CHAPTER 23 [ Sati Becomes an Adventurer Apprentice]

[Let’s go shopping, come with me.]

I left the house together with Sati. I thought that she would be fine since her eyes are better now, but it was not like that. Even though she does not trip, she now keeps looking around restlessly, fidgeting around here and there. It looked so dangerous. It can’t be helped, so I held her hand again. Are slaves so hard to handle?

[Is it interesting?]

[Yes, it is-desu. And it somehow feels so strange. Even though the smell and sounds are the same, it feels like I came to a different place-desu.]

We arrived at shopping district. First of all, let’s get some baskets for Sati to use. Is there a general store here? We spotted the shop that sells baskets immediately. While at it, bucket and pot, there’s even a water jug. There are both buckets for kitchen and for bath use in the shop. I buy one water jug for daily use and one more for drinking, let’s buy some pots and a frying pan. Oh, there’s soap too! There are various type. When I ask the employee, he told me there were kinds for daily use and for bath use in variety, that’s why both of them are displayed. Are these chopsticks? This is? Maybe this is a rolling pin. Chopping board, and that I don’t know how to make sponge-like? (TN: I don’t understand it either) Pot stand. Tableware and metal and wood based pottery are also in the store. Spoon, fork, knife, cup, broom and brush were also bought. I pa.s.sed those of noticeable amount of commodity to Sati, and bring them to the shopkeeper. Though there was a pile of stuff, I told the storekeeper to wrap it all up. I looked at the inside of the shop again to check if I forgot something. Most of the things have already been bought. Different worlds can’t be underestimated. I thought it would be a lot more inconvenient, but except one part I think life here is not too different. Well, there is magic to compensate for it, I guess.

When I was done paying, I gave just the basket to Sati, after that the items were dumped there. Hmmm&h.e.l.lip;. Next is kitchen knife, towel, and some dust cloths. Can’t forget about firewood either. On the shop that sells kitchen knives, they also sold gardening tools, so I’ll just buy the tools I need here. Where do they sell seeds, I wonder? There are no shops like flower shops and looks like something like greengrocers don’t exist either. Something like an agriculture shop, where I can find it? Firewood has been bought, I also bought a big tree before it got split. I went to the previous shop and bought an axe. I want to try some wood-chopping.

When I asked Sati if she wanted to buy something, she shook her head. Well, since she hasn’t done any housework, she doesn’t know. Next is to buy food ingredients.

Since I still had a lot of wild rabbit’s meat, I decided to buy vegetables. There are some vegetables that I have never seen in j.a.pan aligned. There was also white flour, bread, pasta, oil, and this is lard, I think. Oil is so expensive. That’s why there’s so few deep-fried foods. Though the price is a little high, I buy a lot because I want to eat karaage. Seasoning and sauce, vinegar and sugar. Tough sugar is also expensive, I buy around 1 kg. Too bad there’s no miso and soy sauce, and rice too. There are beans, so can nattou be produced, I wonder?

The eggs are expensive too. There are so many kind of eggs. There were small sized eggs all the way to eggs as big as an ostrich’s, and I bought some of every kind of egg. Let’s also buy sake a little. I drank everything after I defeated the dragon, after all. I let Sati carry everything that she could carry. The rest is being put in the item box. Though almost all the items were put in the item box, we still carried various things. As expected, Sati didn’t look around restlessly while shopping, she came along seriously.

There were refrigerators being sold in the place that sells ice. An easy specification, just set the ice in the upper part of the refrigerator. I’ll just put a large block of ice, I heard it will last for three, maybe four days. Bought it. With this, I can put meat in there.

[Aren’t you tired? Should I carry those?]

I’ll put them in item box, though.

She shook her head to say it’s fine. Obviously, the baggage is heavy. Let’s rest a little. And Dragon’s Breath Pavilion is close by too.

The dining hall in the afternoon is so crowded. I ordered juice for two people from an acquaintance clerk. After a short while, the landlady come while bringing the juices.

[How is the new home, Masaru-chan?]

[Yes, it’s so-so.] I vaguely answered. I just moved yesterday, so I still can’t answer.

