"Oh my, this G.o.d Kun is even fouler than me. Actually picking Katarina for such a match? Flandre couldn"t have picked the wrong champion for G.o.d Kun, right?"
(TL note: Kun Shen has been changed to G.o.d Kun. I have also edited it for the previous chapters)

Foul Pig PDD was in an awkward situation and didn"t know how to explain in his streaming room.

After seeing that Katarina was locked in, not only Foul Pig PDD was astonished, but Xiao Ran"s streaming room had also exploded.

"Using Katarina to play mid-lane? Against Dopa"s Orianna? Are you sure?!"

"Mid Katarina, I am speechless."

"Is t possible that Flandre picked the wrong champion?"

"In my world outlook, I have seen something that caused my head to swell, but not so much!"

"6666, in Douyu, I only serve the great G.o.d Kun!"

"Host"s Katarina has truly made this little sister wet from the fright."

"I can already see G.o.d Kun"s swelled up face from all the beating!"

All the viewers were blinded. Right now, most of the brains had one single thought: This match is lost.

This wasn"t just the viewers" thoughts. Even Clearlove, Flandre, five, and Smlz didn"t have many hopes for this match.

Why would everyone be depressed when Xiao Ran picked Katarina?

This had to be explained, starting from this champion.

Katarina had absolute aggression and was a ma.s.sacre type a.s.sa.s.sin. Its killing ability was as insane as Master Yi and could even move through s.p.a.ces instantly. It was one of the champions that were specialized in Penta kills.

Why would such an incredible champion be rarely seen in professional games?

Because Katarina"s laning ability was weak and would be oppressed almost against anyone.

Moreover, Katarina required great mechanics, awareness, and the ability to enter battles at crucial timings. The tolerance for mistakes was too low and if there was a slight error, it would lead the entire team towards a crushing defeat.

Professional matches valued team composition and coordination. In the eyes of the professional players, Katarina wasn"t as incredible and could be countered.

As long as one had a good displacement ability or was able to control the lane, Katarina would be denied the development.。

Furthermore, Katarina was very fragile and if she didn"t enter the team fight at proper timing, she would be useless…

Most importantly, if Katarina was seen in a professional match, it was an absolute humiliation towards the opposition.

The feeling to see Katarina was the same as seeing Teemo. What was that saying again?

A team fight can be lost, but Teemo must die…

It was the same for Katarina.

In simpler terms, for a champion like Katarina to deal damage, there were too many requirements and professional players wouldn"t allow you to have those requirements.

Unless the player was able to get an ample lead in resources and crushed the opposing team before they could buy the items for team fights.

But in the professional league, each individuals" standard wasn"t that much different. It wasn"t as though Diamond players were crushing Silver players. It was simply too difficult…

Xiao Ran didn"t explain too much to everyone, in fact, it was useless to explain as well. It was better to play on and see what happened next.

The five Koreans in the opposing Dopa"s team were laughing hysterically.

"Dopa, it seems like the opposition is looking down on you and even picked Katarina." Mata was chuckling.

"China"s Esports standard isn"t good enough because of their environment." MaRin spoke with deep emotions.

"China"s strongest team is EDG. But when scriming with our LCK region, they lost more than they won. I can even feel that their standard is one level weaker." Alpaca sighed and sobbed, "If possible, I would rather return to LCK."
(TL note: Alpaca is actually Deft and this nickname is due to his looks)

"Who doesn"t wish to return? After staying in LPL for a few years, my standard has dropped quite significantly." DanDy gripped the mouse tightly and said, "Don"t sigh with sorrow anymore. The game is starting. Let us destroy the opposition to prove our worth."

"Haha, look at how sad all of you are. It is fortunate that I didn"t join any LPL team. Otherwise, I will become grieving women like all of you." Dopa teased.

The four Koreans despised in their hearts at the same time: You wish to join a team, but are you qualified? You are just a pitiful person banned by Riot.

