The day of the trip finally came!
I was teamed together with my friends.
I"m looking forward to the trip!

While in the bus my friends were noisily going kya kyaa, at the museum they were quietly frolicing.
Going on a trip with your friends is something that would make your excitement go up no matter the place.
When I was happily eating my bento in the museum"s courtyard with my friends, a familiar person entered my vision.
It appears that person is heading towards the botanical gardens alone.

Curious, I excused myself from my friends and chased after that person.
My sixth sense is telling me I will see a delicious scene!

The person I am pursuing is my beloved rival character, Minase Miku-sama.

She usually is accompanied by her friends, but this time she"s going alone to the botanical gardens.
This must be that, right? A rendezvous with the prince, right?
I absolutely can"t miss such an important event!
I wish happiness for both, no, for Miku-sama"s happiness as a member of her fan club.
By the way, Miku-sama’s ’Wishing Happiness’ fan club has only two members, Hasumi and I. We recruit new members at any time. Won"t you stealthily watch over the two of them with us too?

No, more importantly, there"s an event unfolding in front of me.
I entered the garden after Miku-sama, stealthily following her like the perfect stalker.
At the place we soon arrived at, the person I expected was waiting.

“Subaru! Sorry, did I keep you waiting?”

“No, I just arrived a while ago.”

Don"t mind it, said the prince whilst lightly stroking Miku-sama"s head.
Miku-sama smiled happily from that.
And I, stealthily watching them from the shade.
Ah, it"s such a blessed sight. I am only worried about whether I"ll have a nosebleed. Since the uniform is white, it would be conspicuous if stained.

Leaning over, the two of them were talking about something. While I was hidden behind the garden shrubs, grinning at the sight, a cold voice spoke.

“You, what are you doing?”

Taken aback, I looked over my shoulder and found Hasumi staring at me with chilly eyes.
The plants I am hiding behind aren’t that tall. They are just about my height.
Because Hasumi is tall, his head protrudes over the garden shrubs.
c.r.a.p. They"ll end up noticing me.

“Shh! Hide!”

I instantly pinned Hasumi down.
You again! It was at such a good part too! Don"t get in my way! Like that, with my wrath and all my strength included, I pushed him down.


“What"s wrong?”

“No, I feel like I saw Sousuke’s figure right now, but it seem like it was just my imagination. Shall we go look inside, Miku?”

“Oh, yes.”

Confirming they went inside, I breathe out with fuu.
That was a close call. I was almost found out.
Really, it seem like Hasumi has not enough self-awareness as a Miku-sama"s ‘Wishing Happiness’ fan club member.
If we were exposed, wouldn’t we have spoiled the long awaited date?
While feeling angry I looked down at Hasumi.

Nh? Look down? Hasumi is taller than me, why would I be looking down at him?

“.......hey, are you inviting me? Though, I don"t dislike it.”

Hasumi stared up at me.
Uoo, hot! Even though he is a man he has such s.e.x appeal!!”

Because I was in a rush I mounted on Hasumi in a horse riding position. It really looks like I am inviting him, right? I am not though!

My face paled and I got off from above Hasumi.
It would be bad if someone saw us like this.
Not only my reputation, but the reputation of the Kaguragi household would drop too.
c.r.a.p, what should I do?
My head turned white and couldn’t think of anything.
For the time being, I must apologize!

“S-sorry. It wasn’t on purpose…….I was just.”

“What are you doing, looking at Subaru and Miku"s state? You, since before you"ve been zealously looking at Subaru right?”

Hasumi emanated an aura of if you are going to get in their way, I won"t be merciful.
Wait a moment!
Who was zealously looking at who!?

“This is a misunderstanding! I wasn"t zealously looking at Tojo-sama!”

“Then why were you looking at the situation between them?”


What do I do, what do I answer, me!?
Well, whatever! Whatever happens will happen!

“I heard that Tojo-sama and Miku-sama were engaged and thinking that they really suit each other, admired them. Earlier I saw Miku-sama going here alone, I thought perhaps she"s going to meet with Tojo-sama, and followed her. I know that I shouldn’t have done it. But, I just couldn"t help being curious…… and then, when I saw the two of them looking so happy, my chest was filled with warmth……..”