[And then? That child is?]

In such a busy time, the landlady herself was specially bringing the juices, so this is the reason, huh?

[Umm&h.e.l.lip; It’s for housework and other stuff&h.e.l.lip;]

[Ara, it’s a slave. Did you buy her? Isn’t she cute?] she said while grinning.

The landlady said to take care of her and returned to work. Somehow it’s embarra.s.sing. But I didn’t do anything wrong, isn’t it normal to buy a slave? She’s grinning so I guess it’s like that, huh. But, will it soon become a problem when just seeing the crest in the arm people will find out they are slaves? Let’s make Sati wear long-sleeved cloths.

Suddenly I looked at Sati. She didn’t drink the juice, and was staring at me. Was she waiting?

[Un. You can drink it.]

And then she drank it, and I drank it too. It’s a fruit juice that’s close to peach and mango. The flesh of the fruits was largely put there, and ice was in it too, it’s cold and delicious. Sati too, while saying it’s delicious, she was savoring it.

[I have been taken care of by this place before. The second floor is the inn. The food here is tasty, so let’s have a meal here next time.]

[Yes] answered Sati. She has drunken all. The ice is being rolled inside her mouth.

[Did you like the juice? Want to drink more?] I offered her the half remaining juice, her mouth formed a big smile as she became happy. Yes, eat a lot and I need you to grow too.

We returned home, and with Sati’s help we put the things we bought in place. Water was put in the jar by magic. It is troublesome to do the round trip. We arrange the refrigerators and everything we bought in place. And I declare it to Sati.

[From today Sati will manage this house. I leave it to you.]

[Yes, please leave it to me. I will work hard]

Though I am worried she looks so motivated, well it somehow she will manage it. she will right?

It’s just barely past afternoon so it’s too early to prepare dinner, we don’t have anything to do. I don’t want to work, and in j.a.pan, in this kind of situation, I would start my PC. I miss the internet. Sati was checking the stuff that we bought one by one with a serious face. A, she picked the kitchen knife, moved her hand carefully, and touched the blade with her fingers. Scary. Even though I wanted to stop her, I endured it. I’m sure that she will cut herself when she uses the knife, but if that happens I just have to cast Heal on her to recover it instantly. Looks like it’s safe, she’s done checking the knife and moved to the next thing.

Let’s test out the magic outside of the city. Since I learned fire magic level 4, and since I misfired once, I haven’t used it at all. I have to properly practice it.

[Sati, I will go outside the city to practice some magic. Will you stay at home or come along?]

[I’ll go.]

[It might be a little dangerous, you know.]

Since I’ll just go a little outside, the strongest threat would be at most a wild rabbit, though.

[It’s fine, I will go.]

And house-sitting alone is making me worried a little too, I think it will be fine and made preparations. I wore the armor and placed the sword at my back. Sati also changed her clothes. As expected, since it will be outside the city, she won’t wear a skirt but long-sleeved clothes and long pants. I tell her properly to change in a different room, you know.

When we get to the gate, I noticed that Sati didn’t have an identification card.

[Oh, if it isn’t “Dragon Slayer”. Will you hunt wild rabbits today too?]

Promoted from “Wild Rabbit” to “Dragon Slayer”. Though the raising in status is fine, as expected it’s still embarra.s.sing. Won’t you call me by my name already.

[No no, I just helped a little, what “Dragon Slayer”. And today I want to practice my magic outside the city. This child is my party member that’s scheduled to be an apprentice adventurer.]

There’s no way that I can say that I bought a slave because of lewd feelings, so I leave it at that. The person in question is also a delighted with being called an adventurer. That must certainly be in the list of what she wants to do.

[Ho, beastman, isn’t it. if she grows, I’m sure it will be a great fighting force.]

I discovered that there’s no need for an identification card to leave the city, but we will have to pay to get in again, so I’ll take her to the adventurer guild first.

When I told the receptionist old man that I want Sati to join adventurer, just like before we were guided to where the branch guild leader and Tirika-chan were.