Finally, Mata spoke sarcastically, "You better play your mid-lane properly and don"t get crushed by Katarina."

Dopa laughed with disdain and said, "Don"t forget that when I queue against Faker, I have won more than him. This guy is just a mere Chinese host. Today, I will kill him until he becomes "ghostlike" and teach him a lesson."
(TL note: Ghostlike is the opposite of G.o.dlike)

After Dopa finished talking, he took a glance at the team compositions.

Blue side:

Top Rumble (MaRin, Team: LGD)

Mid Orianna (Dopa)

Jungler Hecarim (DanDy, Team: Vici Gaming)

Support Braum (Mata, Team: LGD)

ADC Sivir (Deft, Team: EDG)

Red side:

Top Graves (Flandre, Team: Snake)
(TL note: Snake Esports is now known as LNG Esports)

Mid Katarina (G.o.d Kun)

Jungler Elise (Clearlove, Team: EDG)

Support Thresh (five, Team: OMG)

ADC Jhin (Smlz, Team: OMG)

It could be said that these players were all standing at the top of the LPL pyramid.

As the game was loading, Xiao Ran made use of this time to open up the Commerce City of the "All-Round Olympic Star System":

[Steal Dragon/Buff Card], not buying… I am playing mid-lane, not the jungler.

[Last Hit Card], not buying too… My skills are already at the maximum rank and will not miss any last hits.

[Bless Card], I should get one of these.

[Drophack Card], forget it. This game is leaning towards a fair duel and is the battle between China and Korea. I need to use my true ability to win.

[G.o.d"s Vision Card]… I don"t need to buy anything else but this!

Subsequently, a female system voice could be heard, "Welcome to Summoner"s Rift". 

The game was starting.

Xian Ran had activated the [G.o.d"s Vision Card].

Oh? Hecarim is starting at the blue buff?

Xiao Ran giggled in the team voice chat and said, "My comrades, shall we go and grab the First Blood?"

"Let"s start the game normally. Level 1 team fights are too unpredictable." Clearlove was the first to deny.

"Just listen to me, it will be fine." Xiao Ran had the commanding authority of the entire team, "Clearlove, why don"t you learn E at level 1?"

Black lines were shading over Clearlove"s head: What does he want to do?

"Professional players are afraid of variables in compet.i.tions, hence, everything is very conventional. Especially our LPL region and LCK region. Just like the EU region that always comes up with new strategies, we need to revolutionize too!"
(TL note: LoL mainly has a few major regions like the NA(North America) region, EU (Europe) region, LPL (China) region, LCK (Korea) region)

Xiao Ran spurted out his reasons and had made these professional players truly speechless.

Being conventional meant lesser mistakes. They might not enjoy the benefits of eating the crab first, but they wouldn"t cause a huge deficit due to an attempt of a new strategy and failing it.

"Rather than seeking merits, why not seek for no mistakes?" This was something that was rather similar to politics.

"five, you too. Let me carry for you and give you an a.s.sist."


Flandre, Clearlove, Smlz, and five felt that they were on the pirate ship as they had already agreed in the streaming room. It was impossible for them to go back on their words now.

Right now, Xiao Ran was even trying to scheme against the opponents. Wasn"t he too dirtyyyy!?

"GO GO GO, remember to leave the First Blood for me. I am Katarina and I need the kills!"

After finishing his statement, Xiao Ran charged at the front and led three individuals to cross the river before heading for the opposition"s blue buff.

Why three individuals?

Because Flandre couldn"t escape the fate of being pulled over by Xiao Ran too.

At this precise moment, Rumble was helping Hecarim with the blue buff…

"Clearlove, Flandre, the two of you go first. It will be best to tempt Rumble to come over." Xiao Ran allocated the tasks and roared in the voice chat, "COME ON, Pikachu, I choose you!"

< =="=">> Chapter 31

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