Before Orianna"s death, Xiao Ran had already pressed down on his Q ability, "Ambush".

Ambush: Twitch becomes Camouflaged for a short period of time and gains 10% Movement Speed. Twitch gains bonus Attack Speed after exiting Ambush.

Before Viktor and Lee Sin could even touch Xiao Ran"s Twitch, he had already gone into the camouflaged mode.

After camouflaging, Xiao Ran controlled Twitch to mid lane and positioned himself on Viktor"s right side before executing a normal attack.

For level 1 Ambush, after Twitch exited the camouflaged mode, he would obtain 30% bonus attack speed.

For the early phase of the match, the 30% bonus attack speed was extremely effective. A look at Xiao Ran"s Twitch would enlighten the viewers.

After a normal attack, Twitch moved and landed another normal attack.

Viktor swiftly placed a Gravity Field behind Twitch before following up with an EQ combo and placing the Ignite on Twitch.

Xiao Ran controlled Twitch to lean forward before landing another normal attack and pressing down on his E ability, Expunge.

“An enemy has been slain!”

After three normal attacks and three stacks of Deadly Venom"s effect, Xiao Ran immediately wiped out Viktor"s remaining hp.


"Kun Shen, kill Lee Sin and get the Double Kill!!!"

"Lee Sin"s hp might be low, but Twitch is only left with half his hp too. Twitch is famous for being fragile. I reckon that host is going to be in danger this time."

"I bet on Kun Shen to obtain the Double Kill!"

"As long as Lee Sin"s Q is accurate, Twitch will be killed!!"

The streaming room had another flood of messages.

Lee Sin and Twitch didn"t have much hp right now. But in the early phase, it was needless to say that Lee Sin was very powerful, thus, there was such a huge difference in opinions within the streaming room.

Xiao Ran controlled Twitch to take a step back before running over to give Lee Sin a normal attack.

Lee Sin immediately sent a Q at Xiao Ran"s Twitch.

Xiao Ran shifted behind an ally minion to evade Lee Sin"s Q.

He might have evaded the Q but he couldn"t stop Lee Sin from getting close.

Lee Sin then executed his follow-up Q before quickly slamming with the E ability. 

When the E ability hit its mark, Xiao Ran"s Twitch had a drastic cut in hp along with the "swash" sound.

Lee Sin then swiftly landed a normal attack and executing his follow-up E ability to reduce Twitch"s movement speed.

Xiao Ran didn"t panic and continued to kite with normal attacks with Twitch.

The duo"s hp bar were declining rapidly.

"Kun Shen"s situation isn"t looking good. It is obvious that Lee Sin has the advantage."

"Mhm, host is dead for sure this time."

"Who is the one that betted on host to Double Kill? Get your a.s.s out and accept your death!"

"If host didn"t brag, then he wouldn"t be criticized. Host might be playing well, but to actually confront Lee Sin head-on? I have to laugh about it."

Seeing how Twitch"s hp was declining with rapid speed, the streaming room was leaning in the opposite direction.

After three normal attacks, Twitch suddenly normal attacked a minion.

"Host is gone overboard and normal attacked a minion!"

"He is already having the disadvantage and he still normal attacked a minion. He is done for."

"Kun Shen must have m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed too much, that"s why his hand is shaking now!"

"He is dead for sure now. I was having some expectation, but there is nothing else to say now."

"Host normal attacking a minion is simply too 6666!"

Just as the viewers were constantly flooding the messages, the minion was slain by the normal attack and Xiao Ran"s Twitch suddenly lit up with white light and leveled up to level 3.

Xiao Ran instantly learned the W ability, "Venom Cask".

Venom Cask: Twitch hurls a cask that adds two stacks of Deadly Venom to all enemies struck and leaves behind a toxic cloud that persists for 3 seconds. Enemies that remain within the cloud will have 25/30/35/40/45% reduced Movement Speed.

After Twitch tossed a W ability at Lee Sin, he immediately followed up with another normal attack and a giant rat symbol was formed above Lee Sin"s head.

Four normal attacks plus two stacks of Deadly Venom effect from the W ability had caused the instant effect of six full stacks.

Xiao Ran then quickly pressed down the E ability, Expunge.

"Double Kill!"

The system"s female voice announced the kills to the entire Summoner"s Rift.

Xiao Ran"s Twitch was only left with a small trace of hp. Twitch then quickly ran under the allied turret and even executed the Q ability along the way. After camouflaging himself, Xiao Ran then Recalled back to base.

At this moment, the red buff"s effect had just happened to vanish, leaving Xiao Ran"s Twitch with a single-digit hp value.

"Ahhhhh!!! My eyes!!!"

"My… G.o.d! This is just too 6666!"

"This is a bluff, right? Those two are actors, right? How can it possibly be so 6666?"

"This scenery is too beautiful, I don"t even dare to look at it!!!"

"It had simply blinded by t.i.tanium alloy dog eyes!!!"

"I can"t, I will go buy Twitch now. I realized that I am deeply in love with Twitch."

"Kun Shen is too G.o.dly, I love you to death!!!"

"Kun Shen, I have private messaged you my handphone number. If you love me, then come and do me!!!"

"I have big b.r.e.a.s.t.s, I can warm the bed, and I would be clingy. Kun Shen, I am definitely worthy of you!"

"Kun Shen, please give me your QQ number, I have already stripped naked and is waiting for you to view!"

There was an exploding flood of messages. Xiao Ran"s mechanics was too dazzling, especially when he normal attacked the minion allowing him to level up to level 3. He then instantly learn the W ability and used it to give Lee Sin two more stacks of Deadly Venom before killing him with the E ability.

The experts in the streaming room had noticed that the W ability didn"t only help by adding two stacks of Deadly Venom, the 25% reduced movement speed had also made Lee Sin attacked one time lesser.

Otherwise, Xiao Ran"s Twitch would be the champion that was dead.

Baby"s eyes were opened extremely wide now.

It had only been a few minutes since the start of the match and the allied Jungler Twitch was already 3/0/0?

Were the opposition"s jungler, mid laner, and top laner all made of plastics?

Baby who only played ADC knew that Twitch was a late-game champion. If he had the items, he would be extremely OP.

If an early phase 3/0/0 Twitch went back to base to purchase items. His damage would definitely be terrifying!!!

This was most certainly a pace meant for taking off!!!

< =="=">> Chapter 14

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