[Oh, isn’t it Masaru? What’s wrong today. What? You want to that child to join the guild? Hoho&h.e.l.lip; A slave, huh. You got the reward just yesterday, aren’t you too fast!?]

While laughing ‘gahahaha’ he hit my shoulder with the sound ‘bang bang’. The examination was finished quickly, and a formal question was asked, what do you want to do.

[I wanted to become an adventurer. And then cooking, there are so many things that I want to do. And then I want to please Masaru-sama so he becomes happy-desu.]

[Wahahaha. Masaru, you are being loved. You should treasure her.]

After the explanation of the guild, we paid 100 gold to issue the card. It is not unusual that a small child becomes an adventurer, I hear that there are some children who become adventurers from about ten years old too. The master receives all of the slave’s rewards. In the card, the names of the slave and the owner are written. The rank is, of course, F. By the way, my rank is still E. The rank seems not to go up in just having helped the dragon subjugation. And last is to pledge to Tirika-chan.

[With this I am also an adventurer-desune.]

she said it while looking at her guild card that hanged at her neck from a string.

[That’s right. However, you need to train for a while and become stronger first. You are an apprentice adventurer at the present.]

[Yes, I’ll work hard.]

Since she had become an adventurer, let’s prepare some equipment for her. We went to the usual shop and asked the clerk there. Leather armor and a small shield, a short sword and leather boots, it looks the same as my first equipment. Un, it’s so cute. There’s a hole for the tail in the b.u.t.t place, and there are gaps in the leather helmet for the ears. Though it’s not suited for a fighting adventurer, it suits her.

And at the gate once more.

[You got your equipment bought, huh, ojou-chan. You have become a fine adventurer.] said the guard while checking Sati’s guild card. A, is it written “slave” in the card? And he looked at my direction.

[As expected, when you become a “Dragon Slayer”, you gain profit. Should I become an adventurer too?]

[Stop it, stop it. For adventurers, no matter how many lives you have, it won’t be enough.]

[That’s true I guess]

As I thought, that’s how they see it huh. Before I get make fun anymore than this, I come out from the gate while taking Sati with me.

I crossed the gate and left the highway, advancing until the wall of the city disappeared. Here is good.

First is I tried [Fire Storm]. I began to chant. Even though the casting time becomes half with the high-speed chant, it is still long. It will be hard to use it for real battles. Then the chant finally finished, and the magic was activated.

‘Gou’, with that sound and several pillars of fire, the gra.s.sland shook violently. With that strength, I got dumbfounded. When the fire subsided, I found out that the gra.s.slands in a radius of 25 meters had been burned. Fortunately, the fire didn’t spread around. This is too overwhelming! If I use it at forest, there will be forest fire.

[Amazing, you are amazing, Masaru-sama!]

Sati is innocently being happy. I too thought it was amazing. If I use it against a group of orcs, they will be completely carbonized.

To change my mood, this time I started the chant for [Large Explosion]. As I thought, it’s long. As soon as the chant finished, I activated it. I fired it to a place as far as I could.

A big sound ‘DON’, and with the shock wave, a lot of sand and pebbles were blown all the way here.

When I looked at Sati worryingly, she was rubbing her eyes with her ears flatly dropped down and her tail standing up. The sound is also amazing.

[Are you fine?]

[Yes, it’s just that some sand got in my eyes.]

When we went to see the center of explosion, there was a big crater. Sati was saying ‘amazing&h.e.l.lip; amazing’ happily while we peeked at the crater. As I thought, the power is too overwhelming. There seems to be no other usage except in a fight against dragon. Level 4 is this amazing, how amazing is level 5, I wonder. Thankfully, the level won’t rise just by thinking about it.

Well, next. I took out the bow. Because there’s a large boulder, I select it as a target. I set the arrow to the string, put magic power into the arrow, and activated the fire magic.

It’s hot. I released the arrow. The arrow unsteadily flew to a direction different from the boulder. I burned my finger. The bow is also burned a little. The arrow burned a part of the tree and broke. Fire magic arrow should have worked. If the arrow is made of iron and the bow is reinforced so it won’t get burned, I thought it would work, though my fingers would still get burned. I can’t use the bow if I use an armguard, and it will obstruct the activation of magic. Un, this magic is a failure.


