The fun girls party came to a close in no time. We weren"t able to finish all the sweets we brought, so I thought of giving them to my little brother, who was zealously studying for the entrance exam.

Once the girls party ended, the summer break pa.s.sed by in the blink of an eye.

I am sad that Nao had to go back to the dormitory on the last week of summer vacation, but she promised that once she has a break she"ll return, I saw her off while weeping.

When the second semester began after half a month pa.s.sed, I got summoned by the teacher.

Well, I more or less can imagine the reason for the call.

“Kaguragi-san, how about entering the student council?”

“The student council?”

Ah, as I thought.

In Sekakoi, Rinka was invited to the student council in her first year. My grades are excellent and my daily conduct is favourable too.

I can understand why there would be a suggestion to make me enter the student council. However, if possible, I don"t want to stand out. If I enter the student council, won"t I be conspicuous?

When I was about to refuse, the teacher clung to me in tears.

“I beg you, Kaguragi-san! There"s no one other than you that looks like they"d join the student council… “

“Sensei…..ehm, I"m truly sorry, but I…..”

“Isn"t it fine if you join?”

Sensei and I turned to look at the person that entered our conversation.

Over there was a tall figure that stood firm, looking like a sports man. A wild type of ikemen. More than well-arranged features, you"d say that he looks manly.

I recognize this person.

“Enter the student council, Rinka. It"s fun you know?”


“Are, Kaguragi-san, are you acquaintances with Sagami-kun?”

“Y-yes…...Asahi-san is my cousin.”

“Is that so. Then isn"t it fine? Sagami-kun will be the student council president next term, you know. You"ll feel rea.s.sured in having your cousin there, right? So enter the student council. Neh?”

Neh? You say, I wouldn"t think of anything of that if it was an oji-san with some years on him. But, in this case, I feel disgusted instead.

Seeing me troubled, Asahi-san grinned. Ah, no good. When this person makes this expression, there"s no way to make him my ally.

“Even when I am here, why are you hesitating on entering the student council, Rinka?”

“Eh, iya…...it"s a responsibility too heavy for me…..”

“You, you"re not really the type of person to think like this, right? It"s an order from your onii-sama. Rinka, join the student council.”


I"m poor at handling this cousin.

Since long ago, I haven"t able to go against this “I’m going my way” oresama cousin.

With the expectant look of Sensei, and the pressure from my cousin, I ended up losing and nodding my head.

Well, I lost…...aah, my peaceful school life…..

When I dropped my shoulders, crestfallen, my cousin put a hand on my shoulder and said. whilst smiling sweetly.

“Best regards from now on, Rinka? It looks like it will be fun.”

It doesn"t look fun, not one bit.

Other than feebly glaring at my cousin I couldn"t do anything else.

My forced entering into the student council was decided; however, it was still not the time to inherit the position, and the culture festival was nearing, so I was told that it"s okay to not get involved with the student council.

Good, I won"t have to deal with that cousin for a while. I don"t know how much that ‘a while’ is, but I shall go enjoy my peaceful school life while I"m still not being abused by my cousin.

Even though I thought so

“Rinka, come with me for a bit.”

Why are you here-!!

Till now you haven"t been bothering me, so why did you decide to get in contact now!?

“I don"t want to.”


I won"t be defeated even under threat…….!

Me, don"t lose. For the sake of pa.s.sing tranquil days!

“I too have things to do……”

“So strange, I called aunt for confirmation and she said that you don"t have any particular plans?”

What are you leaking my information you mother--! Even though you know that I am poor at handling this cousin!

Is this hara.s.sment!? Do you want to hara.s.s me!?

“Come on, Yuto is waiting, hurry up and come.”

In the end aren"t you ignoring my plans! This oresama!

However, as my little brother was taken hostage, I obediently followed.

I unwillingly bid goodbye to my tranquil days.

The man Sagami Asahi, is actually a character in Sekakoi.

The Rinka in Sekakoi adored him as an older brother. This cousin had big influence on as to why Rinka decided to enter the student council.

The him in Sekakoi was like everyone’s big brother, with the setting of being dearly adored by the guy students. That"s why, when I first read Sekakoi my reaction was, ‘I want a big brother like him~!’ Or so I thought but, the actual person somehow differed from the manga.

The first difference would be the oresama part. No matter what, I am the best. I push through my way. There was no such depiction in the manga. The image of my ideal big brother crumbled down.

Even if he is such an oresama, Asahi-san’s image is big.

He"ll place trust in a person he has recognized, and if you need help, he"ll come to protect you. A really reliable person.

So, even though I am not good at handling him, I can"t come to hate him. Asahi-san is really a people person.

My little brother greatly admires such an Asahi-san. Probably more than me. The cause of me being no good to him might be because I fear I"ll have my little brother taken away.

Even now I fear so.

“Asahi-san! Long time no see!!”

“Oh, Yuto. It"s been a while. Have you grown a bit taller?”

“You can tell?”

“I can, I can. Since I need to look slightly higher now.”

Asahi-san said whilst disheveling my little brother"s hair with his stroking. My little brother looked happy having Asahi-san caress his head. Even though he hated it when I did it.

It"s not like I am sulking, nor am I jealous, nor do I feel bitter either. It"s okay, this won"t change the fact that I am Yuto"s older sister. Something like tears, those aren"t pouring out from my eyes.


Looking at the childish expression my brother was showing while talking to Asahi-san, I thought once again.

As expected, I feel no good toward Asahi-san.

Having a more sibling like relationship with my little brother than me, unforgivable.

“Neesan? What are you pouting for?”


“Rinka really loves Yuto. You, since childhood, would sulk when Yuto and I were talking.”

“There"s no such thing.”

My little brother and Asahi-san smiled wryly at me, who angrily turned my face the other way.

And then they both came over to stroke my head

“Gyah. W-wait you two, stop it….! My hair will become messy!”

“Aah, Rinka is truly cute. The phrase, “cute like an idiot child,” was made just for you.”

“Un, neesan is cute.”

“T-that"s why I"m saying…...stop it!”

You two might have intended to praise me, but that isn"t a praise, you know!

Even so, the humor of the simpleton me was restored.

Iya, I"m really a simpleton…..

I totally fell for Asahi-san and my little brother’s trick.

Tn: Naoriel

Ed: Aeternatrix 

Nao"s lil corner 

Aaand here! We have a new character! An oresama type too! Ah, well for those that still don"t know what an oresama is, it just means an overbearing type of guy that always use "ore" instead of "boku" (that means "I" ).

Just to inform you, Yuto and Hasumi both use "ore". They are so arrogant and cheeky right! They might be regarded as oresama too then?!! 

And I kind of understand Rinka....the power of an older brother/ sister isn"t to underestimate! They have that scary aura..... *trembles* 

 Chapters in queue 4

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