TN: Hope you guys are having a great holiday for those celebrating! Almost a new year!

By the way, even though Cao JingShen"s nickname was Eunuch Cao, he was actually a shameless pervert demon; even though Mu ZhongMing did not have nickname of Eunuch Mu, he had no interest in women. These two were like a pair of real and fake Eunuchs.

It was unavoidable Mu ZhongMing would come into contact with Xiong YaoYue while he guarded her, but his body was like a skeleton in a burial site with no hint of p.u.b.erty or excitement.

I remember a technique called ‘Jiang Shi Arts" from Hong Kong martial arts shows I watched as a kid (TN: Jiang Shi is kind of like mix of zombie/vampire for Chinese people I guess). Not sure if Mu ZhongMing was a master of such arts.

Mu ZhongMing"s strong point was that he was relentless and indomitable like a Jiang Shi on the court. But his speed was still too slow compared to Xiong YaoYue who was full of vigor! He was easily shaken off by her feints!

At this time, even though Niu ShiLi thought it was unacceptable to be on the same team with a girl, he still went towards the net with Xu LiJun. Niu ShiLi was watching me and Xu LiJun was in a tricky position. Xu LiJun often sent Xiong YaoYue glances to pa.s.s the ball, but she paid him no mind. She had a slight smile on her face and wanted to score by herself.

How greedy! I thought you were only like that in volleyball, but who knew you would be like that in any sport!

Xiong YaoYue suddenly came to a halt when she saw me tightly guarded by Niu ShiLi. She then jumped up and shot straight for the net and Pi ZeGuang or Mu ZhongMing couldn"t stop her in time.

Since a basketball was heavier than a volleyball, girls usually use both hands when they shoot a basketball. However, Xiong YaoYue is able to shoot with a single hand and use her free hand as support. A lot of boys can"t even achieve this perfect posture.

In order to let Xiong YaoYue experience the cut-throat compet.i.tiveness of basketball (especially as a warning to everyone you can"t get greedy with the ball), I used a quick turnaround maneuver to escape from Niu ShiLi. I jumped up high in front of Xiong YaoYue and completely rejected her shot!

It might be because she was afraid of getting hit in the face, she shrunk back in mid-air and shut her eyes. This expression reminded me she also had a girl"s gentle side.

Xu LiJun caught the fly ball and he quickly pa.s.sed it to Niu ShiLi. Niu ShiLi then steadily scored.

9:10, the first time our team was behind. I came to practice, not to be laughed at. Looks like it"s time to get serious.

I told Pi ZeGuang and Mu ZhongMing to try to get closer and shoot when they could. Next, I consecutively scored two rebounds and Pi ZeGuang got lucky and scored a three-pointer. The score quickly became 16:10.

Although Niu ShiLi was st.u.r.dier than me and could jump pretty high, I was better at predicting where the ball would land and was able to grab the ball repeatedly.

But it really f.u.c.king hurts when I clash shoulder to shoulder with Niu ShiLi when we both go for the rebound! Is he made of metal! Are your shoulders riveted on!

Due to the fact Xiong YaoYue was not worse than Sun Yu, everyone gradually ignored the gender difference and focused on the match.

Ever since the score became 16:10, Niu ShiLi"s team played desperately to try and catch up, but I purposely wanted them to feel setbacks, so I defended hard to prevent them from scoring.

It was now 20:10 and the other team can no longer keep their cool and the number of fouls evidently increased. Since there were no longer any female spectators, Pi ZeGuang consecutively scored his free throws and the point difference became wider and turned to 24:10.

“d.a.m.n it, I clearly practiced a lot and wanted to surprise you guys!”

Xiong YaoYue clenched her fists, “Does height make that much of a difference!”

Actually, Xiong YaoYue wasn"t short. In cla.s.s 2-3, in terms of height or breast size, she is second only to the cla.s.s leader (why do I have to mention b.r.e.a.s.t.s?).

In terms of ball skills, she"s definitely better than Sun Yu. The only reason the score difference was getting larger was because I got serious.

I was recognized by Captain Guo SongTao as the third-best basketball player in the entire school. I would be ashamed to death if I can"t even beat a mishmash team of players!