There’s one more thing that I want to try out. I try to store a large boulder in item box. It didn’t enter. It won’t work if I don’t pull it out from the ground once. I use levitation on the large boulder. It wasn’t easily lifted because it was so big. I put more magic power and finally the boulder got lifted. I tried to put it and it entered properly this time.


I thought about it after the fight with the dragon. Against that last breath that he sent, wouldn’t it be good if I took out a bear or a troll to use as a shield?


Take it out from the item box, store it and take it out again. Sati didn’t understand what I was doing. She looked at me with a puzzled face.


I opened the menu, selected the item from the item column, and took it out. It takes a little time. It seems to be unusable in an emergency. Against the dragon breath, there might have been not enough time. But it looks fine to shield us. If you put the large boulder in the enemy shooting line, the enemy’s attack will be prevented. I name it large boulder guard. (EN: What a great naming sense. XD) (TN: indeed lol)

Next is with levitation I lift it until around 5m high. From the menu I select the large boulder, and took it out. The large boulder fell because of gravity. Bam. What if the enemy was here? Since you can’t use magic while using levitation, isn’t this a great way to compensate? Uh huh. I name it as meteor (physically)

I obtained an amazing skill! Ops, while being happy and returned to the town, the gatekeeper soldiers scolded me.

[The explosion reached all the way here, you know. Do it further.]

I’m sorry.

[Then, let’s prepare for dinner. Have you boiled the water?]


Though Sati was preparing enthusiastically, I feel a little tired. I did do a lot of things today, so it is as expected.

The water has been boiled, next is to prepare the ingredients. After I show Sati how to use kitchen knife, I let her do it. Meat of wild rabbit, nicely cut vegetables. Peeling is still hard for her. There were no accidents.

We put the ingredients in the pot, seasoning it with salt. While we taste test the food, we put the salt little by little. With this, it will be completed when boiling. One more meal, I fry the meat of wild rabbit with the frying pan. I cut the vegetables to make salad, I take out some bread.

In the bread, I put some salad, soup and steak of wild rabbit’s meat. Though it’s easy, a splendid dinner menu is finished. Though I want some mayonnaise to use as dressing for the salad. Next I will try to produce mayonnaise.

Sati was unexpectedly skillful in cooking. She remembers the things that I said once, is she smart? Like this, I can leave cooking to her soon.

[Well done. It’s amazing, Sati.]

[Y, yes.]

I praised her and patted her head. Sati looked so filled with emotion. She made this delicious looking meal by herself. And we will eat it.

[Then, let’s eat. Before we eat, we put our hands together like this and then say itadakimasu (thanks for the meal)]

After finishing our meal, Sati was in a completely sleepy state. If I asked her to do something, she would certainly do it even though she was sleepy. Though I want to take a bath, today is fine I guess. When we got home, I put clean clothes on both of us.

I take Sati to the room in the second floor and realized it. I just have one set of futon. I just take Sati’s boots. When I put her on the futon, she immediately fell asleep. The bed is quite wide. Should we sleep together? While I thought about it for a while, I took a sleeping bag and slept on the floor.

Before I went to sleep, I confirmed there was a cook lv 1. For me. When will Sati get a cooking skill, I wonder&h.e.l.lip;


Sati {Beastman, Slave}

Level 3

HP 18/18

MP 5/5

Strength         : 12

Stamina          : 6

Agility             : 11

Skill                  : 7

Magic Power   : 3

Loyalty             : 85

Skill Point 10P

Bad Eyesight; Hearing lvl 3; Smelling lvl 2; Physics; Hawk Eye

Stamina +1

Agility and skill up (return to the former value)

