My brother and I were invited to Miku-sama’s home.

As per custom, we came to Miku-sama’s house with a present chosen by our mother in our hands.

This time, it was her housekeeper that came to greet us.

We were guided by the servant to a room and told to sit.

There were only 2 chairs available. Huh? Miku-sama’s chair is missing.

My brother and I looked at each other.

I thought of asking the servant, but they had quickly left the room.

Left behind, we t.i.tled our heads, ton ton, we heard knocking on the door.

And the person that came was---------

“Welcome, welcome to the tea party.”

Miku-sama with a tea set in her hands.

If she just had the tea set, then it would’ve been fine. The problem is her clothes.

“Mi-miku-san……? What"s with these clothes?”

“Fufu. Does it suit me?”

What Miku-sama was wearing is the so called maid uniform.

A knee length ap.r.o.n dress with a white and black colour base, and a few ornaments. Victorian maid style. A white brim was precisely fixed on her hair.

If such a maid was in a maid cafè, I would go there everyday. Definitely go there,and then make her draw on my omurice, and if possible, take a photo with her.

“Neesan, come back to reality.”


No good. It seems like I had made a trip to the delusional world of angel-like maids. Miku-sama, what a frightening child you are.

“Today we will ・・entertain you with everything we have. So be at ease.”


What does she mean by, “we?”

When I was about to tilt my head, a knock sounded at the right time.

Our eyes naturally moved to the door.

“......pardon my intrusion.”

The person that said so, and entered, was Hasumi.

“Hhhha, su, mi…...sama……?”

“Are you serious…..”

At Hasumi"s appearance, my brother and I made a commotion.

Because, Hasumi was wearing a butler suit.

Moreover, the bangs that were usually down, were neatly combed back.

And then again, the butler uniform unbelievably suited him.

He really looked like a capable butler.

He had cool appearance. If he were to work in a maid cafè, I"m sure that people would line up, only Hasumi"s name would spread, and there"s no mistake that he would receive jealousy and envy from his co-workers.

However, what a thing. An angelic maid and a capable butler are gathered here. I see, this must be paradise.

When they are next to each other like this, they are a sight for sore eyes. I want to take a photo.

Thank you, person that gave birth to cosplay.

“Neesan…...I understand your feelings, but come back.”


It seems like the shock was too much and I went on a trip to the world of delusions again.

I"m glad I"m with my little brother. If it weren"t for him, I would remain in the world of delusions and never come back.

“You two…..why are you dressed like that?”

“To thank you a little.”

“Thank us?”

Have I done something to be thanked for by Miku-sama? If it was the other way around, then yes, but I have no memories of doing something deserving of thanks.

“You"re making a face that says you are clueless. You might not know, but we do. So, let us entertain you today, okay?”


“And me……?”

“Yuto, I heard that, you are giving your all to study for the entrance exam, from Rinksan. That"s why, I"d like you to relax and stay with us. Next year, you"ll become our kohai, don"t you think there"s no disadvantage to interacting with us now?”

“Well, indeed…. You"re right”

“Besides that, I wanted to see the little brother Rinksan is proud of.”



The two of us became shy.

Iya, it"s true but, I feel embarra.s.sed having the person himself hear it in front of me.

“Now, let"s begin our tea party.”

Miku-sama looking to be having fun, made tea.

Hasumi, imitating Miku-sama, brewed tea too.

Hasumi brewed my tea, while Miku-sama did my brother"s.

“Bon appet.i.t, master.”

When we were about to drink, we almost spat out the tea.

Miku-sama looked worriedly at us siblings, who were choking with a, gehogeho, while Hasumi, with his usual expressionless face, stroked our backs.


“What is it, ojou-sama?”

Miku-sama looked to be having fun. Usually, I would think that the most important thing is for Miku-sama to be happy, but today that is impossible.

“Where did you hear of such a thing?”

“I heard of this from my friends. It"s quite popular it seems.”

Who, who"s the fellow that gave Miku-sama needless knowledge? I"ll give that person divine punishment.

If she just were to serve us tea with a maid outfit, it would still be okay.

However, saying master is no good. It"s out. For my feelings.

Miku-sama is the person I admire. Only people within that world, would feel happy in being called master.