Afterwards, the other team was able to change the score to 24:16 with Xiong YaoYue"s high mobility and Niu ShiLi"s steady inner plays. Xiong YaoYue was able to score 4 points, but I practically let her score the layup.

Since she jumped too high, I accidentally got a full panoramic view under her T-shirt when I was standing under the net. I was able to see her sunken navel and pale yellow sports bra!

The unsuspecting Xiong YaoYue even raised her fist in the air and shouted in joy.

I should have known that with Xiong YaoYue"s compet.i.tiveness, she definitely would have wanted to get me back after I blocked her.

She completely ignored our height difference and tried to guard me, again and again, trying to block me.

She slapped my forehead twice during this time. Luckily, she had trimmed nails, otherwise, I would have been dripping with blood.

I didn"t receive much interference, so in the end, the ball still went into the hoop. But since Xiong YaoYue only thought about blocking me and used too much force, she never thought about how she would land. Her heated body collided head-on with mines.

Anyone who has played basketball knows you can"t shift your center of gravity in mid-air and can easily be pushed. The worst part is I was afraid I might have been blocked so I jumped back to make the previous shot. My body was already leaning back, but when she b.u.mped into me, I uncontrollably fell towards the hard cement ground.

The people on the court and a few spectators cried out in surprise simultaneously. If the back of my head hit the ground, I might get off easy and get a concussion, or I might be on my way to the pearly gates.

At this time, I was suddenly enlightened. I remembered the time when gramps made a fake fall for that scam. His st.u.r.dy body turned incomparably flexibly like a spring and dispersed the force of the collision…

My mind was clear and was devoid of fear. My body remained still like I was possessed by a master martial artists. It was like I reverted back to an infant stage and I naturally fell to the ground. I can"t remember what hit the ground first (maybe it was my b.u.t.t), but other than a bruise on my elbow, I was completely unharmed.

I learned it! I learned the ‘Yin Yang Scam Move"! Even though I can"t guarantee I would be able to use it every time, but I gained another move for desperate situations!

Before I was able to be happy, everything in front of me was suddenly black and Xiong YaoYue who also lost her balance fell right on top of me.

Although her body was in great shape with no excess fat, she"s going to smush my organs falling from that height!

My back fell against the cement ground and I subconsciously stuck out my hands to support her before she fell flat against me.

But something big happened! I want to cut off my hands! It just so happens that my hands supported Xiong YaoYue"s b.r.e.a.s.t.s! one on each hand! Its elasticity is exceptional!

It wasn"t intentional! Even though I mentioned reverting to an infant stage, it doesn"t mean I was craving breast milk!

Xiong YaoYue"s body shook like she was shocked by electricity. A smoking red hot daze appeared on her face, but she quickly reverted to normal and said:

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d taking advantage of me, let go! Are you still not satisfied!”

At this distance, I could clearly see Xiong YaoYue"s small canine teeth and the sweat on her hair. Her fiery hot body which was filled with youth left a deep impression on my skin.

I let go of my hands with embarra.s.sment. Xiong YaoYue supported herself up with my chest and moved her shoulders around.

“You"re pretty good! You don"t have any injuries even when your head hit the ground!”

Hey, hey, it wasn"t my head, it was my b.u.t.t! Don"t switch my head with my b.u.t.t!

It was as if Xiong YaoYue already forgot I touched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

I replied faintly: “Yeah, I have a method for falling without injuries.”

“Huh? Really?” Xiong YaoYue"s eyes brimmed with curiosity, “Teach me! You have to teach me something that useful!”

“Um…” Gramps doesn"t even let me call him master, will he slaughter me if I teach Yin Yang Sanshou to others?

Xiong YaoYue pouted when she saw me hesitate, “How stingy! I already let you touch my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but you won"t even share your techniques!”

Niu ShiLi, who was originally astonished when I landed safely, sent me a look of despise when he heard her words.

“Stop… stop talking!” I quickly waved my hands, “Shouldn"t it be an embarra.s.sing topic for girls?”

“Usually it is~~~~~”

Xiong YaoYue ma.s.saged her temples for a bit, “But it"s fine if you touch it since you"re a hom….”

Xiong YaoYue covered her mouth when she realized Niu ShiLi was glancing at us and swallowed ‘h.o.m.os.e.xual", the word she was about to say.

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