Loyalty value from 50-85


Yamano Masaru {Human, Magic Swordsman}


Dragon Slayer

Wild Rabbit Hunter

The Man Who Fought to The Death With Wild Rabbit

Guild Rank E

Level 9

HP 482/241+241

MP 736/368+368

Strength         43+43

Stamina          45+45

Agility             29

Skill                 35

Magic Power   69

Skill Point 29

Fencing Lv 4; Physical Enhancement Lv 2; Skill Reset; Razgard World Standard Language; Life Magic; Clock; Fire Magic Lv 4; Shield Lv 2; Evasion Lv1; Lance Lv1; Martial Art Lv1; Physical Strength Recovery; Reinforced Spirit; Archery Lv1; Stealth Lv2; Sign Perception Lv2; Magic Perception Lv1; Common Magic; Healing Magic Lv3; High Speed Chant Lv5; Cook Lv1

CHAPTER 24 {Officer, This Way!!}


When I woke up, I felt the presence of a living being. Suddenly I opened my eyes, and I saw that Sati was sleeping while sticking to me. The futon was laid out. I crawled out from the bed and woke Sati up.

[Umm&h.e.l.lip; when I woke up in the night, I saw Masaru-sama sleeping on the floor, and I tried to carry you to the bed, but you are too heavy]

The master was sleeping on the floor while the slave was in the bed, it was so outrageous. And that’s why she laid the futon and slept on the floor together with me.

[We should buy a futon for Sati today.]

[The bed is large, so sleeping together with Masaru-sama is fine.]

When I think about it, she always slept with that s.e.xy older girl in the slave shop. She becomes lonely when she sleeps alone, huh&h.e.l.lip;

[She taught me so many things, she is really a kind person.]

Was she the one who taught her that men will get pleased if she gets naked? You taught her too much.

For the being, we finished our breakfast. Sati made the same soup like yesterday. Furthermore, she made it using just a pan. The seasoning is a little too salty, but it gets a pa.s.sing mark, I guess.



After breakfast, I took a bath. Well, I was going to enter yesterday, and then invite the guests today. I want to keep being neat. Yesterday when I took Sati to the guild to get her a guild card, I invited Tirika-chan. It was decided that I will treat her to dragon meat.



The bathtub in this house is wide. Two adults can comfortably get in. That is one of the reasons I decided to rent this house. And even if the bathtub requires a large amount of water for it to be filed, if I use magic, a bath can be completed in just a minute. It’s really convenient. My control over the temperature made it so it was just warm enough for a bath.

I went in first because It might be a little full. When I entered the bath, a large amount of water was spilled. I poured the hot water above my head and washed my hair. And the door opened. Even though I couldn’t see, there was only one person who could possibly come in. I only told Sati that I would go in first. I forgot to tell her to wait or to not come in. I didn’t think that she would actually come in.

[Masaru-sama, I will wash your back.]

[No, wait a minute.]

In that state, with my head full of foam, I moved my hand, and felt something soft. Sati then screamed with ‘kyaa’.

[Sor, sorry]

That sensation just now was.


[A, the head first right. Please stay still]

My head was being held and washed by Sati. Not good, what should I do. If I told her to get out, she would absolutely cry.

[Um. Sati-san. I want to be relaxed alone in the bath.]

[No-desu. To wash the master’s back is an important job for a slave. Onee-san said that I absolutely should not neglect it.]

That person again!

[Is your head feeling unpleasant? I got praised by onee-san when I washed her hair]

[No. It feels good.]

Washing child&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; I can imagine it a little.

[ Hai, I will rinse it.]

The foam is being washed from my head. Fortunately, Sati was moving to behind me.

[Then, next I will wash your back.]

Scrub&h.e.l.lip; scrub&h.e.l.lip; She washed my back. If I don’t persuade her, it will become dangerous.

[Umm&h.e.l.lip; Isn’t it shameless for lady to show her naked body?]

[But Masaru-sama said to strip when in the bath. And since I’m a slave, I’m not a lady.]

After the back was finished she took my hand and washed it. It really feels good. I understand what that onee-san said. Certainly, this kind of situation is really attractive, but what to say, it’s too abrupt. While I was thinking, both hands were finished.

[I will wash your front too, can you face this way?]

No, no, it’s bad. Only that is bad.

[No, my front is fine! I will wash it myself. There, you can use the bathtub first.]

[Is that so?]

