"Red side… It isn"t really good." Clearlove frowned and muttered.

For LPL"s elite teams, they had naturally researched all aspects of the game and it definitely included the terrain.

In fact, it wasn"t only EDG, the a.n.a.lysts and coaches of the other teams had also made a conclusion. The blue side had a higher winning rate than the red side.

Firstly, it was the terrain. With an easier ability to a.s.sist the bot-lane, it was easier to obtain the advantage.

Secondly, it was the advantage during the BP phase.

BP means Ban and Pick. Ban meaning that the champions that our team wouldn"t use, and doesn"t want the opposing side to use. Pick would mean the champions that our team picks.

Xiao Ran didn"t comment on Clearlove"s feedback. In fact, in his heart, he preferred to obtain the red side. This way, he would be able to make surprising champion picks with the last pick.

As for the advantage in terms of terrain, there wasn"t a need for any considerations.

Wouldn"t be solved by thrashing the opposing side?

"Everyone please list out the champions to ban." Xiao Ran asked for everyone"s opinion.

"Twisted Fate, Zed, Orianna, and Talon are all of the champions that Dopa is adept in using." Clearlove spoke first.

"That"s right. Just pick a few from this list of champions." Flandre agreed.

"All of you can decide which champions to ban. I am fine with Smlz at bot-lane." five slapped his chest and gave his guarantee.

Smlz merely let out an "Mhm".

"WTF, Smlz is still indifferent like normal. So cool."

"My impression of Smlz is his ever-indifferent face + his autumn team uniform."

"Haha, Smlz is a person that has transcended from low-level interest!"

"It is hard to imagine that Smlz can remain expressionless in such an exciting and stimulating game like LoL."

"The one above is just ignorant, right? Is Smlz a normal person? He is a saint that has reached the realm where he isn"t attached to material things and has no self-regards."

"Who says that my Big Brother Smlz is expressionless? His ultimate skill is Regent"s Despise!"

"Haha, I still remember when OMG was no.1 from the bottom of Group B and had managed to catch up and make a comeback against the Group B"s no.1 RNG. During the after-match interview, the beautiful female host was using all sorts of methods to tease Big Brother Smlz to laugh, but he didn"t even look at the camera."

"Big Brother Smlz has a bitter life. He is gifted, has great skills, and also willing to work diligently, but his ability to pick teams is simply atrocious. He would always join some trash team."

"F**k, will the one above not be ridiculous? How is OMG trash?"

"OMG isn"t trash? If they still don"t play properly, they are going to be relegated."

"I can predict a huge wave of 59E fans galloping over. The eight generations of the ancestor for the one above are going to be spraying with blood."

There was a commotion in the streaming room but Xiao Ran didn"t have the mood to bother. He was very depressed, extremely depressed.

Hearing from the meaning of their words, they are trying to say that I am out-cla.s.sed.

They are saying they didn"t fear anything except me getting destroyed by Dopa…

They might have good intentions, but how could they hurt my pride!!!

Alright, since all of you are so willing to help me, I shall comply.

"Ban Twisted Fate then. Don"t let them play the reinforcement style."

Smlz was at the third position and after the opposing team banned Rek"Sai, Smlz immediately banned Twisted Fate.

Immediately after, the opposing team banned Evelynn.

five who was in the fourth position banned Fizz.

The opposing team used the third ban for Gragas.

Finally, Flandre banned Zed.

The opposing bans had all been targeted at Clearlove. It was proof that the Koreans held high regard for Clearlove.

But if it was viewed from another angle, it would also mean that the Koreans looked down on Xiao Ran, Flandre, Smlz, and five…

"Keke, they really think that banning three jungling champions will work?" Clearlove laughed.

"Clearlove, what are you going to use for jungling later? If you are not using Graves, I shall use Graves for top-lane."

After hearing Flandre"s question, Clearlove frowned and hesitated before saying, "This might just be a ranked match, but it is a ranked match with extraordinary significance. Furthermore, you are facing MaRin. Shouldn"t you play something safer?"

"I can do it." Flandre spoke with confidence.

Xiao Ran laughed and said, "Since Flandre is so confident, then we shall pick Graves first. This way, we can also confuse the opposing team. Moreover, DanDy"s Graves isn"t bad as well, we will be s.n.a.t.c.hing it from him."

