While I was tasting a sense of defeat that I couldn’t comprehend, I continued to eat pastries.

As soon as my tea finished, it was replenished and when my eyes moved towards a pastry that I wanted to eat, that will be given to me without needing me to say it.

What"s with this situation, where I am being served?

Moreover, the ones that are serving me are a maid Miku-sama and a butler Hasumi, what a VIP treatment, right? It"s so VIP that it"s scary.

While my brother and I were talking to them and eating sweets, time pa.s.sed in the blink of an eye and the pastries were finally finished.

The sweets were truly delicious. I’d like to eat them again.

I wonder if he"ll make them if I asked So, when I repeatedly glanced at him, our eyes met.

I tried to appeal to him with eyes that said, ‘please make sweets again,’ but unfortunately, it seems like it didn"t reach him. And I was glared with eyes that were saying, ‘what are you looking at.’ Tch.

And that day came to a close.

With the outfit of a maid and a butler, they saw us off.

Are you really okay, going out like that?

“Today was really a surprise, don"t you think so, Yuto?”

“Ah, yes….somehow, it turned out to be a terribly intense day.”

“Fufu, you are right. But it was fun.”

“......yes, neesan.”

“Tomorrow, I must also do my best studying for the entrance exam,” said my little brother as I caressed his head.

And when I did that, I was denied with a, “stop it,” he seriously looks to hate it.

Isn"t it fine? Let me at least stroke your head.

From then on, I had peaceful days.

Without encountering the prince, nor turmoils, too.

I had my final exams. While thinking that I didn"t want to stand out, I still couldn"t make my hand slip, even when I wanted to, and as a result, I dropped by 1 rank, becoming 3rd.

Hasumi was 1st, same as last time, while in 2nd place was the prince.

And in 4th place was Asuka"s name. Un, as expected from the future student council president.

Once the final exam was over, there was summer break.

I was waiting for you, summer vacation!

What shall I do, I wonder... so, when I was sorting my plans in my head my phone rang.

An email? I wonder who from?

After looking at the sender"s name and reading the mail, I decided on my first plan for summer break.

I replied, and immediately prepared to go out, then left home.

Aiming for the nearest station.


I restlessly looked around for the person I was searching for.

Detecting that person at the ticket gate point, I faced her and waved with my hand.

The other party seemed to have noticed me, as she widened her eyes for an instant, and approached me by running.


“Nao!” (Tn: Yes that"s me ༽΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵༼)

We hugged each other.

And then laughed while looking at one another.

“Rinka, long time no see! Did you specially come here?”

“Un, it"s been a while. I was just thinking about what to do. When I found out that Nao would return home, I couldn"t stand still and came.”

“As expected of Rinka. So active!”

“It hurts, I"m saying it hurts.”

I smiled bitterly at Nao, who was aloofly pinching my cheek.

She is my childhood friend, and best friend, Otsuki Nao.

Until middle school, we were in the same school but then she said that she wanted to become a nurse, and entered a school with a nurse department with a dormitory system.

At the golden week she didn’t return so it"s been like, 4 months since I last saw her.

“How have you been? How was the school? Difficult?”

“I"ve been well, I"ve been well. School was fun you know, so fun that I forgot to return for golden week.”

“Then that"s good.”

“More than me, how are you? What about your school?”

“I came here because I wanted Nao to listen to me! Nee Nao, listen here~.”

“Yes, yes, I"ll listen. But, let me put down my luggage first.”

“Un. Ah, I"ll carry them.”

“I cannot make an ojou-sama carry luggage. You are powerless, so don"t overdo it.”

“Yes, I"m sorry……”

Nao has an oneesan’s temperament. She is an only child, but has an oneesan temperament. It"s not an exaggeration to say that she is an oneesan, just as much as me, with her serene and firm character.

That"s how I end up acting spoiled with her unconsciously.

Nao lives in the apartment near my house.

Nao"s family is a common household, but Nao"s mother and mine are really close friends, they got pregnant almost at the same time and, ‘if the children to be born are a boy and a girl, let"s make them marry in the future,’ was what they said, showing how much they got along.

With the influence of such mothers, we a.s.sociated with each other as though we were family.

I intruded at Nao"s home.

Nao"s mother came to greet me with a, ‘welcome Rinkchan,’ while smiling.

Since Nao moved to her school’s dormitory, her mother had been lonely but now that Nao returned, she looks happy. She smiles more than usual.

Looking at her mother"s state, I ended up being all smiley too.

We entered Nao"s room.

I put Nao"s luggage in a corner, when I absentmindedly stared at her the putting her luggage in order, Nao"s mother came in bringing tea and pastries.

We said thanks and received it instead of Nao that was still tidying up.

When it seemed like she had roughly finished sorting out things, looking at her room once again, she said, ‘as expected one own house is the best.’

And then drank the tea her mother brought.

“So? How is school, Rinka?”

“Un, in reality……”

I told Nao about what happened since the entrance ceremony.

Nao knows that I have the memories of my previous life. And that this world resembles the world of a shoujo manga I read.

Well at the beginning, as one would expect, she didn"t believe me, I explained times over and over, and now, knowing that the personage Tojo, from Sekakoi, truly existed, she finally believed me. Nao is a realist that looks at the facts. Different from a flower garden head, like me.

...........saying it myself makes me depressed.

“Hmmm…...I see…..”

“It"s been hard, you know…..!”

“Even so, you seem to have had fun, right?”


“Un. So, does Rinka like Hasumi?”

Taken aback, I almost spouted the tea I was drinking.

Recently, I feel like there are many times where I had almost spat out my tea, it mustn"t be just an impression.

“Wait are you okay?” Nao asked, while stroking the back of the choking me.

“Why is that!?”

Revived, I asked back.

Nao looked like me as if I was something interesting.

“Iya, I just, somehow felt that through the story?”

“Somehow you say…...that I feel that towards Hasumi-sama…….”

There"s no such thing, of course.

Actually, I would like Hasumi to make sweets again. If possible, cake this time.

I want him to become my patissier. Hasumi"s sweets are just to my tastes.

“Iya, I wonder if he can"t become my patissier, I do think this, but there is no romantic feeling attached.”

The relationship between Hasumi and I is on the level of knowing each other faces and being less than friends.

“Really? Well, if Rinka says so, then it must be like this, but…...I would like to meet them.”


“That Hasumi person, and Miku-sama. Ah, and then the prince if possible? I would like to meet them.”

“Tojo-sama, ne. I don’t know about Hasumi-sama but…..I think if it"s Miku-sama, then it"s possible. While I think it would be difficult about Tojo-sama.”

“Then, let me meet that Miku-sama first. Let"s make a girls party?”

“Girls party…..! Wonderful. I"ll go contact Miku-sama now!”

When I emailed Miku-sama, she replied with 2 messages.

In this fashion, we hurriedly planned a girls party.

I"m looking forward to this girls party.

Tn: Naoriel

Ed: Aeternatrix 

Nao"s lil corner~•̀.̫•́✧

Fuhehehe finally mah debut!!! 

Thinking about it, Hasumi would make a good wife don"t you think so too? xD

And Rinka would be one of those honest and impulsive husband that needs the wife to look after him~

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