Said Sati with a little disappointed expression and entered the bathtub. Good, I can evade it! First of all, I washed my front quickly. I washed the foam with hot water. I peeked a little and saw Sati using the bathtub while staring at me. Is she targeting me? She was likely to look for the timing in which she can serve me surely. When I was wondering what to do, my arm suddenly got pulled by her towards the bathtub, and I entered while panicking.

I turned my back to Sati and enjoyed the bathtub. After a long time, a bath feels so good. In the orphanage, because there are so many children, I can’t be relaxed. While I ran from reality with the good feeling of the bath, I felt Sati’s back sticking to mine.

[Umm&h.e.l.lip; though I did my best, did I do something bad?]

Sati had been perplexed. Although she was worthless because of her poor eyesight, she still got bought. Naturally, that’s how it was, every time she tried to make an appeal, this was his reaction. I did what onee-san taught me, but did I make a mistake? Even though I got bought, will I be returned to that place? I don’t want that place anymore. It was possible to sell slaves in high price when they just get bought. That’s why onee-san said that we have to get master’s affection. If we get touched, even though they might want to sell us, the price will get down, and their affection will grow. That’s why, do your best. Even in the bath, I actually got embarra.s.sed when I saw a man’s naked body but I decided to look. I saw that master turned his back to me, and became sad. I might get sold again.



Sati cried.

[No, no. You didn’t do anything bad, you know. Sati did her best!]

[But! Yesterday too, I slept earlier and made Masaru-sama to sleep on the floor. I am also not good at cooking, and Masaru-sama is an amazing magician. Isn’t someone like me unnecessary&h.e.l.lip;.]

[There’s no way that you are unnecessary. If not, there’s no way I would have especially bought you, right? I really like Sati, I do think that I want you!]


[Yes, really really.]

[Then will you accept me?]

[Umm&h.e.l.lip; then at night okay? Is that fine?]


I said it. But is it really fine. Sati was really happy though. Officer, this way!! I won’t get reported right?

[Un&h.e.l.lip; then what about washing.]

[A, I will leave first then. Sati should slowly wash your body and then leave.]

Everyone sorry. For a virgin, anymore than this is impossible. I leave Sati and quickly get out from the bathroom.

CHAPTER 25 {Let’s Make Mayonnaise}


I got out from the bath, and calmed myself down by activating ‘Sage Time’. Sati did as I told and slowly took a bath, leaving after some time pa.s.sed.

When our eyes met, Sati’s face became red. As one might expect, it was embarra.s.sing.

[U, un, I will do my best, so please take care of me&h.e.l.lip;]

she said while bowing her head.

[Aa&h.e.l.lip; yes, me too.]

We stood silently for a while. How did it turn out like this? Just the day after I bought her, I can’t face Crook and Silver. In my plan, I would take my time and nurture love with my slave. When I was in deep thought, suddenly Sati called me.

[A, ano!]

[Y, yes!]

[What should we do now?]

Hmm, what again? That’s right! Tirika-chan would come. We have to prepare everything, and then, as I thought, we should buy a futon. I should also make the mayonnaise first because it might take some time. I’ll think about that later, right now I should concentrate in the things before my eyes.



[For now, I will prepare for lunch.]

I prepared eggs, vinegar and oil. Since there were too many kinds of eggs, I didn’t know which one to choose, but there are hen eggs, so I split them and separated the yolk and white. I also don’t know which one of the vinegars to use, but I properly checked the taste, and the same with the oil, but oil is oil right. I first experiment with only one egg.

I explained it to Sati while mixing it. First is vinegar and egg yolk. After that I put the oil little by little. I exchanged with Sati for the mixing.

I take it with my finger and taste it. Un. It’s mayonnaise. I let Sati try it, she said it was tasty with delight. But somehow it was different. It’s lacking something. Aa, it’s flavoring! Salt and sugar, and then spice. Lemonade? There are no lemons, so it’s fine. I put the flavoring little by little, and Sati mixed it. I taste it. Yes, it’s mayonnaise. There’s no mistake.

I picked the vegetables that have been cut and tried eating them with the mayonnaise. Yup, it’s delicious. I tried one bit, and gave the rest to Sati.

