The day after I met with Hasumi, I decided to obediently stay at home.
I don"t want to encounter the prince nor Hasumi again by imprudently going out.

But, it"s strange.
I"m sure there wasn’t a story where Rinka encountered the prince on her holiday in the manga.
There was a story about Rinka and her little brother going out shopping, but they didn’t come across the prince.

Is the development of the story changing? Is it the result of me continuing to avoid him?

“U-n…...I don"t understand……”

I won"t know even if I think about it.

When the prince, the hero, and I, the heroine, hadn"t met yet at this point, there is a gap in the manga.

So, I don"t know how it will develop but, in any case I just have to continue avoiding him.

For the time being, let"s review this week lessons and prepare for the next.
I"m someone that seriously reviews lessons. Because I"m diligent.
I faced the desk, and opened my notebook.

Monday is a depressing day.
You still have the feeling of holiday from the day before, so a Monday"s morning is particularly depressing.
And I am depressed in a way I was never before.
Depressed, ‘Shall I skip school?’ I seriously considered.
But I wasn’t able to skip because I am diligent. I hate seriousness.

Why am I this depressed? The reason is that today is the day I"ll have a meeting with Hasumi.
I become depressed by just recalling the conversation that unfolded the other day at the department store, and now I have to meet the person in question. This makes me want to skip school.
Haa, while sighing I arrived at school.

When I descended from the car and was in the midst of heading towards my cla.s.sroom, the surroundings become noisy, with everyone peeking over the windows.
I wonder what"s wrong.
Singling out a friend, I asked what was wrong.

“Good morning. What"s happening? Everyone is looking at the window.”

“Ah, good morning, Rinksan. Right now Tojo-sama came to school…..that, well, that isn’t different from usual but, today he came together with Miku-sama.”

“My, Tojo-sama came with Miku-sama?”

What!? Where’s the place that this event occurred!?
While pinning down the excitement I was feeling inside, I casually peeped over the window.
Just when I looked, the prince and Miku-sama were entering side by side the school building together.
I was enthralled by their well matched figures that looked to be from a picture.
Aah, fantastic. They are so fantastic that my depression went off somewhere.

And it look like it wasn"t so just for me, as I could hear ‘so dreamy’ and ‘they match each other so well’ here and there.
That"s right, that"s right.
I mean, they are the two I highly recommend you know!

Satisfied from looking at those two"s situation, I turned my eyes from them and going ahead I saw Hasumi.
Hasumi was looking at the two with his usual unchanging expression.
However, those eyes appeared to be shaking with complex emotions, and I somehow felt suffocating.
Hasumi diverted his eyes from them, and without noticing me turned his back and walked away.

Right, Hasumi likes Miku-sama.
But Miku-sama likes the prince.
For their sakes he pulled back, however as he also couldn’t give up, he suffered.
Without being able to consult with anyone, he was suffering.
Even though it’s tough, he can"t show it on the surface.

For me he is only a f.u.c.king black bellied b.a.s.t.a.r.d but, Hasumi is fundamentally a kind person.
Although he could tell Miku-sama about his feelings, but thinking that his feelings would only be a burden, and didn"t want to trouble the prince, he put a lid on his feelings.
Hasumi, is a strong person.

For him I am an outsider.
For this reason, I might be able to lighten his heart.
The thing he couldn"t tell anyone, he might be able to say it to someone without any relation, like me.

Honestly speaking, I"m not good at dealing with him, but I don"t hate him.
Let"s give him some support.
I might not be able to help him with anything, however, I can at least lend him a ear.

If you see a person suffering you should help him out.
As a person, it"s a matter of course, I think.

I headed to the designated place Hasumi told me.
Tightly gripping my cell phone, I checking signs one by one.
And I finally found a small tea house.
I felt relieved at the simple interior design.
I can"t see it as a place a rich young master would come to. I like it though.


The person that came to greet me was a gentle-looking oji-san.
Probably, the shopkeeper.
When the oji-san saw me, smiling he said ‘This way, please’ and guided me to my seat.
I was guided to the seats in the innermost part. The seat was hard to see from the entrance, while here you could see the entrance perfectly.
I smiled at the person that was sat before me, and did a greeting befitting of a young lady.

“Gokigen"yo, Hasumi-sama. Have I kept you waiting?”

“No. I haven’t waited much.”

Hasumi instructed me to sit with his eyes.
I obeyed and sat facing him.

I wonder if I can be of any help to him?

Tn: Naoriel

Ed: Aeternatrix 

Nao"s lil corner (^0^)/

Here to announce that Sunday will be the fixed day I post my weekly chapter! 

In cases I have spare chappy and I feel like posting, you might receive a surprise chap on a different day then Sunday!

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