Episode 21: The Girlfriend Corruption of a Quiet Girl (Personality Alteration, Lover s.e.x)

Author Note:
I am late.

It is I who have arrived at Royal St. Lionel Academy, Kou-chan AKA Has.h.i.+ma Kouji.
Last time, I had Preggo-Bellied s.e.x with Frea and Tria while they more-or-less gave permission for me to cheat on them. However, I indirectly heard from everyone that I appeared to be amazingly unbalanced, making it seem as though I had been exposed. And yet, everyone was simply enjoying themselves as usual. Rather, it seems that I had simply worried them quite a bit.
I wonder what exactly women are? I have no idea.
Sphia said this to me-

“Master has lots of charisma, you know.
Master can keep doing things as usual. We already can’t live without Master.”

-or so she said.
I felt as though something changed within me when I thought about protecting Sphia and the others.
Well, I thought that I should take things little by little if I’m going to start corrupting people.
I met up with Sphia and the others before attending school.
Because we were living in the dorms, the male dorm and female dorms were separated. No matter which room it was, whether for the boys or the girls, it seems that each housed 4 people.
It seems that the academy disregards age, separating us into the cla.s.ses belonging to the year we enrolled in.
(Because literacy is low in this world, there’s a need to teach how to read and write first.)
And as I had hypnotised the examiners and manipulated them so that everyone would be in the same cla.s.s, all of my Meat-Toilets were in my cla.s.s.
The men’s numbers were on the shorter side. Of the 50 people in cla.s.s, 35 were girls. According to a certain story, because the cla.s.s places a strong emphasis on magic, coupled with the fact that there are lots of girls who have magical power in this world resulted in the fact that this cla.s.s has lots of girls. I thought that I made the correct choice to not go to the knight division.
Although this was something I learned later, but students were separated into the Knight Division or Magic Division based on the results during enrolment. That’s why I had made my magic score higher so that I would be allocated into the magic division.
Conversely, it would seem that the knight division is predominantly occupied with men.
Now then, I’m thinking that this time’s prey will be the simple girl who’s in the same cla.s.s.
The simple girl had eyes which were hidden by her bobbed, black hair and was wearing quite a mild one-piece dress.
Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are—-about a B Rank, huh?
(As for why I’m asking, it’s simply my hobby.)
What are you saying, me?
Well, whatever. I want to say that we should start immediately, but since it’s cla.s.s time now, let’s wait till the break.
The lesson was about reading and writing. The simple girl was acting quite nervously. I wonder what’s wrong?
It seems like she can’t write very well.
I casually placed my hand onto hers and showed her how to write.
The simple girl’s face flushed a bright red as she gave a small “T…tha…thank you”.
Amazing, so innocent and inexperienced~ I will absolutely corrupt this untainted being and stain her with my colours.
First, let’s remove her wariness. I gradually use my hypnosis skill to make her want to play with me.
The next cla.s.s was a lesson on simple numbers, but the simple girl once again displayed nervousness. Upon looking closer, it seems that this time her feather pen was out of ink. Again, I nonchalantly lent her my ink.

“Hey, you’ve run out, right? You can use mine together.”

“Y…yes…before, and now as well…t…thank you…
Ah…I…I don’t know your name…um…would you…tell me your…name?”

“Sure, my name’s Kou. I’m from Espua Village.”

“I…I am…my…name…is…Rio.”

“Rio, huh~ That’s a cute name. Nice to meet you~.”


Since she’s blus.h.i.+ng really hard, I guess I gave a good impression~~

“Master, Master.”

The Telepathy skill? What is it, Sphia?

“Yes, I apologise for interrupting you, but why don’t you use the Mind-Reading skill?
I believe it to be quite interesting.”

That sounds like fun~(lol)
Alright, let’s try it. Mind-Reading Skill: Activate.

(Woow! I talked to a boy! It was my first time~ He’s really cool! Kou-kun, huh~ Wait, is this what they call love at first sight?
I wonder what kind of girl Kou-kun likes?
I wonder if I’m no good? I don’t mind even if it’s sudden, but I wonder if he would go out with me?
Ah, I know. Let’s try writing a letter. Then, when he comes, I’ll try to c…confess to him?)

“Holy s.h.i.+t, this is amazing!!”

“Yes, this is only what she’s thinking about right now, but I believe it to be quite interesting.”

This girl appears to be quite to my liking~.
And then after school, I found a letter hidden in my desk that seemed to be placed there during the lunch break. Despite the writing still being clumsy, the characters were pretty as the contents called me out to the back of the gym.
When I arrived, I saw Rio standing there. If I were to become her boyfriend, it seems as though Rio would be willing to do anything for me~
Upon seeing me, she began to fidget like crazy.

