Signora’s new products, the sales of high heel were promising.

Similar to the occasion with the slippers, Okaa-sama has kindly wore them at the evening parties and has steadily been permeating among the n.o.ble ladies.


The slippers with the Queen(Ouhi-sama) effect had fully gained citizenship(taken root) and has yet to be successful in driving out the slippers. It will not be long before high heels adorn the feet of many n.o.ble ladies.


By the way, the balance shoes are not sold at all.

Because the intended use is unknown, that is the greatest reason.

I do not mind this as it was something constructed for my own diet.


However I think it is a wonderーーーーful product!

I am not disappointed!


Fuu. Thus the balance shoes diet is also going favourably.

There is no scale in this world therefore it is unfortunate that I do not know an accurate weight but it can not be helped, from my bodily sensations I feel that it is considerably lighter.


Apparently, from the starting super heavyweight sumo wrestler physique, slightly plump&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; It varies, it is not a daikon(radish) but the bottom structural component, the change is about that extent I guess.

Coupled with fair skin it was just like a snowman if you think about it, presently I think it should have become something around a charming white pig.


I believe half a year has pa.s.sed since I started dieting, the season is changing from autumn to spring.

Being a child means the stature is still growing and by nature the original metabolism is high, I have the feeling diet results will come quickly.


Nowadays I am able to crouch, and is even able run around the garden!

I did not do so. Although recently it is forgotten, I am a young lady(reijou).


Thanks to spring time drawing closer the days recently continue to get warmer. Gradually tea parties and socializing invitations increase around this time of year.


I am looking forward to the day I can show off New Cosette reborn from the diet. Most recently it is a pleasure to tend to the skin and hair as a daily routine.


“Ojou-sama, is in very high spirits. Something good happened or something?”


While gently combing out my hair Sisie enquired.


“Because Sisie. Please look at this hair. Thanks to Sisie it has become so beautiful. I cannot wait for a tea party to show off this beautiful hair”


“Well&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Ufufu, now that you mentioned it surprisingly the hair quality has changed. Is it because the excess meat eaten has been reduced?”


“Really huh! Deep fried and fatty foods are a powerful enemy of the chubby”


We kyaikyai and became lively with beauty discussions. 

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