The girl party was decided to be held at my house.

Intending to gather and recommend pastries to one another.

Our schedules didn"t match so the girls party ended up being set for the second half of summer break, even so we were able to hold it.

I was busy spreading a cloth on the table and decorating with flowers.

Ah, I should prepare the tea now.

Since the tea brewed by the servant is more delicious than mine, I asked him.

While I was noisily preparing, Nao arrived.

Is it already time?

Nao handed a big paper bag to the servant.

When I asked, ‘What did you bring?’ I was told, ‘It"s a secret.’ I wonder what she brought. Nao never failed at choosing pastries so I"m looking forward to it.

As soon as I guided Nao to the room of the tea party, Miku-sama also arrived. Miku-sama was empty handed.

Miku-sama looking sorry said,

“I"m sorry, it looks like the sweets I requested didn’t make it in time, they will arrive later.”

“My, is that so? I"m looking forward to Miku-sama’s sweets.”

“Yes. I can guarantee the taste. Look forward to it.”

While we were having such a conversation, I guided her to the room.

It"s the first meeting between Nao and Miku-sama. I must introduce then properly! I raised up my fighting spirit.

“Miku-san, this is my childhood friend Otsuki Nao.”

“Nice to meet you, I"m Otsuki Nao.”

“Nao, this is Minase Miku-san.”

“Nice to meet you, I"m called Minase Miku.”

Nao and Miku-sama shook hands.

Un, it went well. I"m glad.

Feeling relieved, I was about to sit on the chair to urge the two to do the same when my foot was caught in the chair and I was about to fall down.

I somehow managed to avoid that by seizing the back of the chair.

The two of them looked on surprised, perhaps my figure falling down but ultimately avoiding it was strange, because they laughed.

“Ahaha. Rinka you"re amusing…..!”

“Maa…..fufuh…...as expected of Rinksan.”

What does ‘as expected’ mean, Miku-sama?

Pouting a bit I glared at them.

And that seemed to be strange again, because the two of them laughed even more.

Mou, what"s this…..

From then on, they got along really well.

Mainly talking about me.

“Rinka is a bit? No, quite weird, right? Is she causing trouble?”

“That is Rinksan’s charm. So it"s okay.”

“If so, then it"s fine but…… even so, Minase-san is incredible to say that Rinka’s strange points are charming.”

“Fufu. I wonder, please, call me Miku.”

“Then I won"t hold back. Miku too, call me Nao, okay?”

“Sure, Nao.”

Wait you two, aren"t you forgetting about me?

Giving a side glance at the excited girls, lonely, I drank my tea.

I"m glad they are getting along…...i-it’s not like I"m lonely or anything, okay!?

When I was sulking a bit, the servant called me.

“Ojou-sama, is it fine to call you now?”

“Yes, what is it?”

“Minase-sama"s guest came.”

“Miku-san"s guest?”

I wonder who it is. Now that I think about it, Miku-sama said that her sweets would arrive later.

It might be that the sweets arrived.

I decided to cut in the excited duo"s conversation.

It"s not like I am hara.s.sing them because they left me behind, no it"s really not like this.

“I"m sorry to interrupt while you"re so engrossed in your conversation. It seems like Miku-san"s guest has arrived.”

“My. He finally arrived. I"m sorry, but could you bring that person here?”

“Here you said?”


“I understand. Then, I"ll do so.”

“Thank you.”

“Yes. I"ll bring one more chair.”

After saying that, I stood and asked the servant to lead me to the guest.

When I arrived at the room where the guest was waiting, I knocked and then entered the room.

“Excuse me.”

Lightly bowing my head, I looked at that person.

“Miku-san asked me to…...oh…..eh?”

I stopped in the middle of my speech.

Because, the person here is...

“Hasumi-sama……? Why are you here?”

“......I was asked to come, by Miku.”

“By Miku-san? For what?”

“I was told to bring the sweets, and come to the address she wrote on the paper, but it"s your home, right? I was surprised when I saw the nameplate.”

“My…..so it"s like this.”

Wait a moment. My thoughts can"t catch up.

In other words, Hasumi was asked by Miku-sama to deliver these sweets. Is this what happened?

“Eh, ehm…..It"s been a while, Hasumi-sama.”

“Aah, since the closing ceremony, right?”

“Did you go somewhere during summer break?”

“I followed my father and went to Europe.”

“My, Europe?”

“Ah. By the way, why do you need so many sweets? I was asked for quite an amount.”

“We are having a girls party right now. Ah, right. I was asked by Miku-sama to bring Hasumi-sama in. I"ll guide you, so, please, follow me.”

“Wa? Why I……”

“I wonder….. I was just asked by Miku-sama.”

Now, this way, I said, guiding him without letting him say yes or no.

What Miku-sama says is absolute to me.

When I tried carrying the box of pastries Hasumi held, he said, ‘I"ll carry it,’ and confiscated it.

There was also a paper bag, and as I tried to carry that, Hasumi confiscated that too.

It didn’t look like he would let me carry them, so I gave up and guided Hasumi.

When I returned to the room, like before, Nao and Miku-sama were chatting, looking to be having fun. I feel a bit jealous.

I cleared my throat in an exaggerated way.

I don"t care about the likes of Hasumi, who looked at me, shocked.

“Miku-sama, I brought your guest.”

“My. Thank you, Rinksan. And, good job, Sousuke. Thank you for making us so many sweets.”

Making us?

This means that…...

“These sweets, were all made by Hasumi-sama?”

“Ah, yeah, well….. Miku said that she wanted them no matter what.”

“Fufu. You"ve said this previously right, Rinksan? That you wanted to eat Sousuke"s cakes. That’s why, I asked him to make them, you know.”

“Hasumi-sama"s cake…..! That’s what that box is!?”

“Y-yeah…..That’s right.”

“Let"s eat it right this instant!”

I forcefully pulled Hasumi.

Without a care, I called the servant and asked him to cut the cake.

I"m grateful to Miku-sama for asking him to make cakes.

“Ahem…..sorry who might that person be?”

Timidly asked Nao.

Ah, this is the first time Nao’s meeting Hasumi.

“Yes. This is Miku-san"s childhood friend, Hasumi Sousuke-sama. Hasumi-sama, this is my childhood friend, Otsuki Nao.”

“It look like Rinka has always been in your care.”

“Well, I haven’t been looking after her though.”

What"s with that arrogance!? I"m the one that has been looking after you!

I have no recollection of being cared for by Hasumi! …..probably.

Nao and Miku-sama, don"t laugh and come deny it!

For the time being, I"ve received Hasumi"s bags.

And then asked the servant to plate the sweets.

Together with Nao"s sweets.

“First thing’s first, Hasumi-sama should sit too. I"ll serve you some tea.”

Hasumi looked like he wanted to refuse it, but I made him sit without letting him say a word of consent or refusal.

I mean, it"s natural serving tea to a guest, right?



Nao"s lil corner (*´∀`*)

Hasumi is trying to be gentlemanly??!!! 

While Rinka is so lovely and overbearing with him xD

And soon I"ll be able to taste Hasumi"s sweets muahahaha

If you like my work and want to express your appreciation, or to motivate me, gemme some coffee here!

Chapters in queue 5!

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