[It’s delicious-desu! I have never eaten something like this.]

[This is a seasoning called mayonnaise.]


Sati completely finished the mayonnaise with the vegetables.

Yosh, then let’s ma.s.s produce it. I want pen and paper to take memo for the quant.i.ty. Let’s buy it along with the futon. I noticed something and asked it.

[Sati, can you write and read?]

Sati shook her head. I need to teach her sometime. I need to report in the log about today, I wrote the recipe of mayonnaise. There are so many types of measure, like spoon and teaspoon. Is there no one that sells a scale. I confirmed the recipe. Something like this I guess. And then I can just adjust while doing it.

I split the eggs and separated the yolk from the white. I will put the white of the egg into the soup later. Sati split the eggs too. She failed about 20 times and began tearing up, I have to collect it and made it into tamagoyaki. Ah, there’s no trash bin. For the time being, it’s fine to bury the eggsh.e.l.l.

[Sati, what did you do with the container of yesterday’s lunch box?]

[I burned it in the stove.]

I see.

[How do we dispose of garbage?]

[Umm&h.e.l.lip; It is buried or burned, I think.]

There was not much garbage so I guess it’s fine. Well, the mayonnaise first.

I ordered Sati to add the ingredients. Then it’s the last stirring. I added the oil and mixed it. If there were hand mixers it would be easy, though. It was quite a heavy labor doing it with human strength.

[Sati, though you can taste it, do it just a little bit, because we will eat it in the afternoon. Then please do your best. I will go shopping.]

[Yes. Have a safe trip.]



First I went to furniture store and bought a futon. I prepared three sets for two rooms. I bought it with a moderate price. Then, at the shop that sells paper, I bought two sets which containing notes with pen and ink. It’s for Sati and myself. Coincidentally the shop next to this is a bookstore so I peeked in a little.

Inside there was a wrinkled old lady seated, when I took a book [Don’t read while standing!] I got scolded.

[Is there a book to teach letters to children?]

[Hmm&h.e.l.lip; How about this. I will sell it cheap.]

It’s quite a worn out picture book, but when I look inside there are no problems so I bought it. What written inside is like handwriting. Were all the pictures and letters handwritten? Is there no printing technology here?

[And is there a story about the hero?]

[In that case, here.]

The Tales of the Hero, all ten volumes. This is super epic. This was second-handed too, so it was quite worn out, and the repaired part was so visible. But because the old lady guaranteed that everything is readable I bought it. Altogether, it cost 600 gold. Even though it’s used, how expensive. If everything in this world is handwritten, is that how much it costs normally? I want to look more but Sati is waiting so let’s do it next time.

I tour at the market and while at it, I discovered horse milk. There are few costumers for that. When I asked about cheese, they told me there might be some at the horse farm. I have to buy it for sure. I bought some tomato and with this I can make pizza.

I found a weight scale at the general store, but I gave up on it because it’s expensive and unusable for cooking too. Next is a trash bin, I bought a few and returned home. Sati had finished the mayonnaise and was tiredly laying down on the table.

[Thanks for your work, you are tired, right. Let me check.]

I check the taste, it turned out quite good. We can sell it if it’s like this.

[Yes, it’s delicious. Sati is remarkable.]

I properly praised her and pet her head. Sati become happym while chuckling ‘ehehehe’

I put it in the refrigerator at once, and realized that there was no wrapping. It’s inconvenient if there’s no wrapping or aluminum foil. I put it as it is for the time being.

First is boiled eggs. I cut the boiled eggs and onion and put mayonnaise on them, and arranging the flavoring, tartar sauce is completed. When I let Sati taste it, she looked like she really liked it. Though she wants more, I put it in the refrigerator.

I let Sati prepare the soup. It’s a soup of dragon meat and vegetables. For the seasoning, we used salt and a little spice. While at it, I prepared the karaage. The meat was cut into small bits. I cut the bread in half and minced it to make breadcrumbs. I cut pork meat too and seasoned it with spice. With this I just need to coat it and then it would be finished.