Just as they were in discussion, the opposing team instantly locked in Rumble.

Rumble was MaRin"s go-to champion, it was very reasonable for him to s.n.a.t.c.h it.

Xiao Ran helped Flandre to pick Graves.

Xiao Ran had a very simple idea… He wanted to destroy the opposing team.

In order to destroy the opposing team, they must pick extremely aggressive champions.

With Grave"s high burst of damage, when Xiao Ran roamed from the mid-lane, he would surely be able to gank MaRin until he exploded.

Clearlove was at the second position and after using the team voice chat to discuss, he helped five to pick Thresh.

Subsequently, the opposing team was obviously slower and it was probably because they a.s.sumed that Graves was picked for Clearlove, hence, they had to consider whether to pick Hecarim or Braum.

Hecarim was considered one of Dandy"s better jungler champions.

When Xiao Ran saw Hecarim, he laughed in his heart.

Although Top Rumble and Jungler Hecarim wasn"t a bad combination, it still wasn"t as safe as Hecarim + Shen.

With the mechanics and awareness that MaRin and DanDy had, they were absolutely able to bring out the best result from the Hecarim + Shen combination.

But it was also good.

If Rumble dared to be aggressive, Xiao Ran would dare to declare in advance that the opposing team"s top-lane was done for.

Next up, the third position"s Smlz and the fourth position"s five had picked Jhin and Elise respectively.

It was normal to pick Jhin as it was Smlz"s latest go-to champion.

In regards to Smlz"s Jhin, there was plenty of comments.

"Smlz would normally give lectures to everyone on the proper and improper method to use Jhin"s ultimate spell."

"Smlz is too wacky. He uses the ult to steal dragon, and also his reverse ult…"

(TL note: Ult is also the short form of ultimate spell)

"Jhin is truly Smlz"s signature champion. He is going to carry the entire match."

"I once felt that Smlz and Flandre were both emotional players. Today, I have been slapped in the face. They picked two late-game champions. I wonder if Happy will be blushing if he saw this match."

One had to admit that among the professional players if someone asked who was the best Jhin player, the answer would be a unanimous: Smlz.

There was no objection to Smlz"s ADC pick. Instead, it was the jungler champion pick that seemed to have a little problem.

Originally, Clearlove wanted five to pick Kha"Zix for him, but Xiao Ran disagreed.

In fact, Elise and Kha"Zix were both good picks. But since Xiao Ran wanted Clearlove to pick Elise to roam with Xiao Ran, Clearlove agreed.

Immediately after, the opposing team"s final two picks were Sivir and Orianna.

Deft"s Sivir and Dopa"s Orianna weren"t surprise picks at all.

Finally, it was Xiao Ran"s pick.

The fifth position"s Flandre asked, "Kun Shen, what champion are you going to pick?"

Kun Shen didn"t hesitate to report a name.

"What? Are you sure?" Flandre was stunned.

five couldn"t help but dissuade too, "Change another champion. That champion isn"t suitable for this match."

Clearlove also spoke in a serious tone, "In this match, all members of positions have already surpa.s.sed far beyond the middle-level teams in the LPL. Be it our side or the opposing side, these are all the LPL professional elites of the various positions. If you pick this champion, you will be destroyed by Dopa and the entire team will be dragged down by you.”

Even Smlz who had the regent"s indifferent face had also frowned and said something, “This champion will not work.”

Xiao Ran was unhappy, he was extremely unhappy.

“Since we are going to fight together, all of you have to trust me. I have more desire to win this match than all of you.”

Xiao Ran paused for a moment before speaking again, “Furthermore, didn"t all of you say that you will listen to me? Hurry up and pick for me. Time is almost up.”

Flandre sighed and searched for that champion from the ma.s.sive champion pool and locked it in.

After locking in the pick, Flandre muttered softly, “My Top Graves is already very rare in the professional scene. I didn"t think that there is someone more vicious than me. He is actually so bold to pick this champion for this match. Does he really think this is a Gold or Platinum tier march? I must be drunk too.”

The streaming room"s viewers saw the final champion being locked in…

There was an instant uproar!!!

< =="="> Chapter 30

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