It was as if they were sharing their happiness, and that made me tear up a bit.
There"s no lie. Everything is true.
Hasumi looked at such a me with suspicion.
Whoa. That"s rude! My feelings on wishing for Miku-sama"s happiness are genuine!

“.......didn’t you like Subaru?”

“Me, towards…..Tojo-sama? No way. I have never talked to him, and only know his name, I really don’t like him you know”


“Yes. I"m not lying.”

I looked straight at Hasumi’s face and nodded.
Please believe me. It’s impossible for me to like the prince in the future.

“I understand, I"ll believe you.”

“Thank you very much, Hasumi-sama………!”

Seems like he believed me. Thank G.o.d.
When I softly caressed my chest in relief, Hasumi looked at me with doubt.
What is it? Did I perhaps do something strange?

“By the way, how do you know our names?”

Haa? The h.e.l.l is this fellow saying now.

“In one way or another…….starting from Tojo-sama, Miku-sama and Hasumi-sama are famous you know? Tojo-sama was even the new student representative, there isn"t a day I don"t hear Tojo-sama and Hasumi-sama"s names.”

“I see…...so it’s like this. By the way, what’s your name?”

“My name, mh…..”

I don"t want to say it. However if I don"t say it he"ll get suspicious.
Since I finally got him to believe me with such pains, I cannot lose this trust. Trust is first!

“My name is Kaguragi Rinka.”

“Kaguragi…...right. I’ll remember it.”

He learned my name…...What"s this flag?

Right, this place is where the prince heard Rinka"s name. I was a little too excited and forgot there was such an event.
Actually, the prince did hear my name from Hasumi.

“The girl that slept during the entrance ceremony speech is you, right?”


He gouged up an old scar I was trying to forget.
My stiffened face seemed to affirm it because Hasumi laughed with a broad grin.

“It appears like I’ve seen a scene you don"t want to be known?”

“.......seems like it, right?”

I responded feeling like I"ve chewed 100 bitter bugs.

“If you don’t want a rumor to spread about then cooperate with me.”

“Cooperate you say?”

It seems like I unconsciously backed up slowly, my back touched the wall,
I wonder, what"s this feeling of being cornered.
Am I perhaps being threatened?

“So. I wish that the thing between Subaru and Miku will proceed well like this. That"s why, I would like your cooperation.”

You will, huh?

Smiled Hasumi as he drew near. It’s a real kabedon. Not the throbbing kind but threatening.

I’m seriously being threatened……s-scary.

Of course, my greatest desire is for the prince and Miku-sama to stay together. Rather, I do want to cooperate.

But, is it really ok to collaborate with Hasumi?

Will he keep my existence a secret from the prince?

“It"s fine for me but…...if I get suspiciously close to Tojo-sama, I fear Miku-sama will be distrusting and I will attract hostility from the people that admire Tojo-sama. So, if it’s just on the degree of secret cooperation, I will do it.”

“Of course, I don"t mind that. Well then, I"m counting on you.”

“Y-yes….ehm, please refrain from talking to me at school. There are a lot of people that admire Hasumi-sama too.”

“I understand. Let"s exchange phone numbers for now.”

You understand? If you really understand would you stop the kabedon please.
It’s scary.

I’m glad that there were no other people here.

“Ara, Rinksan, you’re late?”

“Err…...I was attacked by a dog, it was a little scary…...so I had a short rest before returning.”

“Oh my! Are you okay? Shall we return to the bus?”

“I"m fine. But, yeah, I will go ahead of you to the bus first and rest. You girls can continue to the botanical gardens without me, I"ll be fine by myself.”

“Is that so……?”

Saying I am fine, I sent my friends back to the botanical gardens, and I went back to the bus alone.
Right when I sat down, I felt fatigue descend upon me.
Why did this happen? Have I made some kind of mistake?

At that moment the pirorin sound of a mobile phone rang.

『On Monday we will have a strategy meeting. I"ll contact you later with more details, make sure you don’t forget.』

It was an e-mail from the black bellied b.a.s.t.a.r.d.
What of my plans? You"re not going to ask about my plans?

Really, why did this happen……?

Tn: Naoriel

Ed: Aeternatrix

Hmm I feel like all the protagonist of the novels I translate have a ninja ability somehow..... well, whaterver!



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