In the end, I couldn"t enjoy visiting the botanical gardens.
It’s Hasumi"s fault. I’m holding a grudge.
According to my friends, that visited the botanical gardens, it was really lovely. They happily told me that it was like going to a foreign country.
I wanted to curse Hasumi.

The outing was on Friday and the next day was for resting.
I decided to go out shopping with my little brother to distract myself.
My little brother, that was a year younger than me, is a cute child that looks like me.
Because I was an only child in my previous life, I always wanted a little brother or sister.
That"s why, when the memories of my previous self returned I felt like my little brother was really cute. He was cute even before I recalled them though.
Recently he has become rebellious but since that"s a phase everyone goes through, I called him cute without concerning over it. He felt I was annoying, but this doesn’t matter. Because I love my little brother. Calling me a bro-con isn’t an exaggeration.
Today too, even while continuing to complain, he still came shopping with me. He is really a cute little brother.

“Nee-san, where are we going today?”

“Right…...shall we go to the department stores?”

“This year, I"m a student preparing for exam though?”

“It will be alright, after all Yuto is better than everyone else. You’ll be fine even if you don’t study for a day.”

“.......is that so”

Said my brother whilst turning his face on the other side.
I must have a serious brother complex to think that even such an action is cute.

I took my little brother around and had fun tottering here and there to shop. And while saying ‘It can"t be helped’ in an amazed tone, my little brother took all the luggage my hands were full of. What a gentleman, as expected of my little brother!
And even when I was choosing clothes and muttering ‘I wonder which I should choose?’ he"ll casually advise me saying ‘Isn"t that one good?’
Your onee-chan knows. Knows that the casual way you said it is to hide your embarra.s.sment.

Completely satisfied, I"ve turned in a good mood.
I"ve bought all the things I wanted and had some sibling time after a while.
I shall thank my little brother for keeping me company. Let"s buy him anything he fancy with what my pocket money permit!
Thinking so, I peeked at my purse only to find out that I was broke.

I don"t receive a small amount of allowance. However because in my previous life I was just a common person, I can"t bring myself to spend a large amount of money and used only one quarter of the money I acc.u.mulated.
I don"t really buy things like clothes with my allowance, because my mother would frequently go buy them herself.
Such a me ended up ama.s.sing and acc.u.mulating allowance to use, so this resulted in distracting myself with shopping.
Seriously, I feel like I am gradually becoming richer and richer.

“I"m sorry, Yuto…..I thought of buying you something to thank you, but it seems like I"ve run out of money……”

“Haa. …...It"s fine if we go buy something next time.”

“Un, thank you”

When my little brother said ‘well, shall we return?’ I ended up seeing something I shouldn"t have.
Me, why did you notice it! No, or should I praise myself for noticing!?
My brother called out to me, suspicious of why I abruptly stiffened by looking in a certain direction.


“......sorry, Yuto. I, I seem to have forgot something. I"m going to get it.”

“Then I will come t…..”

“I"ll be fine by myself. Being full of luggage is burdensome right? Wait a moment I’ll be back soon.”

“Wa? Ah, nee-san!”

I didn’t concern myself over my brother"s call and escaped from that place with everything I"ve got.
And then hid behind a shelter in the blind spot of my little brother.
Stealthily watching the place where he was.

“......are? Isn"t that Yuto-kun?”

“Tojo-san, Hasumi-san…...long time no see”

“What did you do today? Perhaps, going shopping with your girlfriend?”

The person that was talking to my brother is the prince. Incidentally, there was that hateful Hasumi b.a.s.t.a.r.d too.
Seems like the prince, Hasumi and my little brother know each other. Well that"s to be expected.  As father"s heir, that child goes to things like parties frequently, unlike me.
Me? I didn"t like such ceremonious things since I was young, and seldom went to parties. Father is sweet on me.
In the manga too, Rinka first met the prince and Hasumi at school, and originally didn’t like parties.

“No, today I"m escorting aneue to shopping.”

“Onee-san? Aah, the onee-san you are so proud of?”

“Yes, that"s right”

Even though they said something quite embarra.s.sing to him, my little brother responded nonchalantly.
Is this a social life technique? Seem like a skill that I can"t comprehend.

“And where is that older sister of yours?”

“She appears to have forgotten something, and just went to pick it up. I think she"ll come right back.”

When Hasumi, that had been silent since the beginning, heard the word older sister, looking interested he asked a question.
Nh? Somehow I feel like Hasumi and my eyes met for an instant though, that is just my imagination, right? It must be my imagination for sure.

Seeing my brother getting involved with them, I stroked my chest. It was the correct decision to escape from that place early on.

If I had remained there, I would have encountered the prince. And that is something I have to absolutely avoid.

I"m really sorry for pushing the sons of the major financial companies to my brother, but this for studying society too. Do your best, my little brother. Onee-chan is cheering for you.

“It"s you again…..I did think that it may have been you but, you really were in such a place, right?”

I heard a clear and sarcastic voice behind me.
When I looked at my brother"s place again, I don"t know since when, but Hasumi"s figure had disappeared.
As expected, it wasn’t just my imagination that we met eyes? I"m dejected.
I forcibly put a smile on my stiffened face, and elegantly greeted him like a young lady.

“Gokigen"yo, Hasumi-sama. It"s such a coincidence to meet you here”

“It truly is. So, why were you hiding in such a place?”

“Maa, I"m not hiding, being under shelter like this calms me down. That’s why you don"t need to pay me any mind.”

Hohoho, and I smiled.
However, Hasumi suspicious eyes faced me.
I would never do something like avoiding you. I am absolutely not holding a grudge toward you for yesterday’s matter.


“You, are you really a proper young miss?”

“What do you mean?”

“Ordinary young misses if they have the chance to get close to Subaru then they will approach right? However, you avoid Subaru instead.“

Gikuri. How sharp is this fellow.
But, it"s not like I can tell him the reason as to why I"m avoiding the prince. It’s obvious that he would think that I"m someone that is funny in the head if I told him.

“I am avoiding Tojo-sama? Hasumi-sama is thinking to much into it”

“F~un…..are you going to feign ignorance?”

“What are you talking about? I don"t understand.”

“......I’ll let you off today. I can"t make Subaru wait for too long. Ah, our meeting on Monday, be sure to not forget.”

“I know.”

’Well then’, said Hasumi whilst lightly laughing, and going back towards my little brother"s direction, he took the prince and left.
What tragedy, to encounter him even on a holiday.
Even though I planned to relax by go shopping, this will make things the same as always, won’t it!

I returned to my brother with unsteady feet.

“Nee-san what had you been doing till…….nee-san?”


“Wait a moment nee-san…...don"t hug me in public…..”


“It"s not ‘un’ you know…….well it can"t be helped”

My little brother kindly patted my back with a pon pon.
Sorry, just let me replenish my heart for a bit okay?

Tn: Naoriel

Ed: Aeternatrix

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