“I…I didn’t…think that…you would…come…K…Kou-kun…um…you see…I…about…Kou-kun…I think…
I l…li…like you…I think I’ve fallen in love with you. That’s why, could you please go out with me?”

“Sure thing~ But there are some conditions.”

“Huh? What kind of-?”

“It’s nothing too difficult. Firstly, I want you to close your eyes.
Second, I want you to say my name once again while your eyes are still closed. If you say it, then I’ll go out with you.”

“Yes…okay, Kou-kun…”

Saying this, Rio closed her eyes and said “Kou-kun”.
Now! Activating the Hypnosis Skill, Rio was put into a languid state. First, I’ll give Rio some confidence in herself. Then, she will change herself according to her boyfriend’s tastes, slowly becoming the kind of girl who her boyfriend wants her to be.
The hypnosis was completed. Rio changed completely from who she was just moments ago, as she was now bursting with amazing amounts of self-confidence.

“Kou-kun♡ I love you. What kind of me do you want me to be?”

“Let’s see~(lol) Cut your hair a little. Also, dress yourself a bit more fas.h.i.+onably.”

“Ok♡ I’ll do anything for Kou-kun, after all.”

The day after such an exchange, there was a large commotion in cla.s.s.
Rio cut her hair into a s.h.a.ggy hair style. Her denim shorts and white T-s.h.i.+rt didn’t reach her navel. Further more, her clothes appeared to be slightly transparent.
Besides us who already knew about this, everyone was surprised.
As for Rio, I had her keep the things about us a secret.
Currently, Rio was being sieged by a barrage of questions during cla.s.s.
When lunch break ended, there was another letter in my desk. Once again, I was called out by Rio to go to the back of the gym.
Upon going there-

“Ah, darling♡ I wanted to see you♡”

“You saw me in cla.s.s, right?”

“Geez, darling♡ You’re such a shy person♡”

I wouldn’t have believed that that quiet girl could turn into such a pure-hearted b.i.t.c.h.

“You know, today♡ I want darling to take my virginity♡
Let’s do it in the gymnasium’s storage room♡”

“Yeah, sure thing.”

“Ahn♡ Darling, I’m so happy♡”

“Somehow, you’re just like a b.i.t.c.h.”

“It’s only for you, darling♡ It’s only for you that I become like this♡”

Saying this, we got on top of a mat.

“Ahn♡ Darling, that tickles~♡ Ahn♡ I’ve become so wet♡ Darling’s p.e.n.i.s is so big♡
Darling, my h.o.r.n.y p.u.s.s.y is ready for you, so give it to me–♡”

“Here I come, Rio.”

I inserted my d.i.c.k inside of her soaking wet p.u.s.s.y.

“Higguh!!? Ow, it hurts~ Haa, haa. It’s inside. Darling’s p.e.n.i.s is inside mee♡”

“Yeah, it’s crammed to the brim inside, huh.”

“Darling, please move~♡ Somehow, it’s starting to feel gooood♡”

“I’m gonna move, Rio.”

“Aahn♡ Darling, it feels good♡ Darling♡ Darling♡ Darling♡ Darling♡ Darling♡ Aah, it’s amazing~♡ Darling’s p.e.n.i.s is making me feel good~~♡”

I increased the speed of my pistons.

“Ahn♡ Ahn♡ Ahn♡ Ahn♡ Ahn♡ Ahn♡ Ahn♡ Soo goood♡ Ahn♡ Ahn♡ I’m c.u.mming♡ Darling, are you gonna c.u.m as well? It’s gotten even thicker~♡ It’s fine if I get pregnant, so c.u.m, darling♡ c.u.m♡ I’m also c.u.mming♡ c.u.mming♡ c.u.mming♡ c.u.mming♡ c.u.mming~~♡”

“Uugh, I’m c.u.mming, Rio. I’m c.u.mming!”

*splurt* *spurtleurtleurtleurtle~~* *spurtleurtleurtleurtle~~* *spurt* *spurt* *spurtleurtleurtleurtle~~*
A large amount of s.e.m.e.n entered inside of Rio as the rest that could not fit inside overflowed.
Rio’s body convulsed before slumping over.
Pulling out my d.i.c.k, I covered Rio’s body with cloudy white liquid.

“Ah!! So hot~~♡ So goood♡”

After that, I had s.e.x with her 5 more times before heading home.

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