’t recall having raised this kind of childdd!”

“I don’t remember being raised by you, b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Is your head rotting?”

The moron put on a coquettish act and pretended to cry exaggeratedly.
He’s a total load of annoyance.
I don’t want to get involved.
I stood up and ignored him.
Even if I surveyed the vicinity, there was nothing at all.

A pure white surrounding———

“What? …A door?”

It was an isolated, dark gold door.
There were no walls either, it was just the door.
And yet, at first I thought there was nothing at all.
When I approached, I found out that it was fairly huge.

(What’s with this door?)

When I absent-mindedly looked up, there was a person entering that door.
The one entering was a guy with vacant eyes.

“Oi, wait.”

Even when I gripped his arm, he did not look at me.
He looked like a robot trying to walk into the door.
I let go of his arm and the guy disappeared into the depths the door.

“You’re really outside of the norm, aren’t youuu? Even though normally, the ego should disappear like thaat~~ You have an ego and you can also move your body freelyy~~”

The moron from before was standing nearby.
He had no presence at all.

“Aaaah~ You, how many times is it you repeatedly haven’t fulfilled your life span~? Was it not possible for you to reincarnate as a human anymorre? You asked for an unreasonable thing beforre, but it’s impossible for you to be a human noww. I mean, you don’t have a choice anymore so please refrain from complainiiing.”

Saying something like that while leaning into a person’s face, what a weird b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

“Too close! Besides, who the h.e.l.l are you?”

I asked as I pushed aside his face, and unexpectedly —— no, I feel like I can guess it already —— he answered.

“I am G.o.d, desu~”

As I thought, that kind of stupid thought came in my mind.
I don’t believe in G.o.d.
Besides, it impossible for a this dumb-looking guy to be G.o.d.

“Your soul is superior so it’s worrying that you can’t properly fulfill your life span, y’know? Ah, it’s alright~ Because you won’t die the next time you reincarnaate.”

I want to hit this guy winking at me.

“Won’t die” you say, that’s not a human anymore, is it?
If it’s not human, what the heck will I be?
I don’t want to become something weird.
…But since I’ll just be sleeping anyway, will anything be fine?

“I will send you to a world different from the previous one, okaay? So do your best, okaay?”


He pushed my back
Moreover, it’s quite strong.
It seems like I pa.s.sed through the door and right now, I’m falling headfirst.


My voice won’t come out.
It’s not because I find it troublesome, but because I’m seriously scared.
It isn’t fear of heights. Rather, it’s the feeling of being forced to skydive without a parachute.
I instinctively shut my eyes.
Pardon me if I end up a splatter.


(I’m alive.)

Just as I thought that the sensation of falling disappeared, I found myself standing in an open s.p.a.ce.
There are no injuries.

(When he said I “won’t die”, was it really the truth?)

Leaving that aside, where’s this place?
That s.h.i.tty G.o.d said it’s a different world though.
At that instant, a huge amount of knowledge entered my head.
About this unfamiliar world, and about myself.
I came to a conclusion from that knowledge.
It appears like this is a fantasy world.
There are races like elves, beastmen and demons.
It’s completely a game world.
Well, I never played those games at all but I have some knowledge on them.
Those characters can be seen here normally, it seems.
By the way, I am a Demon G.o.d.
I cannot die.
I am the strongest magic user.
I can create a lot of things.

…What the heck is this!?
Isn’t this too overpowered?

To make me, a former human being, into a Demon G.o.d. As I thought, that s.h.i.tty G.o.d is absolutely crazy.

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