It"s impossible for me. And I don"t feel like stepping in that world.

“Miku-san…..would you please stop saying master……”

“Why? Did I do something weird…..”

It"s strange. Very strange. It"s not something good that Miku-sama should say.

Though, I can"t say this to the actually depressed Miku-sama.

“I wouldn"t say it"s weird…..but, I feel a sense of incompatibility…….my little brother stiffened from the shock…...so, for the peace of our minds, please don’t say master, besides that, everything is alright!”

“Really…..? What a pity……”

Even when looking regretful, she gave up. Thank G.o.d.

In the meantime, we stopped Miku-sama from saying master, Hasumi transported a small wagon.

Before anyone noticed. I didn"t notice Hasumi who wasn’t here. As expected from a capable butler.

“These are the cakes I personally selected. Ojou-sama, choose the ones you prefer without hesitation.”

This time, I was the one to freeze because of the polite tone I"m not accustomed to hearing from Hasumi.

Eh? Who is this person in front of me?

Eh? Hasumi? This is Hasumi? Are you serious?

Looking at the stiffened me, Hasumi sighed. Looking really dissatisfied.

However, the person that put a petrification spell on me is you, you know?

“My recommendation is this apple pie. Ojou-sama, if you don"t know what to choose, then please, have a taste of this.”

“Yes, then, then I’d like that……”

As I barely managed to respond to him, a sweet smile floated on his face. I’ve never ever seen him make this smile, but is this perhaps, his business smile?

You can be a butler to this point!?

Hasumi cut up a piece of apple pie and placed it on a plate, before putting it in front of me.

Every action looked elegant, like a real butler.

Truly, Hasumi really can do anything, I thought internally, as I put in my mouth, a mouthful of apple pie.


In spite of myself, I smiled.

The apple pie Hasumi recommended ranked 1st in deliciousness within all the ones I’ve eaten.

The texture of the pie was crispy and slightly bitter, the sweet and sour apple filling exquisitely complimented it, really delicious. If it"s like this, I"ll have the whole…...no, no, I can"t. This is someone else’s house. Not mine. That’s why I can"t eat the whole cake. I"ll be scolded for being improper by mother.

“I"m glad.”

Hasumi said with a relieved smile, while watching me eat the apple pie.

“This apple pie is very delicious. Which store sells it? I would love to eat it at home too.”


Hasumi hesitated, looking to be troubled.

What is it? It"s not like the usual Hasumi.

Seeing such a Hasumi, Miku-sama chuckled.

Hasumi lightly glared at Miku-sama, who was smiling.

Un, they sure get along. It must be good to get along so well.

“This…..that…...I was the one that made it...”

Hasumi finally opened his mouth and spouted such a shocking thing.

What..….Hasumi made this…....you say?

I inadvertently stared at Hasumi with an open mouth.

Without a moment’s delay, I received a, “close your mouth,” reprimand from the person in front of me, but I still didn’t do it.

I mean, would you believe that Hasumi was the one to make this apple pie? The answer is, of course not.

If it"s true, then he has the ability to make professionals ashamed. It"s on the level of being able to immediately open a pastry shop.

I didn’t pay mind to my brother that forcibly closed my mouth, and continued to stare at Hasumi. It"s a bit difficult to breath.

Hasumi looked to be feeling uncomfortable.

At the state of Hasumi, I exclaimed, “are you serious,” in my mind.

“All the things on this wagon were made by Sousuke, you know.”

Miku-sama said, seeming to still not have finished laughing.

Eh? This all was made by Hasumi?

My little brother, also surprised, looked at Hasumi. Because he was surprised, the hand that keep my mouth shut separated from me. Good, now I can breath through my mouth.

Without a moment"s delay, I asked Hasumi to give me a piece of each of the sweets on the wagon.

In the wagon were a variety of pastries, cookies, financiers, m.u.f.fins, pound cakes, and apple pies.

I’ll eat the sweets I still haven"t eaten before the apple pie.

.......Each and every one is delicious.

What to do, I feel like Hasumi has more girl power than me. He always has a handkerchief with him too.

What"s with this sense of defeat I"m feeling.

Tn: Naoriel

Ed: Aeternatrix

Nao"s lil corner

Rinka!!! You can"t let Hasumi beat you in femininity! >.

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