Inch of Radiance

Chapter 1 – Heavenly Net

Book 1 Chapter 1 – Heavenly Net

September 18, 2013 [22:15] – An evening in the Shanghai suburbs.

Shanghai attracts many people during its evenings, and like a beauty shrouded in mystery, it makes you want to come closer, to expose and remove her mysterious veil! However currently, the scene takes place within the outskirts of the city, which was a lot more peaceful than the central parts.

A white figure glided above the sidewalk. He was a young man around twenty years old, and he had an appearance that could be considered rather handsome. His long hair, which lazily fluttered about at his shoulders, slightly deviated from the current fashion styles. However to girls, he was indescribably attractive. His most distinguishing features were his bright and clear eyes; eyes that seemed to reflect the heavenly stars.

A beautiful girl wearing a red vest distractedly stared at the youth that just walked past her, and couldn’t help but feel attracted to him.

The youth glanced at the girl, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curve into a helpless smile. “It seems like entering the ‘Three Great Heavenly Realms’ first level — ‘Joyous Spirit Boundary’ is not an easy task! However…” The youth’s face actually revealed a small grin, and revealed the attractive right hand hidden within his pocket. In the middle of the night, his right hand surprisingly revealed a faint and bizarre circulating radiance. A string of ice-cold blade energy flashed through his fingers…

The ‘Three Great Heavenly Realms’ was actually an ancient secret that his father, whom he had never met in person, left for him. Inside, there were no internal practice formulas, and only contained a mystical Flying Dagger technique. The Flying Dagger techniques were only basic skills, as the main purpose was to cultivate the mind. Only after the Flying Dagger technique had been completely grasped and your mind refined would you be able to attain the first level.

The ‘Three Great Heavenly Realms’ first level was precisely this ‘Joyous Spirit Boundary’, the realm that this youth had just attained recently! Written at the end of this book of secrets was the author’s name — Li Xun Huan.

TL: Li Xunhuan is a well-known Wuxia character that utilizes Flying Daggers.

The youth only knew that there existed a martial arts master in ancient history named Li Xunhuan; he did not know much else about him. This man managed to cultivate to a formidable level with the Flying Dagger all within 100 years. Using the Flying Dagger, he could take off into the clear skies! This ‘Three Great Heavenly Realms’ was actually Li Xunhuan’s most fundamental secret refining technique…

While walking, the youth arrived outside of a villa.

It was a type of villa commonly seen within this area. This part of the suburbs was rather serene and peaceful. Although the amount of these luxurious manors did not exceed a thousand, it certainly still surpa.s.sed eight hundred. The youth casually took out a set of keys, unlocked the door, and directly walked into the villa interior.

At this time, several girls who strode past this area saw this handsome youth. Amongst them, a girl in pink clothes said without blinking, “Wow, so handsome… This villa must have exceeded ten million! I’ve decided, this is the type of man I want to be with in the future!”

However, they also knew that this could only happen within their dreams. After all, there were countless girls who dressed themselves up for the sake of catching a wealthy husband. They were all hoping for the day where they could be like Cinderella.

In a place like Shanghai, the amount of people owning villas weren’t few, however, the cost of these luxurious villas still ranged from a few million to more than ten million. By owning a place like this, they could still be considered wealthy and respectable. From a different perspective, this villa represented the youth’s wealth and status.

Walking into the villa, it did not appear to be different from the neighboring ones at all. On the outside, it really looked like any other luxurious mansion. Upon entering the grounds, the youth headed straight for the restroom.

Within the restroom, the youth revealed a card and directly inserted it into a secret slot behind the mirror. The hidden slot suddenly emitted a red-colored beam of light. The youth stepped forwards, letting the red beam rest on his eyes.

“Iris ident.i.ty confirmed! Welcome, young master Li Yang!” sounded an electronic voice. The bathtub immediately rose two meters, exposing a hidden pa.s.sage.

This youth was indeed Li Yang.

Li Yang, male, 24 years of age. Two years ago, he had been specifically chosen among the elite group ‘Dragon Fang’ to enter the country’s ‘Security Bureau 9th Division’! This was also the first time in history that the ‘Security Bureau 9th Division’ directly recruited a member from the military. The most important reason for this was that Li Yang was in possession of the never missing Flying Dagger technique!

Li Yang looked at the path in front of him and helplessly laughed. “They couldn’t even choose a decent location… they just had to choose the bathroom. I wonder which ‘intelligent’ fellow made that decision.” His figure spread out, and like a goose feather, he floated down the bathtub’s pa.s.sage.

The entrance was actually an elevator. Along with Li Yang, the elevator rapidly descended straight down. To a normal person, even if they could handle the psychological pressure of falling down at such a high speed, they still wouldn’t be able to bear the physical pressure on the body.

Li Yang’s expression, however, did not change. In fact, he had his usual tranquil expression, and a slight smile turning up the corners of his lips.

Ding! The elevator door opened with a clear sound, and Li Yang walked out of the elevator.

This secret base of operations was located about 50 meters below ground level. The villa was part of Li Yang’s living accommodations, as well as one of the ten villas among the thousand in that area that were connected to the secret base. This was currently the living quarters of the Shanghai ‘Security Bureau 9th Division’ members.

As soon as one entered the area, any ordinary person would be attracted to the various elaborate decorations on the ceiling. The entire upper portion of the training area was modeled after a heavenly star-filled sky. It was built on an advanced illusion technology, giving the room the wonderful sense of floating through s.p.a.ce.

Those bright and twinkling stars hanging above emulated every aspect of the ‘Heavenly Sky’, giving it a realistic quality.

This base was indeed the ‘Security Bureau 9th Division’ Shanghai branch — Heavenly Net.

Just when Li Yang was about 50 meters away, a man laughed in his direction. “Li Yang you brat, you finally came. I just got tested, and I just broke through from the 200 crystals to 300 crystals stage. Haha….Li Yang, don’t you envy me!”


With the quick flash of a knife, the male was shocked motionless. He slowly rubbed his lower body, suddenly crying out in grief, “Li Yang, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you really dare to do such a thing. So close…a bit closer and I, Tian Lin, would have lost my precious life because of you! You’re really going too far, way too far…”

Li Yang did not mind pay much attention to his complaining. He laughed and replied: “Look at you being arrogant; even though my strength is still only that of around 80 crystals, you should know that with a Flying Dagger in my hand, defeating a brat like you is no problem. Alright, I’m not going to chat with you anymore. I need to go practice!”

Tian Lin also laughed. All the members of Shanghai’s base of operations ‘Security Bureau 9th Division’ had nothing but admiration towards Li Yang. This was because Li Yang was one of select few that had actually been specifically selected from outside of the group, while Tian Lin and the others had been specially trained since they were young.

“That blockhead Hei Yan is still in the training area. Yan Jie is in the base of operations, but she is undeniably in the testing area. The five brothers of the Tan family are also testing their own strengths right now. Whatever, I’ve already trained for six hours today so I’ll leave first. Haha….the wonderful nightlife is awaiting me. Hehe, why am I saying this to a n.o.bleman like you…humph…” Tian Lian snorted, and left.

Li Yang laughed bitterly, shook his head, and took out a cell phone. The cell phone’s wallpaper background was that of a beautiful girl. Looking at it, Li Yang smiled. A hint of sadness flashed deep within his gaze, but it disappeared quickly. Li Yang entered his personal changing room and changed into a set of training clothes. He lightly kissed his cellphone and placed it in the cabinet.

“Xue, wait for me!” Li Yang muttered to himself. He fiercely shook his head, and a brilliant smile returned to his face as he entered the training area.

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