Salad, bread, soup, and karaage with tartar sauce dressing. Dragon cutlet. Un, it is quite splendid. The cuisine here is not bad because there’s sauce and spice. But there are no variations for j.a.pan’s cuisine. I want ramen and curry to appear eventually.

I prepared the dessert. Since I acquired horse milk, I can make pudding. I mixed horse milk and eggs with sugar and put it all in a cup, then boiled it with water for around ten minutes. I won’t make caramel today because it’s troublesome. After finishing, I cooled it in refrigerator. I can make ice cream too. I have never made one, but let’s try it next time.

Because there’s time until lunch I let Sati try to make tamagoyaki. I add salt, spice, sugar and horse milk to the eggs that Sati failed to split before. I pour oil on the frying pan and used them to make some scrambled eggs.

We tasted the food after finishing.

[It’s tasty-desu] said Sati while eating. It tasted good with sugar. I want ketchup to use on the tamagoyaki, lets make it next time.

After all of the stuff I did today, somehow the things that are lacking seemed to increase.

[Masaru-sama is amazing! You can make so many dishes!]

When I was a NEET, I had so much free time that I tried to make many different things, that’s why I am quite good at cooking. My mother’s specialty was j.a.panese cuisine, when I wanted to eat something like karaage, I had no choice but to make it myself. Eating out? I didn’t want to spend money.

[Sati too can gradually become good in cooking you know. You already can make soup and tamagoyaki.]

[It’s because Masaru-sama taught me&h.e.l.lip;]

Sati stopped her words suddenly, and turn her face toward the door.

[There are people coming to the door. Two people desu.]

Immediately there are knock on the door. It’s hearing detection Lv 3. What an amazingly sharp ear.

[Oi, Masaru! Are you there!]

This was the voice of the branch guild leader.

I got restrained by Sati when I want to get out. [Yes, I will come now.] and opened the door.

Tirika-chan was stading behind the branch guild leader.

[Ou! Thanks for inviting Tirika today.] he said while laughing.

[You are fast. There’s still a little time before lunch.]

[Tirika was quite looking forward to it. She kept pestering me to come quickly.]

[A, please come inside]

[There, Tirika.]

[Excuse me.] Tirika muttered and came inside.

[Ah, what about branch guild leader? I have prepared a large amount of food.]

I am a little reluctant to invite the rough baldie, but I still invited him politely.

[No, no. I feel bad to disturb you. Besides, I still have work, I can’t leave for a long time.]

This person, even though he looks like someone who likes to laze around and doesn’t do any work, he did his work diligently.

[More importantly, please take care of Tirika.]

He brought his face close to me and whispered.

[She has a few friends, you know. Even about today, she was so happy. And then, when returning you must take her to guild properly. If you like, she can stay over tonight.]

Said him while grinning. What exactly is this old man thinking.

[And this is a present.]

He pa.s.sed me a sake bottle. Look like it’s a 20 years first-cla.s.s sake.

[Thank you for the sake. Putting aside the stay over, I will properly take her home.]

[Ok ok. See you, Tirika. Have fun!]

While saying that, the branch guild leader left.

Tirika-chan sat in the chair in the dinning room, and drank the tea that Sati prepared.

[Please wait a minute. I will begin to make it soon.]

[Thank you, for today.]

[Un, though I don’t know if it will suit your taste, look forward to it.]

[Un, I will.]

I poured the oil on the pot and lifted the fire. I made another soup and added the firewood. I have Sati put the wheat flour on the karaage and coat some cutlets. I sprinkled wheat flour, add it into toki tamago (TN: don’t know what it is) (EN: It’s beaten eggs), and lastly I added the breadcrumbs. With this, I have prepared karaage and cutlets in a large amount. If there are leftovers, I will just put them in the item box.

While I was working with sticky hands, Sati said someone came again. Is it Elizabeth? It is not strange for her to come now, and I told Angela to come play whenever she wants, too.

Because my hand was sticky with wheat flour, I washed it and Sati told me there were two people talking in front of the door. It must be Elizabeth and Narnia-san, since I haven’t told Crook and Silver yet.

I washed my hand and headed towards the door. When I opened it, I saw Angela and Elizabeth standing there.



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